Milo Yiannopoulos gets $250k book deal. SJW's have meltdown.

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Milo has been a stand out far before the bleach blonde hair and absurd antics. However, now it's trendy to speak out against SJWs and PC culture, so of course he feels he has to up the ante. I wish he'd drop the gimmicks and let his message speak for him... The problem is, his message has been recycled by himself and countless others for the last year and it's becoming less controversial and more socially accepted. Hence why he dresses in drag, or goes on about fucking black dudes, or generally makes a mockery out of himself.

Again, I have no problem with Milo's message. I just can't stand how he carries himself. His personality traits show a blatant narcissist and this is something that's occurred because of wealth and exposure.

If you watch videos from years prior you'll see what I mean. No ritzy dyed hair, no emphasis on selling moronic shirts and books, no loony behavior. Just a message.

It happens to many, so I can't fault him, but after countless posts with designer clothes, wads of cash, and fanciful vacations I am under the impression that he's merely repeating what he's been saying for ages to get a shekel or two.

I'm not sure it's trendy, I just think the tide is turning against the whole SJW/PC thing because it all became so ridiculous that people just got sick of it.

He never used to dye his hair but he was honing his craft back then.
He still had the same tone of delivery, just not quite as scathing and catty. Playing things up a bit simply got him more attention and got his message out there to many more people.
Seeing him destroy angry feminists on the BBC was a joy to behold.
A term-coined by a White Supremacist


White Supremacist Sympathizer as noted.
How you haven't been banned from this sight is fucking beyond me.

I was a Bernie supporter you fucking IDIOT. I ALSO VOTED FOR BARACK IN HIS FIRST TERM. My brother is fucking Chinese. My step brother is Thai. My nephew is Haitian. Eat a mother fucking dick you piece of shit.

This is why the left got embarrassed in this election. BECAUSE IDIOTS LIKE YOU KEEP ALIENATING YOUR OWN BASE AND DRIVING VOTERS AWAY.

So by all means fuck face, keep calling people racists and white supremacist and guarantee trump a second term.

And yes, I'm triggered , because I have a very large mixed family and calling me a racist is deeply fucking offensive. You need to fucking watch how casually youre throwing that term around.
And yes, I'm triggered , because I have a very large mixed family and calling me a racist is deeply fucking offensive. You need to fucking watch how casually youre throwing that term around.

That's the problem right there.
People throw those terms around so freely that it essentially ends up applying to anyone who disagrees with them and it loses all meaning.
If you have any view on immigration which isn't "let as many in as possible!!" - then they will call you a racist.
Like some things Trump has said - they will call you a racist.
Say anything negative about the most dangerous religion on Earth, Islam - they will call you a racist.

And it's generally white people who are doing this.
I don't know if it's a misplaced guilt thing or if they are actually racist themselves and want to fit in by patronizingly pandering to other races/religions.

My copy just arrived....

This is becoming such an incredibly weak non-argument.

We get it, people are SO annoyed that Milo has this book deal that they're desperately clambering around to discredit it in some way.

First it's that $250k isn't a lot of money (????!) and secondly they've created something IN THEIR HEADS that Milo wanted to call the book 'Dangerous :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:' (no evidence that he did, again, it's in their heads) but decided not to because he's a 'sell out'.
If we were in 2004, sell out was a term that was actually still being used, it's almost 2017 now!

The clear fact is that the book deal wouldn't have been done and shops would not have stocked it if it included :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: in the title.
It's not a hard concept to understand.
I get it, but he bitched out. And yes, $250k is not a lot of money. Bill O'Reilly for example is estimated to have made over $20 million in royalties from his books. How much do you think Ann Coulter makes? Or Hannity? In that field (book deals for political topics) $250k is laughable. Hopefully he signed a deal to get royalties.

And to address your other post, yes, $250k is not a lot to me either but that wasn't the point.
Why are people pissed about this ? Plenty of terrible people get book deals. OJ Simpson got a deal for his book If I Did it
Ahh a typical SJW tactic, now you are resorting to personal abuse based on no evidence whatsoever!

