Crime Three Women Accuse Harvey Weinstein Of Rape

joking about something
and then actually doing it are hardly the same thing

but ya sure
Over 15 women over a 30-year period have accused Trump of the same things he's "joked" about like grabbing women by the pussy.
I hate Hollywood, but I also hate this whiny victim/ pile on mentality.. oh he slapped my ass 45 years ago when we were joking around pff I dunno
Pretty much this. Not sure how anyone couldn't understand this glaring hypocrisy from Trumpers. No one is defending Affleck or Harvey.

Yup, but what will happen now is that maintaining the standard will be costly when trying to build an opposition coalition.
In what court was anyone proven guilty ? care to mention the court case and verdict.

I am asking if this is the stance you take in cases where the man IS proven guilty. I am asking because you seem to be assuming the opposite and so I am wondering if you are capable of accepting court decisions when they do happen.

(Mods remove if this is considered anything inappropriate.) (It's not)


FacePunch believes groping a woman without her consent when she is clearly uncomfortable with it is completely fine.
I am asking if this is the stance you take in cases where the man IS proven guilty. I am asking because you seem to be assuming the opposite and so I am wondering if you are capable of accepting court decisions when they do happen.

No doubt the fat fuck is guilty but that has yet to be proven, now it's just accusations.

As i have no doubt lots of whores and slut will cry wolf for a few extra seconds of fame.
No doubt the fat fuck is guilty but that has yet to be proven, now it's just accusations.

As i have no doubt lots of whores and slut will cry wolf for a few extra seconds of fame.

You have issues that are gong to prevent a happy life.

Here he is awkwardly groping and harassing some Canadian reporter. He spents like 2 minutes bouncing her on his lap and talking about her breasts. He also sounds drunk.
His buddy Damon ;)

He's going to looooove them apples.

Honestly after Cosby nobody would shock me. Always thought Matt seemed like a good dude while Ben seemed like a sleazebag.


Pretty much this. Not sure how anyone couldn't understand this glaring hypocrisy from Trumpers. No one is defending Affleck or Harvey.

You literally said Affleck did nothing inappropriate...
Wow, the industry that's never heard a weird, decadent cause it wouldn't push is full of weird, decadent sociopaths.

No one could have predicted this.
So now all the hollywood whores and sluts will now cry wolf and be poor wittle victims.
I hope you live a very long time.... alone and sad... with nothing but hate in your heart.
I have read sexual abuse is a big problem in most religions. Buddhist monasteries are another place where a lot of young boys are abused physically and sexually.

IIt's not that religion makes people pedos/sexual predators it's that if you already are one you are going to try and put yourself in a position of power over the kids and trust with the parents.

Priests, rabbis, teachers, coaches and police.
I fervently hope we see the same in the music industry.
I doubt it. Making music is simple and talented people can't be blackballed because you can't prevent them from spreading their music.

Making a movie is not that easy and these Hollywood studios are so important because of it.

If you're talented (or just make things people like) as a musician, you don't have to suck an old mans dick to make it, just make sure people listen to your music and purchase it. These days many artists that are popular from the internet make very little from sales but they make it from concerts.
I hope you live a very long time.... alone and sad... with nothing but hate in your heart.

You failed hard, i live a easy as fuck life with a loyal women.

Hate lol, hard leftist aren't you. Typical psycho babble bs those fools spew.
joking about something
and then actually doing it are hardly the same thing

but ya sure
Joking about sexual assault is a huge red flag. Even if he never literally did it, that statement is a truth about who Donald is. Joke or not. It's who he is. He is a abillionaire sociopath that fooled you and I feel sorry for you that you are so desperate for change you would tie yourself in knots to defend such an obvious scumbag

you got some soul searching to do, many trump voters have to look inside themselves and find out why their desperation is so great they would let themselves be exploited by a con man. It is like the people who supported Hitler. Those people were desperate as a $5 whore looking for her next crack hit.

I honestly feel sorry for Trump supporters. A desperate and weak minded people. They latched on to the first person that promised salvation. You would sell your soul to satan if he was real if he promised you a better economy.