Barcelona Terror Attack, August 17, 2017: v2

They killed the five after they ran over another group of people. One officer is responsible for killing four of them apparently. I wouldn't be surprised to find out they were already on the intelligence services radar though.

Ok that makes way more sense then what was originally reported.
Stay non hateful, more like?

Not an argument. Putting up gay hashtags on Twitter everytime one of these backwards thinking fucks kills someone is not attacking the issue. I think liberals are running out of hashtags. You're going to have to better than that if we want this shit to stop.

Stay non hateful, more like?

Non hateful? Letting millions of 3rd world young men into Europe will do absolutely nothing positive for the natives. Nothing.

Not wanting Europe to turn into a 3rd world dangerous cesspool is not hatred. It is rational thinking. Europe cannot waste the resources to care for these people. These people will not assimilate. They will cause division and not improve the lives of natives. They are a burden at best, and terrorists and rapists at worst.

Enjoy the rise in violent crime, terror, and rape. But at least you aren't full of hate.
Not an argument. Putting up gay hashtags on Twitter everytime one of these backwards thinking fucks kills someone is not attacking the issue. I think liberals are running out of hashtags. You're going to have to better than that if we want this shit to stop.


A single white supremacist does this, and the left wants comprehensive solutions to limit the spread of white nationalism. They demand white nationalists be kicked out of their towns, and remove any statues that promite white nationalism.

But when rapefugees do this shit on a monthly basis, you are crazy for suggesting we stop importing islamic terrorists, increase screening to identify these people, or to do things to limit the spread of toxic islamic teachings.
A single white supremacist does this, and the left wants comprehensive solutions to limit the spread of white nationalism. They demand white nationalists be kicked out of their towns, and remove any statues that promite white nationalism.

But when rapefugees do this shit on a monthly basis, you are crazy for suggesting we stop importing islamic terrorists, increase screening to identify these people, or to do things to limit the spread of toxic islamic teachings.

Yup. That logic is beyond retarded. They both need to be dealt with.
A single white supremacist does this, and the left wants comprehensive solutions to limit the spread of white nationalism. They demand white nationalists be kicked out of their towns, and remove any statues that promite white nationalism.

But when rapefugees do this shit on a monthly basis, you are crazy for suggesting we stop importing islamic terrorists, increase screening to identify these people, or to do things to limit the spread of toxic islamic teachings.

The President wants a temporary travel restriction from areas full of terrorists.

He is literally Hitler.
So we have a total of 12 terrorist "suspects".

Jesus Spain what have you been doing?
"The youngest victim of the attacks was thought to be a three-year-old girl, who died shortly after being taken to hospital. A six-year-old girl was taken to hospital with a cerebral haemorrhage, an official at Vall d’Hebron University hospital told the New York Times. Her nationality was not known."

"The youngest victim of the attacks was thought to be a three-year-old girl, who died shortly after being taken to hospital. A six-year-old girl was taken to hospital with a cerebral haemorrhage, an official at Vall d’Hebron University hospital told the New York Times. Her nationality was not known."

This is why this site needs a "hate" button.
Non hateful? Letting millions of 3rd world young men into Europe will do absolutely nothing positive for the natives. Nothing.

Not wanting Europe to turn into a 3rd world dangerous cesspool is not hatred. It is rational thinking. Europe cannot waste the resources to care for these people. These people will not assimilate. They will cause division and not improve the lives of natives. They are a burden at best, and terrorists and rapists at worst.

Enjoy the rise in violent crime, terror, and rape. But at least you aren't full of hate.

Nah bro. I think the best way to fight terrorism are those hashtags #Istandwith<insert name of city attacked>. I think we're up to 200 now. Pahrump, NV is next.

Islam could youse a few thousand more imams like him.

Don't worry. SPLC and the ADL will brand him an extremist and put him on a list with Ayaan Hirsi Ali & Maajid Nawaz.
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No. I'm saying we should be suspicious because he doesn't really acknowledge the link between Islamic extremism and Islam because he never mentioned the Quran.

I get what you're saying but the Quran is only one part of the trilogy. Hell, most Muslims look at Quranists a bit askew from my understanding, because it's only one part of their holy texts.
"The youngest victim of the attacks was thought to be a three-year-old girl, who died shortly after being taken to hospital. A six-year-old girl was taken to hospital with a cerebral haemorrhage, an official at Vall d’Hebron University hospital told the New York Times. Her nationality was not known."


"There are days I'd like to get my hands on God":mad:

- Frank Castle
I had heard about the Barcelona attack but not the other two, crazy stuff. RIP to the victims.

Spain wasn't usually targeted by ISIS and ISIS sympathizers, sad to see them start now.

True, but Al Queda carried out the Madrid Bombings back in 2004. Almost 200 people were killed. The worst terrorist attack in European history.

So far...:(
A single white supremacist does this, and the left wants comprehensive solutions to limit the spread of white nationalism. They demand white nationalists be kicked out of their towns, and remove any statues that promite white nationalism.

But when rapefugees do this shit on a monthly basis, you are crazy for suggesting we stop importing islamic terrorists, increase screening to identify these people, or to do things to limit the spread of toxic islamic teachings.

But muh brown people. :(

I think it's a great idea to make it easier to stay and work anywhere in Europe.
But the Schengen agreement and the abolishment of border checks is a disaster.
PJW is right, he basically could be anywhere in Europe.
She's not president so she's not representing the American people nor does she wield any formal power of the state over them. Trying to force the equivalence between her and Trump in condemning attacks like this is silly.
I thought that was rather easy to divine. Guess I have to speak more plainly with him. This is more scapegoating 101.