Should you hit a woman if she throws the first punch?

The answer is no. You should never hit a woman. A simple bear hug submission is all that is required. The physical/biological differences between the sexes ultimately create a dangerous disparity. This is not a case of "muh equality". This is equivalent to hitting a baby. You do not hit a baby because they are physically inferior and vulnerable first and foremost. Sure, they are cognitively unaware, but I've socked a few retards that came swinging at me. WWE No Mercy 2007.

Is not that I dont know you are talking about striking women . but the funny thing is that can be considered violence, especially if you leave marks from grabbing her.

A friend of mine claimed she was hit by his boyfriend, in the end it was basically just him bearghugging her and controling her from attacking, but she still considered that unnecesary force.
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Caution though. Protect thy nuts when using submission maneuvers to control her. Women thou have no honor and will fight dirty.
is this motherfucker talking to himself?

I never get tired of that video. And to be honest, there is merit to what he is saying. Women are incapable of gracefully losing an argument. They're basically retards with tits. But the problem is like that of the death penalty. I don't trust men to judge how much force is enough or when to use it, and I don't trust people to send the right people to death.
I'd never hit a woman if she she punched me, not right.

I'd rape her though.


... Kinky!
And all the people saying never have probably never had a woman legit try to kill them before. I've been slapped several times, always for no reason, and didn't respond back with violence. You come at me throwing haymakers or armed with a weapon and you're eating a 1-2.

Chivalry is cool and all but I'm not letting a psychopath tee off on me, male or female.
I never get tired of that video. And to be honest, there is merit to what he is saying. Women are incapable of gracefully losing an argument. They're basically retards with tits. But the problem is like that of the death penalty. I don't trust men to judge how much force is enough or when to use it, and I don't trust people to send the right people to death.

I can agree with this dude. Good assessment

You give em that last word and its not good enough and they want to say it again......

To keep it fair so we dont get accused of sexism im sure theres some dudes out there also deserving of a good smack

Maybe wed have a lower divorce rate if husbands and wives were allowed to smack each other from time to time
I wish I could jsut hit a woman if she bad mouth me just once. Woman want to be equal now, so I dont see the problem. It isnt legal to punch a man either, but he probably want whine to the cops about it.
And some women act like they have a magic force field, so they can say or do whatever they want. If some crazy bitch is screaming and clawing and slapping at a guy I personally wouldn't hit her, but if she got clocked I'd feel no remorse. Thinking you have a blank check to assault someone whenever you like and they can't retaliate is stupid, and needs to be corrected.
"I'll punch you in the boyfriend" works great. Unless she doesn't have one, or you're that poor sap.