Planned Parenthood Still Achieving Its Goals: Tweet Encourages Black Women To Abort Their Children

That's not what you said in my quote. Besides all that really proves is kids don't like doing the responsible thing.

Your posts prove otherwise lol

Kids are kids, and humans are wired to have sex, trying to put "responsibility" into the equation is pitting the neocortex against a much more powerful area of the brain that was around long before it was, and has kept many species procreating on earth for millions and millions of years. Sex happens, I have friends in their 40's who are still having surprise babies (aka unplanned parenthood) because they had a little too much to drink and had unprotected sex. You forget, or didn't experience, what it was like to be 16-17 and have a 16-17 year old girl with you alone, sex happens.
People who tell others to... be afraid of menstrual blood and semen, are stupid cunts.

Are you into spirit cooking?

I dont even know what that is. Sounds like drinking poison or drinking bitter water to get rid of bastards.
You posted the ingredients to spirit cooking

One of Hillary Clinton's and John Podesta's friends is some witch that uses the ingredients you listed to create "art."

You posted the ingredients to spirit cooking

One of Hillary Clinton's and John Podesta's friends is some witch that uses the ingredients you listed to create "art."

Oh, so you're not interested in addressing the data that refuted your points, and seem to care about Alex Jones stuff. Cool.
Kids are kids, and humans are wired to have sex, trying to put "responsibility" into the equation is pitting the neocortex against a much more powerful area of the brain that was around long before it was, and has kept many species procreating on earth for millions and millions of years. Sex happens, I have friends in their 40's who are still having surprise babies (aka unplanned parenthood) because they had a little too much to drink and had unprotected sex. You forget, or didn't experience, what it was like to be 16-17 and have a 16-17 year old girl with you alone, sex happens.

All you are saying is people have bad self control, and then further compound this issue by thinking its ok to end the human life because they deserve to have sex
Yep, Rip, and presumably everyone but you was able to read my posts, and address them.

Spot the difference:

Proposition is sound logically

Proposition is reasonable in the real world.

It's ok to talk out of your ass as long as somebody can piece together your lunacy like some kind of puzzle? Also where did rip say he wanted to teach abstinence only. He already told you to use a condom...
I'm cool with that.

Black poverty rate / Low average IQ
Black crime rate
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All you are saying is people have bad self control, and then further compound this issue by thinking its ok to end the human life because they deserve to have sex
So they think telling kids who apparently can have no self control to put on a condom (that will make the sex not near as pleasurable as it could be) is gonna make these kids responsible in the heat of the moment to stop and put on that condom. Good luck. Not what I'm telling my kids
It's ok to talk out of your ass as long as somebody can piece together your lunacy like some kind of puzzle? Also where did rip say he wanted to teach abstinence only. He already told you to use a condom...

Good God. Learn to read, and provide something to this discussion other than you ignorance.

Try to decipher Rip's puzzle like construction of words here. Give yourself an hour or so, let it sink in

"Christians are concerned with a person's heart and we don't want to give our teens unhealthy pills and condoms so they can have sex."
All you are saying is people have bad self control, and then further compound this issue by thinking its ok to end the human life because they deserve to have sex

Dude, I never said anything about "deserving to have sex," nice straw man.

And because you are coming from a religious perspective, you are not capable of looking at the issue rationally because you are looking at things morally. Rationally, people are going to have sex, are going to watch porn and masturbate, are going to eat their kids Halloween candy despite being obese and really wanting to change that, etc., and we know that those decisions are made in areas of the brain before the conscious mind is even aware that there is a decision to be made. That was my point. Furthermore, my point was that birth control is what can prevent unplanned parenthood, and therefore abortion.

And sorry about those awkward teenage years bro, must have been tough.
So they think telling kids who apparently can have no self control to put on a condom (that will make the sex not near as pleasurable as it could be) is gonna make these kids responsible in the heat of the moment to stop and put on that condom. Good luck. Not what I'm telling my kids

That, and providing birth control pills to girls, as backup, so they can be in the girl's system before Karl Hungus gets their juices flowing. A lot of women get their pills at planned parenthood.
That, and providing birth control pills to girls, as backup, so they can be in the girl's system before Karl Hungus gets their juices flowing. A lot of women get their pills at planned parenthood.
Pills don't prevent std's and they don't prevent damage you do to yourself and your future wife if you're sleeping with as many girls as you can.
Dude, I never said anything about "deserving to have sex," nice straw man.

And because you are coming from a religious perspective, you are not capable of looking at the issue rationally because you are looking at things morally. Rationally, people are going to have sex, are going to watch porn and masturbate, are going to eat their kids Halloween candy despite being obese and really wanting to change that, etc., and we know that those decisions are made in areas of the brain before the conscious mind is even aware that there is a decision to be made. That was my point. Furthermore, my point was that birth control is what can prevent unplanned parenthood, and therefore abortion.

And sorry about those awkward teenage years bro, must have been tough.

Ya I had it so hard being a Christian lol
Pills don't prevent std's and they don't prevent damage you do to yourself and your future wife if you're sleeping with as many girls as you can.

they prevent an unwanted pregnancy, which is what we were talking about. and yeah, std's are a problem, but not so much for your average teen where the sexual circle is pretty much closed off to populations that have a lot of STD's, especially the serious ones. So, making condoms readily available, and freaking guys out about STD's to use condoms, at least with skanks if not with their girlfriends, is important. And most STD's are treatable, and are not going to cause you long term damage. This isn't the 1930's era of medicine that Al Capone faced.