Do you own any weapons?

Smith and Wesson bodyguard 380

Marlin lever action 30 30

My wife has a 20 gauge shotgun
Idk man seems like it would take time to swing a sledge hammer vs someone with a knife who can stab you quickly...

The sledge works against guns and knifes. The problem with some weapons is that they trick you into thinking you can defend and make you timid. If I wake up in the middle of the night and suddenly have to fight, I don't want to take time drawing a knife or relying on my reflexes. More than that, if I start getting stabbed early, or shot by bullets that don't knock me down or kill me right away, I want to be able to end the fight immediately.

My hope is that I will run screaming into the intruder with the mallet held over my head. One swing will brain damage anyone. Their own knife won't stop the hit, nor will their arm, even if they run me through. Then I'll go to the hospital and hope for the best.

In general, the best case scenario is they panic or freeze when I charge and try to make a defensive maneuver, so I can make the hit.

It's not large so the handle is easy to find in the dark and the hallways and doors won't get in my way when I hit.
I own numerous knives - mostly crap.

Six katanas, because I like katanas.


One Glock 34.


One M1A, Precision Series.


One M1A, Socom 16.


And around 5,000 rounds between the three guns.
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The sledge works against guns and knifes. The problem with some weapons is that they trick you into thinking you can defend and make you timid. If I wake up in the middle of the night and suddenly have to fight, I don't want to take time drawing a knife or relying on my reflexes. More than that, if I start getting stabbed early, or shot by bullets that don't knock me down or kill me right away, I want to be able to end the fight immediately.

My hope is that I will run screaming into the intruder with the mallet held over my head. One swing will brain damage anyone. Their own knife won't stop the hit, nor will their arm, even if they run me through. Then I'll go to the hospital and hope for the best.

In general, the best case scenario is they panic or freeze when I charge and try to make a defensive maneuver, so I can make the hit.

It's not large so the handle is easy to find in the dark and the hallways and doors won't get in my way when I hit.

Okay, but someone with some evasive tactics will be able to avoid your swing.

For someone with a knife I'd probably want a spear of some sort.
You Americans and your guns...

How many more mass shootings until you realize that guns do not belong in civilian hands? Only police patrols and active duty combat military and the guns should be locked up after each and every shift. This isn't the Wild West anymore. It's 2017.
Okay, but someone with some evasive tactics will be able to avoid your swing.

For someone with a knife I'd probably want a spear of some sort.

If he has evasive tactics and feels fresh, I'm not going to be able to beat him anyway.

Every person I've ever punched in real life made no move to block it. They might have kept fighting, but they didn't defend. Every bludgeoning I've ever seen on google or youtube has been one side. No defense is possible for most people against a sufficiently heavy object. To me, winning a death match is all about taking the initiative and having the determination to keep swinging with a strong enough weapon until you are dead.
You Americans and your guns...

How many more mass shootings until you realize that guns do not belong in civilian hands? Only police patrols and active duty combat military and the guns should be locked up after each and every shift. This isn't the Wild West anymore. It's 2017.
You Americans and your guns...

How many more mass shootings until you realize that guns do not belong in civilian hands? Only police patrols and active duty combat military and the guns should be locked up after each and every shift. This isn't the Wild West anymore. It's 2017.

You Americans and your guns...

How many more mass shootings until you realize that guns do not belong in civilian hands? Only police patrols and active duty combat military and the guns should be locked up after each and every shift. This isn't the Wild West anymore. It's 2017.

We are trying to narrow the mass shootings to minorities @HulkonViagra
I currently own a Colt Anaconda and she is a beauty...

View attachment 259593

I also own two Louisville Sluggers just in case a meth head feels like breaking and entering in my crib...Do you own any weapons? If not, how in the hell are you going to defend yourself when an asshole wants to rape you in your own pad?

I've got a genuine Ninja Star Belt buckle, see:


You still moving to Texas? You'll be required to own more than 1 gun to live here, it in the State Constitution I think,