Crime Car Plows Into Crowd During Protests in Virginia (Video - Graphic)

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James Alex Fields Jr. Guy to the right of the one in the bike helmet...

Look like a bunch of dorks.
What are those pictures on their shields supposed to be? Rolling pins with ax blades stuck on?
Look like a bunch of dorks.
What are those pictures on their shields supposed to be? Rolling pins with ax blades stuck on?

They thought they would be out for a nice day of LARPing as racist, little did they know they were going to get to act out all their dreams to be real life terrorist.
Look like a bunch of dorks.
What are those pictures on their shields supposed to be? Rolling pins with ax blades stuck on?
I legit thought they were rolling pins first, and was trying to figure out how it was supposed to be anti-feminist.
I was joking bud lol

Eh... your description was pretty accurate. Sad to see the rise of fascism though, even when it's such a lame bunch of dud units.
I don't live too far away from where all that shit happened, and I thought about driving down there with some popcorn for the spectacle.

Had a friend tell me she wanted to go to "punch Nazis" and I was just like.... K?

You know, if no one showed up or paid them any mind, they'd have no fucking impact. Fuel on the fire.
Look like a bunch of dorks.
What are those pictures on their shields supposed to be? Rolling pins with ax blades stuck on?

Roman fasces. The symbol that was used for fascism by Mussolini.
Because the 1,083 events like that which took place got no attention from the media as "racist." You have to call it on both sides or you have no ground to stand on.
I love the standard you think you're establishing here, that nobody can call anybody anything unless they're perfectly, symmetrically fair
Derpy Vikings

Those shields have the Roman fasces on them.

Well... I think that's probably a lesser problem for their viking credibility than the pleated slacks and receding chins.
James Alex Fields Jr. Guy to the right of the one in the bike helmet...

what is it with this embarrassing larping thing?
we did that when we were like 6 years old
Eh... your description was pretty accurate. Sad to see the rise of fascism though, even when it's such a lame bunch of dud units.
It really is a shame. I wonder what caused the rebirth of it.
I never said America has nothing to worry about. I was responding to your ludicrious suggestion that America ignores all the problems in Europe and the rest of the word just because of a single violent act.

What happened yesterday was one retard attacking and killing another retard. It's not the War of Northern Aggression Part II: Revenge of the South.:rolleyes:

How was the victim a retard?

What do you know about them?
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