PWD 483: Summerfest and Bull****

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Kenny and the gang apparently are praying right now. I love this sport...
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ KENNY TAKE MY ENERGY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
I GET SO FUCKING HYPED WHEN OKADA SCREAMS "KEEENNNNYYY!!!" sounds like he wants to fucking kill him goddamn
Holy shit, that venom frankensteiner was horrifying. The thud was horrible.
Omega lifts Okada up for OWA ... Gedo throws in the towel.
i've never lost my mind so goddamn hard over a wrestling finish
Sick match, that scared the shit out of me. Okada is one tough son of a bitch.
Who do you guys personally want to win tomorrow? for me it's naito
Who do you guys personally want to win tomorrow? for me it's naito

Honestly I'm cool with either. Almost certainly Naito wins tho, freeing up Kenny to take on probably Ibushi for US title at Wrestle Kingdom.

Omega/Okada stay 1-1-1 for a while but I think Naito takes the belt at WK. Okada will be defending against Evil and Omega will be defending against Juice and Elgin between now and January (probably). I imagine Okada defends against someone else in that time as well, but probably not Omega.
i even woke up late
going to gym at 10
gonna watch this shit later
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