Ever get bummed that your TV series ended?


Brown Belt
Dec 27, 2013
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I did this with scrubs, freaks and geeks and Malcolm in the middle.

I netflixed them all before Netflix took them off but f&g.

Freaks and geeks is a damn shame it was cancelled in 1999 after one season. Just rewatched it and felt bummed it was over.

Maybe its cuz I'm not a big TV series guy but the ones I do watch, I miss when it's ended.

Scrubs had a good run. I thought it was a mistake to continue it with James Franco's brother tbh. Just didn't feel the same at all and it was missing that spark.

I don't feel bummed when shows end on a high note such as Breaking Bad or Six Feet Under, because there will always be compelling stories to tell elsewhere. Freaks and Geeks definitely needs a reunion of some sort though.
I did this with scrubs, freaks and geeks and Malcolm in the middle.

I netflixed them all before Netflix took them off but f&g.

Freaks and geeks is a damn shame it was cancelled in 1999 after one season. Just rewatched it and felt bummed it was over.

Maybe its cuz I'm not a big TV series guy but the ones I do watch, I miss when it's ended.


Let me tell you a secret. Something that I personally discovered

If you dont watch the last episode of the show that means it will never end

I still haven't watched the last episode of Lost

Not bummed, infuriated. I invest countless hours that could be spent more productively, become immersed in their world, only to have them end prematurely without any kind of resolution. How hard would it be to make a fucking 2 hour series finale to give closure? Case in point, Firefly. FUCK! And the movie doesn't count.
Yes, especially when I immerse myself into a TV show. I tend to get sentimental towards the end if the show went on for a number of seasons, though I doubt I'll feel that way towards TWD.
i get pissed if it gets canceled and the last episode ends in a cliffhanger.
I did this with scrubs, freaks and geeks and Malcolm in the middle.

I netflixed them all before Netflix took them off but f&g.

Freaks and geeks is a damn shame it was cancelled in 1999 after one season. Just rewatched it and felt bummed it was over.

Maybe its cuz I'm not a big TV series guy but the ones I do watch, I miss when it's ended.

Freaks and geeks is one of my favourite shows ever and I was so sad when it stopped after one season!! That’s so funny I also saw a marathon on tv and ended up watching most of it non stop!

Great choice!
Canceling My Name is Earl was bullshit.
Justified. Emotional.

Person of Interest.

Both understandable though.
Firefly and Farscape
Not really, since most shows begin to descend anyway after the first couple of seasons.

By season six, it's kind of like putting Old Yeller out of its misery.
Was seriously rustled when the Job ended. Ended way too soon.
Definitely Breaking Bad.

But the last few episodes were just so fuckin brilliant
More bummed out about series ended poorly than just ended, like Lost.
Bring back Agent Carter pls

Tho if they end well, with wrapping up every story in a nice way, it hurts less.
Terriers and Quarry are the only shows I was legitimately bummed ended after one season. Terriers had a terrible name and absolutely awful marketing while Quarry was stuck on Showtime. Quarry had a great first season that really hinted at bigger things coming into play that would have been great to explore. Meanwhile, op is opining about worse than garbage tier media like Scrubs ending. I hate this world.
HBO's Rome and Deadwood. Both were stopped short due to budget cuts and other series coming out.

Deadwood was literally unfinished as a story and could have gone many more seasons. And Rome was just awesome but rumor had it it was too expensive.
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