And again, sadly, you've made this up in your head. You do realize that don't you? That all your arguments are coming from something you've created in your head?
You're completely losing your shit defending your weird lord.
I see this degenerate as the lesser of two evils. I'll take the "dangerous :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:" over the self-hating whites advocating genocide and the fall of western civilization.
For those of you out scoffing at $250k - that was just the up front payment.
Most of the haters would kill their mother for 250k. But this is sherdog, where they make 250k a year, and bang 10's by the dozen, all while posting on here all day, everyday...
Most of the haters would kill their mother for 250k. But this is sherdog, where they make 250k a year, and bang 10's by the dozen, all while posting on here all day, everyday...
More like $25K and Boise dimes for these 4XL wearing goofs.
I know sherdog has a bunch of alt-right fanboys...didn't know there's loads of salty cucks in here as well....
I get it, but he bitched out. And yes, $250k is not a lot of money. Bill O'Reilly for example is estimated to have made over $20 million in royalties from his books. How much do you think Ann Coulter makes? Or Hannity? In that field (book deals for political topics) $250k is laughable. Hopefully he signed a deal to get royalties.

And to address your other post, yes, $250k is not a lot to me either but that wasn't the point.

$250k isn't a lot to you???
You're completely losing your shit defending your weird lord.

No I've remained calm throughout.
You've repeated the same tired and discredited argument, trying desperately to mask your anger.
We're all finding it funny, so keep going!

What is the Alt Right?

The Alt-Right, unlike the dominant ideology of the 20th Century (Liberalism/Conservatism), examines the world through a lens of realism. Rather than continue to look at the world through the ideological blinders that Liberalism imposes in its dogmatic evangelism of the Equalitarianreligion, we prefer to look & examine social relations & demographics from a perspective of what's real. Thus, racial & sexual realism is a key component of the Alt-Right - perhaps the key component that ties the diverse factions within it together.

Another core principle of the Alt-Right is Identitarianism. Identitarianism is the prioritization of social identity, regardless of political persuasion. Thus, the Alt-Right promotes White Identity and White Nationalism.

As a counter-culture, we've developed a plethora of in-jokes & terminology. For a guide to the lexicon, please refer to the TRS Lexicon guide or to Social Matter's NRx Compendium of concepts & terms.

Most of the haters would kill their mother for 250k. But this is sherdog, where they make 250k a year, and bang 10's by the dozen, all while posting on here all day, everyday...

@kpt018 being the prime example.
Apparently $250k "isn't a lot" to him.

Someone who has over 13,000 posts on here since the end of 2011.
I mean that's the sure sign of someone who has ever seen anything close to that kind of money isn't it!
@kpt018 being the prime example.
Apparently $250k "isn't a lot" to him.

Someone who has over 13,000 posts on here since the end of 2011.
I mean that's the sure sign of someone who has ever seen anything close to that kind of money isn't it!
Not singling any one person out, but it's always funny to see how many people make comments like that. Considering how many people complain on here about the haves and have nots, statistically this place is probably filled with poor scrubs lol. Though im certainly not one of them.
As if on cue, Milo makes this statement to sum up a few people in this thread perfectly......

"Top tip for the media: the thing about actual white nationalists is that they are perfectly happy to tell you they are white nationalists. Ask them!
They will say, "Yes, I am a white nationalist."
But when you waste that term, and "white supremacist," and "anti-semite," on people like me, who obviously aren't any of those things, you leave yourself with nothing to call the actual bad guys.
And you destroy trust and credibility with your readers.
You didn't learn that during the election, you didn't learn it when you tried and failed to get Steve Bannon fired, and, it seems, you're not going to learn it with me.
Fine. I'm comfortable benefiting from your stupidity.
But just so you know, this is why you lost the election."
- Milo Yiannopoulos
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