If Society was organized exactly how the bible says, would you want to be apart of it?

I dont know why you are getting all worked up. All I wanted to know was if you think there is any direct proof of any kind that attests to the existence of Jesus of Nazareth, and if you believe that the bible's account is consistent with history.

We are ONLY discussing the lie you tell on these threads whenever you can. Here is the quote

"C. Not only is Jesus not a historical figure."

and here is what you have come to after squirming as much as you can to get out of it

"It is quite likely that in 1st century palestine, a deluded rabbi named Jesus had been performing "magic"."

That is all man.
I hope not. I think it would make it a lot harder.

This is just arrogance.

The world is completely under the control of Satan and his human followers. Society is run by a secret religious order that puts their religious symbols everywhere. You and everyone after you will never live in a world without God and Satan. Unless the end happens of course.
Hell no. I honestly don't know why anybody would want to be part of that garbage.
That's like asking if you want to live in the Soviet Union. No -- unless do you get to be dictator? Then yes. If I get to be god, for sure.
tbh I would have rather had an arranged marriage at sixteen if I had the financial support structure around me instead of sleeping around with dozens and dozens of women getting heartbroke, getting the 7 year itch, and then getting married. unless you live to brag about being a single swordsman be promiscuous even for a man has its landmines both physical and emotional if we're being honest
Still need financial and marital support structures. Look at all failing marriages and their common themes. Cheating being one of them, which has a main cause with the rapid decline in sexual congress shortly after marriage. IE 2 years or so. You say i do, she says not any more. It's funny because it is true. You would have to find a way to keep the sexuality alive, and that is not likely to happen as we today have yet to figure that out.
They were superior to us in every way possible. They had free will and were free of sin.

That is impossible. You can not have free will, and full human sentience with out sin. Sin is born out of desire and desire is a product of free will.

You think Adam naming some animals is proof of his supposed superiority? You can program a computer program to do the exact same thing. Which is all he was. A program, a robot. He had no real free will, no real intelligence, no real emotion, no real sentience. He was a very well written program. He didn't gain actual sentience until he was freed from slavery.
I hope not. I think it would make it a lot harder.

This is just arrogance.

The world is completely under the control of Satan and his human followers. Society is run by a secret religious order that puts their religious symbols everywhere. You and everyone after you will never live in a world without God and Satan. Unless the end happens of course.

Fuck, I feel so stupid. That is some subtle trolling. 11/10.
They were superior to us in every way possible. They had free will and were free of sin.

Adam specifically named every type of living organisms. He was the primary care taker of the garden. He would of been at a minimum, a scientist, ecologist , botanist, entomologist, and zoologist.

Though not specifically mentioned Adam would have been taught cosmology by God and likely every form of construction (as we are told there is buildings in Heaven) all of this prior to the fall.

Tell me how many, if any of these fields are you even compentent in? Yet Adam would of been a master in everyone of these subjects. Not to mention that his body was perfect and without limitations.

So basically he was smarter then you will ever be and capable of killing you like you were nothing.

But we're the superior ones lol :rolleyes:
Also, literally none of this perfect and with out limitations is in the bible. Not one line of it. The man walked around naked pulling weeds, no where does it say he was an expert at building anything or any form of scientific pursuit. Not one single line.
We are ONLY discussing the lie you tell on these threads whenever you can. Here is the quote

"C. Not only is Jesus not a historical figure."

and here is what you have come to after squirming as much as you can to get out of it

"It is quite likely that in 1st century palestine, a deluded rabbi named Jesus had been performing "magic"."

That is all man.

I am still waiting for you to actually provide some sort of proof regarding the historical Jesus. I will wait.
They were superior to us in every way possible. They had free will and were free of sin.

Adam specifically named every type of living organisms. He was the primary care taker of the garden. He would of been at a minimum, a scientist, ecologist , botanist, entomologist, and zoologist.

Though not specifically mentioned Adam would have been taught cosmology by God and likely every form of construction (as we are told there is buildings in Heaven) all of this prior to the fall.

Tell me how many, if any of these fields are you even compentent in? Yet Adam would of been a master in everyone of these subjects. Not to mention that his body was perfect and without limitations.

So basically he was smarter then you will ever be and capable of killing you like you were nothing.

