Donny Smallhands tweets just blew up 2 court cases.


The Original Nut of Sherdog
Mar 10, 2010
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Somebody needs to get this dummy off of twitter.
Bradley P. Moss, Esq


OMG, are you stupid? You just blew apart two different cases your DOJ is defending against me. I’m going to take you apart, Mr. President. …

Flynn flipping has Deferrment Donny Trigger Level at an 11.
So now since the DOJ has said DumDum Donnies tweets are official record now they are going to be used against him. So because of that the Government is going to be forced to give up information.
I still cant believe the Rubes are still supporting this Man-Baby.
Someone is going to troll his dumbass into a war.
I miss a time where political preference didn't matter when it came to forming a consensus on weak little man bitches. Back when Trump wasn't a democrat or republican, he was just a spoiled little joke of a man we all laughed at.

Now the party of country, guns and personal responsibility is lead by a silver-spoon blowing twitter-girl who was a democrat 5 years ago because it was more profitable. Just saaaaaaaaaaaaaaad.
So Trump trying to make the government more transparent is a bad thing now? Why is the lawyer mad that Trump is on his side? Am I misreading this?

For once we have a transparent President but we're suppose to be mad? This is it..
I'll be so relieved when this idiot is gone.
It's insane to me that anyone would think he could lead the country, but then again I never watched or understood the teevee show's popularity
The most annoying thing, for me, about this dumpster fire of an administration, is that I've spent the last few years coming to terms with the American system and have finally accepted it for its inherent good. You might even say I've learned to love America. And now it's acting like a girlfriend who always gets too drunk and fucks up the party.
It is so cringe worthy when American lawyers add "esquire" to their name. Just adds to their already shitty reputation outside the States.
The most annoying thing, for me, about this dumpster fire of an administration, is that I've spent the last few years coming to terms with the American system and have finally accepted it for its inherent good. You might even say I've learned to love America. And now it's acting like a girlfriend who always gets too drunk and fucks up the party.

What do you love about America and whats so inherently good about it?
Is there any better moment than the now? Its all that truly exists, bro. Open a window into your being.
I'm browsing and shitposting atm bro. The nexus can wait lol.
So Trump trying to make the government more transparent is a bad thing now? Why is the lawyer mad that Trump is on his side? Am I misreading this?

For once we have a transparent President but we're suppose to be mad? This is it..

Welcome to the spin zone!
So Trump trying to make the government more transparent is a bad thing now? Why is the lawyer mad that Trump is on his side? Am I misreading this?

For once we have a transparent President but we're suppose to be mad? This is it..
So Trump trying to make the government more transparent is a bad thing now? Why is the lawyer mad that Trump is on his side? Am I misreading this?

For once we have a transparent President but we're suppose to be mad? This is it..

How is this an example of transparency?
Setting aside the lawsuit for a second, how fucking moronic is it when a sitting President tweets about the "Deep State"?