man lynched by govt officials for objecting to them taking pictures of women defecating in public

I'm more surprised that people here are surprised that Indians poop in the open.

1/3 of Indians don't use toilets (that's 500 million), they have more cell phones than toilets in the country. They have designated shitting streets but also poop wherever

Their beaches are also considered fair game, where anywhere on the sand, you can just shit right there and it's considered normal

Westerners try to build toilets for them, but they make them into shrines and worship them, then poop in the open anyways

Well, cross a visit to India off of my to do list.
I have a hard time believing that . It problebly more of an poverty issue

A survey conducted by the Research Institute for Compassionate Economics Sanitation Quality, Use, Access and Trends shows that out of interviewed 22,000 people in five Indian states, 40 percent of households with a working latrine have at least one member who still defecate in the open.

We’ve made public toilets but people still don’t use them,” said Anil Prajapati, chairman of the Gujarat Sanitation Development Organisation. Some of these people fear that there are witches inside or that their children will be kidnapped.These people have come from small villages, and so they are not used to the practice.

The toilets have witches and will kidnap your children.
Man the replies in this thread is really cracking me up.. this is why I love Sherdog..
India is a joke of a country, I hate it.

Their filthy habits (see thread), the mass poverty & over population, their raping, their call centers trying to scam people, their horrible accent...

They are also a bunch of unfortunate looking people.
And I thought the brits civilized them.
The wife and I were talking about the weird dichotomy of india the other day. There are aspects of India that are absolutely fascinating, but others that are simply sub-human. Advanced in some ways, stone age in others. Their adherence to the caste system (up until recently) makes if virtually impossible for any type of social or economic development for some of their people.
I've actually been to India and I've never seen this (aww shucks, amirite). We did stop by their version of a highway rest stop once - I was repelled by the stench. My buddy went in, but didn't emerge the same man. Changed he was.
I've actually been to India and I've never seen this (aww shucks, amirite). We did stop by their version of a highway rest stop once - I was repelled by the stench. My buddy went in, but didn't emerge the same man. Changed he was.

Toilet witch got him.
I've actually been to India and I've never seen this (aww shucks, amirite). We did stop by their version of a highway rest stop once - I was repelled by the stench. My buddy went in, but didn't emerge the same man. Changed he was.
Your friend desecrated a temple rest stop. Cursed.
I still hold the right to believe that all cultures are the same and that we shouldn't pose our morality on others or influence cultures in any way. This is a perfect opportunity for virtue signaling maniacs. Come join.
I once saw a fresh off the boat Indian girl take a giant dump in front of a bunch of people in public here in Canada.

That was like 30 years ago and I still think about it every once in a while.

Do you get a bulge? :)
Do you get a bulge? :)

Hey Ghandj
So why Ghandi did not fixed this particular problem in India? He doew not believe in Toilets?

Did you really use the Dhalsim Avatar to mock Ghandi since he is from India too or you just happen to choose that AV?
It's too strong in their culture, some even bring their shitting habits to Britain

Chef prepared curry after wiping bottom with his bare hands 'for cultural reasons'

So lets say he did use toilet paper but why cant he wash his shitty hands with soap and water after? And he does not wash that bottle too!!

Do you get a bulge? :)

Haha, yeah right, if you could have heard the sea of groans as everyone stood there paralyzed. I just got the hell out of there and pretended not to notice.
here's another embarassing story coming out of India.

In case you're wondering why they're defecating in the open, India is pushing hard to get plumbing in the households of their citizens because right now they're just shitting in ditches and gardens. This is a problem for a number of reasons, notably the rampant spread of disease and the number of women who are getting raped while trying to defecate.

So they've legislated that every house must get a toilet and have actually hired civil servants to act as toilet police who go and inspect people's houses to make sure that they have toilets which are installed, functioning and being used.

The article doesn't say so, but there's a good chance these workers were taking photos of women shitting in the open in order to shame them into using toilets.

LOL at women getting raped while defecating. Reminds me of Two girls one cup.