F.C.C. Repeals Net Neutrality Rules... Thanks Trump.

You are really "special" aren't you.

the stupid is strong with this one.

learn to read, or gtfo
Hope to God they start charging people to use Twitter. Could be a great way of getting the morons off that platform.
"On November 21, 2017, FCC chairman Ajit Pai unveiled plans to repeal the United States' net neutrality policy. Twenty internet pioneers, including the inventor of the worldwide web, Tim Berners Lee, wrote an open letter to the pertinent House and Senate subcommittees, asking that they urge the FCC to cancel its vote to repeal net neutrality. That vote took place on December 14, 2017 where the tally was 3 for and 2 against repealing net neutrality rules. The dissenting 2 commissioners Mignon Clyburn and Jessica Rosenworcel (both democrats) released their dissenting statement. Pai and Commissioners Michael O'Rielly and Brendan Carr -- voted in favor of repealing net neutrality rules.

Less than an hour after the results were declared, Attorney Generals for the states of Washington and New York announced that they would be suing the FCC on its decision."

for those upset about this.

why didn't any of this bad stuff happen before 2015?

It did, but the level of vertical integration and network convergence in the US is rapidly accelerating, so the future iterations would be substantially worse.
Would you really want an internet that operates like US cable TV?
Maybe but wasn't it just fine the way it was?
I felt like it was fine both before and during.

But less regulation is generally better in my estimation.

I have a hard time being terribly concerned about this.
Did Elon Musk just cower and quit when someone told him that it would be impossible to design, develop and bring to market an electric vehicle that could compete with other more notable electric vehicles. Did he quit and cower when it seemed impossible to over take and out do giants like Lockheed Martin, Northrop or Boeing in the rocket business? No he didn't. He pulled his white foreign ass up by his boot straps and pressed on as an outsider in both those industries. If a business whats to get into the internet field, then they are free to do so. Will it be easy? No. But to say that this is the end for anybody but the giants in the telecommunication industry is silly.

Municipal monopolies don't apply to a municipality as a whole. It's broken up within the municipality. For example, I use to live in a town in Maryland, and within that town Verizon, ATT and others had certain areas that only they could offer service. In my area Verizon was the service provider. A half mile down the road it was ATT. But this all fell in the same town.
Did Elon Musk just cower and quit when someone told him that it would be impossible to design, develop and bring to market an electric vehicle that could compete with other more notable electric vehicles. Did he quit and cower when it seemed impossible to over take and out do giants like Lockheed Martin, Northrop or Boeing in the rocket business? No he didn't. He pulled his white foreign ass up by his boot straps and pressed on as an outsider in both those industries. If a business whats to get into the internet field, then they are free to do so. Will it be easy? No. But to say that this is the end for anybody but the giants in the telecommunication industry is silly.

Municipal monopolies don't apply to a municipality as a whole. It's broken up within the municipality. For example, I use to live in a town in Maryland, and within that town Verizon, ATT and others had certain areas that only they could offer service. In my area Verizon was the service provider. A half mile down the road it was ATT. But this all fell in the same town.

dont be naive

Verzion, ATT and others managed to slow down to a crawl, and in some instances stop google from rolling out its own fiber and offering it to customers

if second biggest company in the world cant manage to beat US telecoms and their lobbyists (+ insane market entry costs), how do you think a random company/individual with much less money will do ?


As Wired pointed out, the big problem is connecting existing fiber cables to people’s homes, which is “hellishly expensive.” It’s partly just a physical problem—if a new broadband provider wants to set up in a city, it has to connect each home it wants to serve to their network, which means a whole lot of wires. But it’s also a regulatory hurdle, particularly regarding something called “pole attachment”—literally the physical process of attaching wires to telephone poles, which is regulated by local government. When a new provider wants to attach their wires, each provider with wires already on the pole has to send a technician to move its wires to make way for the new one.

What that means is, as Christopher Mitchell, director of the Community Broadband Networks Project at the Institute for Local Self-Reliance told Gizmodo, “the new guy gets screwed.” Google Fiber complained in a blog post last year that it had only been able to upgrade 33 telephone poles out of 88,000 in Nashville, thanks to these rules. Google has pushed hard to promote a different policy, known as “one touch make ready,” which would allow a single provider to make all those changes in one go.
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I hope you all enjoyed the internet circa 1994 to 2017. It will never be the same. Like a frog in boiling water, we won't know we are cooked until it's too late.

It really won't even be something that can be called the "internet" anymore. The changes will be slow, gradual and scientifically tested serving sizes for public consumption. For the first few years it'll feel like the Telecom companies were on our side and chose not to abuse their new powers. Pledge's made by telecom companies will silently be altered with more vague language allowing for more abuse. (https://gizmodo.com/comcast-changed-its-net-neutrality-pledge-the-day-after-1820852207)

The throttling of bandwidth will begin first. It will be subtle. So subtle that it'll feel like a typical evening of high traffic in the neighborhood. Oh shucks, Netflix seems to be studdering more than usual tonight. Gosh Hulu seems to be slow too, must be every kid in the neighborhood on their Nintendo Switch's tonight.

Then one day it'll happen. Men will notice it first, likely pre-dawn. PornHub will require an access fee. Not from PornHub, but from your internet provider. The Telecom companies in their infinite wisdom have deemed streaming porn sites as too bandwidth intensive and counter to their agenda of keeping you within their desired circle of websites for you to spend your money on.

That will be the morning men across America will realize they've lost their freedoms. They will dither about wether or not they can afford to be seen by their wife to be paying for access to PornHub on their credit card bills. Some men who have prepared for this moment will use secretive credit cards or aliases.

After PornHub et al, will be surcharges to your PG rated streaming services - Netflix, Hulu, Prime and their ilk will now cost you 25% more initially. A nominal fee to your internet provider for all that bandwidth those hog websites use up.

This is the fee that's going to creep and creep and creep because this is the fee that's going to cover the costs of cable TV obsolescence for the telecom companies. Cable TV subscriberships are drying up by the 10's of millions, lost revenue abound because of streaming services. The cable providers whom you use for internet but have cut the cord from their obsolete TV services will get their pound of flesh out of you if you want to use their bandwidth to view competing content providers.

Every dollar you've saved by cord cutting, previewing or pirating will be yielded back to the telecom industry 10 fold when they are able to put a pay gateway in front of every bit of content you desire to see online.

THANKS OBAMA! Obviously this is your fault for insulting that thin skinned orange guy at that correspondent's dinner that one time.
How many Alt-Righters support this?

Wonder what Trump supporters will say if the internet service providers start charging more to visit wesbsites popular with the Alt-Right.
Nope it's easier for alt righters to just pretend that telecom company's payed half a billion dollars lobbying for something thats "no big deal"

But they wouldn't be alt righters if they actually knew what the fuck they were talking about would they...
"The Internet is Free Again" is trending on Twitter.

Anyone get the feeling Republicans are kind of stupid?
This is one of the few times i'd be happy with Anonymous stepping in and fucking up this
Ajit Pais shit on every level.

Expose everyone to the point they have to resign and re-vote.
I'll say it, I'm off the Bandwagon. I'll still defend Trump from the millions of false accusations from libtards daily, but I can no longer like him or support his presidency.

Fuck Trump for doing this.