Kyle Keough's New Powerlifting Log

Have you thought of pushing your knees out when squatting or does your current style suit you better?

I have made a lot of changes over the years and this really has felt the best. Why do you mention that?
SSB Paused Squats
350 for five sets of six

Just a nice, easy session, since last week I pushed exertion pretty hard and I need to take my foot off the gas for the next couple of weeks. I will treat this almost like a switching phase before I head into the final six weeks of training.

I have made a lot of changes over the years and this really has felt the best. Why do you mention that?

Just merely a thought. I used to squat similar to you but when you're tall with long femurs, reaching depth will always be an issue.

You're a strong dude regardless
So, Keo has a new log, huh?

Just merely a thought. I used to squat similar to you but when you're tall with long femurs, reaching depth will always be an issue.

You're a strong dude regardless

I've moved my feet further out and force my knees out more, but yes, you're right, it would be easier if I forced them out more. A big part of the problem right now is getting accustomed to squatting in wraps and dealing with how that has changed my mechanics. I will mess around with it some--thanks for the tip.
Paused Bench
225 for five sets of fifteen

This day I just redistributed my target NBL (75) over five sets to make for a nice, easy session. This for me is sub-threshold training; I can do this without my tendonitis flaring up, so I have been loading up on a lot of this lighter volume while selectively working back into higher intensities. This is a new approach, since I really limped into the last meet, and I am hoping it yields better results for me. Benching 225 over and over and over again is boring, but at least I am training it. Each week, I adjust the weekly NBL up, so that's where the progression is built in.

Paused Yoke Bar Squats

Nice easy day, but my back is TIGHT and my left quad was yelling at me, so this lighter work is really necessary for me. My quad doesn't love the Yoke, but my biceps do, and I can at least squat fine with this quad strain. I will go back to twice-weekly straight bar work after next week, but right now I am just resetting my tendonitis to a manageable level BEFORE it gets too worse!

I'm interested in the way you get your volume work in for bench, just spamming volume @ about 55% intensity. I have shoulder impingement issues that are worse at higher intensities, I may experiment with something similar when I start my next training cycle.
I'm interested in the way you get your volume work in for bench, just spamming volume @ about 55% intensity. I have shoulder impingement issues that are worse at higher intensities, I may experiment with something similar when I start my next training cycle.

My idea is just to find a safe point for sub-threshold training, and linearly progress volume as I go. Doing a lot of higher-intensity work is a no-go for me, so I need to be a bit creative. The good news is, benches usually love light volume.
Wrapped Squats

Best overall set of the training cycle. There is still SO MUCH to work on, but week by week, I'm improving. Next week I deload.


Next week I'm on deload. Here is the plan for the following six weeks.
Paused Deadlift

Yay, I get to go on deload week. I have had a few aches and I am just going to play it nice and safe and give myself a week off. Decent single. Technically a 20-lb. PR from last prep, but the pause was longer here and I used kilo plates, which are harder to break off the ground.


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