Which party do you think libertarians vote for more?


Brown Belt
May 21, 2007
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For American libertarians:

Do you think libertarians are more of a subset of Republicans because they believe most in free markets and being small government?

Do you believe Libertarians are more aligned with Democrats because they want to protect civil liberties?

Is there data out there to support which party libertarians tend to vote for?
I have never come across any American Libertarians who are fans of Ayn Rand or Robert Nozick who vote Democratic. And I see them being the foundation of libertarian ideology.

But maybe I am off. Maybe there are many libertarians where the social liberal values outweigh their economic individualism. I just have not come across them.
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I cannot speak for other libertarians...

But as a libertarian myself, I can tell you that in the CURRENT political environment, I vote much more republican.

Yes, civil rights is a powerful issue. But I think the idea of expecting the government to solve our problems is contrary to libertarian principles. The whole idea behind libertarianism is the idea that we should be able to make our own choices. (individual liberty > equality via state coercion)

The main issues I see libertarians agreeing with democrats on would be foreign policy and the drug war. But I think they definitely want less regulation (free markets) and smaller government in just about every way possible because the government sucks at basically everything.

Socialism (which democrats seem to be embracing more and more) is the bane of libertarianism, IMO.
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I would hope Libertarian?

In the US two party system unless they had a chance to win, they would be throwing away their vote. They may want to get someone in power that shares more of their goals so may vote for a r or d.

But you make a point. The ones who may vote r or d may not be as hardcore in the Libertarian ideology.
Right-wing libertarians (the ones I assume you're talking about) overwhelmingly vote Republican. There isn't any real policy connection between the GOP and libertarianism but then there isn't much of a connection between people's tendency to self-ID as libertarians and their tendency to actually support libertarian principles. It's mostly just code for "I'm on the right but not religious."
For American libertarians:

Do you think libertarians are more of a subset of Republicans because they believe most in free markets and being small government?

Do you believe Libertarians are more aligned with Democrats because they want to protect civil liberties?

Is there data out there to support which party libertarians tend to vote for?
Between Dem and GOP , they vote GOP. Libertarians are a subset of conservatism, minus the social issues.
libertarian has always been code for 'i vote republican but dont want to be seen as a christian fundie'. at least for the past 30 years.
Given libertarians' central tenet, that the only moral, material obligation we have to our neighbor is to leave him the fuck alone, I think it's clear they favor republicans.
Given libertarians' central tenet, that the only moral, material obligation we have to our neighbor is to leave him the fuck alone, I think it's clear they favor republicans.
which is odd, since the Republican party is ALL about telling the individual what to do, say, and believe.
which is odd, since the Republican party is ALL about telling the individual what to do, say, and believe.

You're confusing the moral obligation to tell citizens who they can and cannot sodomize with the moral obligation to not raise the taxes of billionaires.

American libertarians are just republicans who smoke weed or aren't forthright about their homophobia.
I'm Libertarian. I tend to vote for Libertarians. Browne, Bednarick, etc.... Although, I have been trending more towards Conservatarian lately, which does lend itself to some Republicans (but not many).

American libertarians are just republicans who smoke weed or aren't forthright about their homophobia.

lol... I don't smoke weed. I am cool with Gay Marriage and Adoption.

I am not o.k. with establishment Republican spending or Democratic Party spending.

I do part with my Libertarian brothers and sisters on immigration (so I am not pure). I believe in borders and assimilation into a culture.
In my experience, whichever party lost.

This explains why the Libertarian meme sharers on my Facebook are either Bernie Bots (which Libertarian is the exact opposite of) or people who lean R but hate Trump
clearly the right

b/c the left, not the right, is the side trying to censor the other these days. The days of the religious right telling others how to live is long gone, and is replaced by SJW offensedom
Republicans that aren't as backwards and bigoted as the rest.

I think some are truly not racist but they still vote GOP because the only thing they hate more than bigotry is the thought of their taxes going up. More money in my pockets is really their only philosophy. Everything else can be negotiated.