But we're the superior ones lol :rolleyes:

Since God gave Adam dominion over all things, why did God make such an error? Surely your God would have known of micro organisms, and how they manifestly have dominion over us, uncontested. Or maybe we mistakenly thought God was talking to Adam......
That is impossible. You can not have free will, and full human sentience with out sin. Sin is born out of desire and desire is a product of free will.

You think Adam naming some animals is proof of his supposed superiority? You can program a computer program to do the exact same thing. Which is all he was. A program, a robot. He had no real free will, no real intelligence, no real emotion, no real sentience. He was a very well written program. He didn't gain actual sentience until he was freed from slavery.
Genesis 2:16

And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat.

Freely eat, do you see that. So Adam could *freely* choose of on any given day when his heart so desired to eat from any dang tree he so pleased. Not only to mention that he freely or of his own will named every living organism in existence according to his choosing.

All of this displays will, desire, and choice by the individual in an sentient and intelligent manner, in this case Adam specifically.
I am still waiting for you to actually provide some sort of proof regarding the historical Jesus. I will wait.

Holy shit man-- you are really into saving face.

We are ONLY discussing the lie you tell on these threads whenever you can. Here is the quote.

"C. Not only is Jesus not a historical figure."

and here is what you have come to after squirming as much as you can to get out of it

"It is quite likely that in 1st century palestine, a deluded rabbi named Jesus had been performing "magic"."

You came to this ultimately because you already knew it was true.... You did not even need me to point out the truth of it-- you just needed help being honest about it.
Holy shit man-- you are really into saving face.

We are ONLY discussing the lie you tell on these threads whenever you can. Here is the quote.

"C. Not only is Jesus not a historical figure."

and here is what you have come to after squirming as much as you can to get out of it

"It is quite likely that in 1st century palestine, a deluded rabbi named Jesus had been performing "magic"."

You came to this ultimately because you already knew it was true.... You did not even need me to point out the truth of it-- you just needed help being honest about it.

Another scream? Really? Provide a single piece of proof attesting to the life of Jesus. You keep asserting it has been proven. So it should not be too hard for you. I wouldn't use wikipedia, however, considering the link you kept providing contradicts your claim.

Simply put, provide evidence for your claim, and stop petulantly screaming.
Since God gave Adam dominion over all things, why did God make such an error? Surely your God would have known of micro organisms, and how they manifestly have dominion over us, uncontested. Or maybe we mistakenly thought God was talking to Adam......
What error? There wasn't any error of God's part. But yes we collectively error'd by breaking literally the only one rule that was given to us.

Don't eat from one dang tree.
I'd want to be apart of it, but not a part of it. ;)
What error? There wasn't any error of God's part. But yes we collectively error'd by breaking literally the only one rule that was given to us.

Don't eat from one dang tree.

But God told Adam he had dominion over all things. This is manifestly WRONG.
Also, literally none of this perfect and with out limitations is in the bible. Not one line of it. The man walked around naked pulling weeds, no where does it say he was an expert at building anything or any form of scientific pursuit. Not one single line.
Without sin there is no limitations. Sin brought about death and decay. What would you call it to be like superman with no kryptonite.

And that's just a lazy example of what life would of been like. You would never experience fatigue, illness, muscle failure, cognitive dissonance or loss. No aging, no stress, no environmentally harmful factors.

And yes there is lines, I just provided you with. God who knows all things, would have never taught Adam anything!? Are you fucking stupid?
Would you want to be a part of it?

would it be a utopia?

what's your ideal society?

Is it free from religion? if so what's one's moral compass?

What do you teach children in a godless society?

I think if Marriage was between 1 man and 1 woman (as much as I love pussy). You wouldn't have so much divorce. When the family Unit is destroyed societys, don't have a base to build safe, functioning....societies upon.

What if People as the norm by norm i mean 99.99% treated thy neighbor as they would want to be treated.

No dating before marriage, so marriage would have to be at an early age I'm thinking 14 for a girl wed to a 16-18 yo man.

I then think most of society's ills would not exists

as much as I love guns...if we treated each other like we wanted to be treated... would there really ever arise a situation where you'd need to shoot someone?

Divorce rates have nothing to do with same-sex marriage, they started going up in the 60s and 70s long before gay marriage was even a thing. Also, in Biblical times, there was polygamy and marriage between men and barely pubescent girls.

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