Crime Three Women Accuse Harvey Weinstein Of Rape

Joking about sexual assault is a huge red flag. Even if he never literally did it, that statement is a truth about who Donald is. Joke or not. It's who he is. He is a abillionaire sociopath that fooled you and I feel sorry for you that you are so desperate for change you would tie yourself in knots to defend such an obvious scumbag

you got some soul searching to do, many trump voters have to look inside themselves and find out why their desperation is so great they would let themselves be exploited by a con man. It is like the people who supported Hitler. Those people were desperate as a $5 whore looking for her next crack hit.

I honestly feel sorry for Trump supporters. A desperate and weak minded people. They latched on to the first person that promised salvation. You would sell your soul to satan if he was real if he promised you a better economy.
I didn't vote for Trump, nor have I ever voted for any GOP candidate besides Arnold in Cali.

respect, tho
and project much?
Good. Hollywood needs massive reform from within and if their own SJW attack dogs are going to bring them down from within.....GOOD
I didn't vote for Trump, nor have I ever voted for any GOP candidate besides Arnold in Cali.

respect, tho
and project much?
you came here and defended a guy for joking about sexual assault, sorry about all that

anyways, you sounded like the kind of guy i wouldn't leave children around or my daughter

are you a bro like donald? do you grab pussies too?

Here he is awkwardly groping and harassing some Canadian reporter. He spents like 2 minutes bouncing her on his lap and talking about her breasts. He also sounds drunk.

I don't know, she seems pretty into it....
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This could be a sacrificial lamb of sorts. This story comes out and the accuser is made to look foolish becoming ostracized , Affleck then comes off as the wrongfully accused victim making future accusations less poignant... just a thought...
you came here and defended a guy for joking about sexual assault, sorry about all that

anyways, you sounded like the kind of guy i wouldn't leave children around or my daughter

are you a bro like donald? do you grab pussies too?
no I'm just not delusional
the old sticks and stones adage
You know all these Leftists are going to get exposed for the cretins they really are. They love power and control and when they get it they abuse the shit out of it.
You literally said Affleck did nothing inappropriate...
No i didn't you dumbfuck liar - I said it wasn't against forum guidelines to post, because it isn't. I know you're super sad because no one on Sherdog will interact with you and your shitty account but you should quit following me around like a little dog you sorryass pathetic lying troll.


Now you can go call PETA you snowflake.
A girl slapped my ass at work once. Not sure how I was able to push forward through that, but I did. Bravely I did.
No i didn't you dumbfuck liar - I said it wasn't against forum guidelines to post, because it isn't. I know you're super sad because no one on Sherdog will interact with you and your shitty account but you should quit following me around like a little dog you sorryass pathetic lying troll.


Now you can go call PETA you snowflake.
WTF is wrong with you? LOL
It says shes married to the guy who played Negan in TWD. Affleck would have taken a bat to the head if happened today
Using the Bill Cosby timeline, we'll be at 20 women by Halloween.




She is clearly "gropeable", but only if she consents.

Her man should be allowed some "bat time" on any of these Leftist scumbags laying hands on his woman.

No i didn't you dumbfuck liar - I said it wasn't against forum guidelines to post, because it isn't. I know you're super sad because no one on Sherdog will interact with you and your shitty account but you should quit following me around like a little dog you sorryass pathetic lying troll.


Now you can go call PETA you snowflake.

You sarcastically downplayed the video, and its clear to everyone here. You should just apologize, and unequivocally denounce Affleck, and make it clear that touching without consent is unappropriated. Bonus points if you can do that without "but Trump"
You sarcastically downplayed the video, and its clear to everyone here. You should just apologize, and unequivocally denounce Affleck, and make it clear that touching without consent is unappropriated. Bonus points if you can do that without "but Trump"
I don't take instruction from disingenuous, lying, trolls. You're easily one of the top 5 worst Sherdog accounts, what makes you think that I give a fuck what you think about anything?
A girl slapped my ass at work once. Not sure how I was able to push forward through that, but I did. Bravely I did.

That is not equivalent. How about you slapped by a guy who outweighs you by 100 pounds?
I don't take instruction from disingenuous, lying, trolls. You're easily one of the top 5 worst Sherdog accounts, what makes you think that I give a fuck what you think about anything?

See, it was the easiest out in the world. All you had to do was say unwanted touching is inappropriate. But you can't. Because you are a rape-apologist.

All I can say is I hope the cops pick you up before you assault any innocent women.