Mexico’s Record Violence Is a Crisis 20 Years in the Making

Dutertard wouldnt even know where to begin, if anything we need.


He'd begin by killing and killing some more until the drug market gets smaller, then kill some more til the drug market gets smaller and smaller, then kill some more
Juarez is nowhere near as bad as it was 10 or so years ago, if it was El paso wouldn't have been voted Americas safest major city two years recently

It's popping off bad in Acapulco right now
No, but you also havent been to the rural areas of Guerrero.
Then you have no idea what you are talking about, it’s like me making assumptions about China when I have never been there
Juarez is nowhere near as bad as it was 10 or so years ago, if it was El paso wouldn't have been voted Americas safest major city two years recently

It's popping off bad in Acapulco right now
Drug cartels have no interest in chopping heads off in America and the whole reason Mexico is so violent is because they don't have rule of law like America

They're geographically close but the institutions are day and night
Then you have no idea what you are talking about, it’s like me making assumptions about China when I have never been there

I was born, raised and live in Mexico.

Its a 2 million square km country with 120 million people living in it.

Some places of Mexico are just on another level, genocides being commited, women being taken out of their homes to be raped while the police watches, and other horrible stuff that America wouldnt see in its worst.
Why go there if it is so damn dangerous

Because its a huge country where some places are shit and others arent.

There is a reason why you dont see a single foreign tourist in Acapulco right now, while Vallarta may as well be little Canada.
Great read.


Short term.

1.- Do something about the opiod crisis and the drug war in general, while most of Mexico is quite violent, the poppy growing regions are on another level, when i read news about Guerrero, i may as well be reading news from Syria,

2.- America could easily force a top-down institutional solidity upon Mexico by threatening on the back channel with compliance with institutional reforms.

Otherwise im giving Mexico around 10-15 years until shit settles down.

I agree with your first prescription, but your second one is not good. I imagine the violence would increase and spread to different areas if the US strengthened its neocolonialism there in a direct instead of indirect manner.
I agree with your first prescription, but your second one is not good. I imagine the violence would increase and spread to different areas if the US strengthened its neocolonialism there in a direct instead of indirect manner.

Not neocolonialism, most of the law in Mexico is already there, the US could simply put pressure on individuals (not the country or its institutions) to make them comply with the law itself.
Not neocolonialism, most of the law in Mexico is already there, the US could simply put pressure on individuals (not the country or its institutions) to make them comply with the law itself.

I don't feel comfortable having the U.S. government intervene in the affairs of a sovereign nation by coercing its citizens. It sets a bad precedent, and for the U.S. it solidifies the U.S. as an evil entity in the eyes of other Latin American countries. The better idea would be to use the OAS and Latin American regional cooperation instead of relying on a government that has historically coerced and stolen land from that particular nation.
I don't feel comfortable having the U.S. government intervene in the affairs of a sovereign nation by coercing its citizens. It sets a bad precedent, and for the U.S. it solidifies the U.S. as an evil entity in the eyes of other Latin American countries. The better idea would be to use the OAS and Latin American regional cooperation instead of relying on a government that has historically coerced and stolen land from that particular nation.

He specifically said the US, i would prefer the UNSC to take care of it.
I don't feel comfortable having the U.S. government intervene in the affairs of a sovereign nation by coercing its citizens. It sets a bad precedent, and for the U.S. it solidifies the U.S. as an evil entity in the eyes of other Latin American countries. The better idea would be to use the OAS and Latin American regional cooperation instead of relying on a government that has historically coerced and stolen land from that particular nation.
Easy solution is for them to no longer be a sovereign nation. Annex all the Americas and bring about the grandest empire the earth has ever seen.
Easy solution is for them to no longer be a sovereign nation. Annex all the Americas and bring about the grandest empire the earth has ever seen.

The U.S. doesn't have the ability to control such a wide variety of people with different cultures and languages. Not only that, but Latinos would never allow that. Sovereignty is probably the single most important thing that we hold dear. U.S. would have better luck absorbing Canada.
Great read.

1.- Do something about the opiod crisis and the drug war in general, while most of Mexico is quite violent, the poppy growing regions are on another level, when i read news about Guerrero, i may as well be reading news from Syria,

do you have any info on the poppy growing areas in mexico? was not aware it was going on over there on a large scale
interesting, i thought the whole cartels violence had died down lately.
apparently i'm not following the news.
interesting, i thought the whole cartels violence had died down lately.
apparently i'm not following the news.

They retreated mostly to the rural areas, therefore its not "news" anymore because you dont see trucks full of dismembered people being thrown in the streets.