Ahed Tamimi indicted over slapping of Israeli soldier

Stop missing the point. Stop pretending this is a sporting event or an election that 'my' team must win. There is a constant stream of misinformation and outright disinformation regarding what is happening in Palestine.

There is a multigenerational and blatantly illegal occupation that underlies all of this. The settlements are flagrant violations of international law. Picture a foreign soldier having power over you on your own land. Think how Jews would have reacted when the SS came and kicked their doors in. These settler soldiers amount to nothing more than the Likud SS. Look at South Africa and understand apartheid. Stop and realize that the European Jews came from another continent entirely. These are not the biblical Jews returning, as one cannot return to a place they have never been to.

And with that said, listen to this beautiful, well spoken child who makes more sense than any of us on the internet.

I'm not being obtuse. You keep trying to jump from abstract to specific, back to abstract, then back to specific to avoid making an actual point while making emotion based pleas. You don't get to do that. You have to pick one or the other for us to have an actual conversation. Otherwise we're just going to continue nonsensically jumping around like we have been.
Still being obtuse. When we talk about morality we talk about an abstract concept. I think you mean that I jump from concrete to abstract rather than from specific to abstract.

You seem very confused.
It looks to me like you're virtue signaling over an issue that you don't have all the details on just like most others in this thread.
You mean like yourself? You're the one who needed me to clear up the details here and now you're thumbing your nose down at him? Its not like the guy is some big pro-Palestinian poster either
The same expectation should be placed on all, not just Israel.
But its not just placed on Israel, its placed on pretty much all liberal democracies of which Israel considers itself one. If you're going to brag about being the only democracy in the region then act it.
Next, there is powerful mind-control involved in this situation and I rarely if ever hear that aspect described just how I described it.
Top kek at mind control.
Still being obtuse. When we talk about morality we talk about an abstract concept. I think you mean that I jump from concrete to abstract rather than from specific to abstract.

You seem very confused.

LOL @ me being obtuse. Your'e the one being obtuse. You either need to stick to talking about the abstract moral point you tried to make (which was originally that 15 year olds shouldn't be shot, for any reason, ever) or stick to talking about this specific incident. Because you're trying to weave the two together when you it's convenient for you and I'm just not having any of that. You obviously understand that you're doing that, and are trying to act like me pointing that out to you is somehow me being "obtuse". That suggests that you're massively full of shit and are going out of your way to attempt to appear smarter than you actually are. It's not an ew routine around here.
Stop missing the point. Stop pretending this is a sporting event or an election that 'my' team must win. There is a constant stream of misinformation and outright disinformation regarding what is happening in Palestine.

There is a multigenerational and blatantly illegal occupation that underlies all of this. The settlements are flagrant violations of international law. Picture a foreign soldier having power over you on your own land. Think how Jews would have reacted when the SS came and kicked their doors in. These settler soldiers amount to nothing more than the Likud SS. Look at South Africa and understand apartheid. Stop and realize that the European Jews came from another continent entirely. These are not the biblical Jews returning, as one cannot return to a place they have never been to.

And with that said, listen to this beautiful, well spoken child who makes more sense than any of us on the internet.

Aaaand, this is where you lose me. None of those things are true. Stick to the core of what you said in the first paragraph, and just be honest about that.
Anyway, I'm all for justice. If the soldier shot the 15 year old in the face maliciously, on purpose, to kill or maim (or even if that wasn't the reason), then of course he should be tried with something serious. But we don't know all the details and at this point I'm trusting the IDF, yes.
Good goyim, have faith in the IDF
Stop missing the point. Stop pretending this is a sporting event or an election that 'my' team must win. There is a constant stream of misinformation and outright disinformation regarding what is happening in Palestine.

There is a multigenerational and blatantly illegal occupation that underlies all of this. The settlements are flagrant violations of international law. Picture a foreign soldier having power over you on your own land. Think how Jews would have reacted when the SS came and kicked their doors in. These settler soldiers amount to nothing more than the Likud SS. Look at South Africa and understand apartheid. Stop and realize that the European Jews came from another continent entirely. These are not the biblical Jews returning, as one cannot return to a place they have never been to.

And with that said, listen to this beautiful, well spoken child who makes more sense than any of us on the internet.

This conflict comes down to Muslims not recognizing Jew-Jews', the ones Hitler genocided (not the Arab-Jews) and their right to self-governance in the region. So everything that came as a result has been rejected at every single step. We're near the end of what, 70+years of rejection at every single step and now there's not much left because the Muslim world has never budged an inch? Ever? Because this stance is based on indoctrination that is part of the fabric of the mind-control mechanisms? What's taken place has made sense at near every stage.

The "boy cried wolf" too many times.
Aaaand, this is where you lose me. None of those things are true. Stick to the core of what you said in the first paragraph, and just be honest about that.
The occupation might not be illegal but isn't moving citizens into occupied territory for the purpose of settlement illegal according to the Geneva Convention?
Depends. If she's hot, sentence should be commuted to a damn good spanking:)
LOL @ me being obtuse. Your'e the one being obtuse. You either need to stick to talking about the abstract moral point you tried to make (which was originally that 15 year olds shouldn't be shot, for any reason, ever) or stick to talking about this specific incident. Because you're trying to weave the two together when you it's convenient for you and I'm just not having any of that. You obviously understand that you're doing that, and are trying to act like me pointing that out to you is somehow me being "obtuse". That suggests that you're massively full of shit and are going out of your way to attempt to appear smarter than you actually are. It's not an ew routine around here.
Is this thread about all kids being shot in the face in anyway for whatever reason or about a particular case where particular kid got shot pointblank in the face in a particular situation? It is obviously the latter and it is the situation from which I derived the maxim. I did word it unclearly, but it is obvious what was implicit in it given the discussion. Maybe you just want to generalise the maxim, to make it as general as possible, so you can point to a counter instance and refute it. I say maybe because you don't seem smart enough to have intended this. So whether by accident or designe you are very confused about the nature of morality and how it relates to concrete acts/events.
It is the same with the Muslims who are unaware of the evil shit in the Quran and Hadith. More non Muslims know about it than Muslims.
Highly unlikely. Muslims in general are more devout per capita than other religions. The hadiths are comparable to the Talmud if I'm not mistaken. The Koran is comparable to the Torah.
This conflict comes down to Muslims not recognizing Jew-Jews', the ones Hitler genocided (not the Arab-Jews) and their right to self-governance in the region. So everything that came as a result has been rejected at every single step. We're near the end of what, 70+years of rejection at every single step and now there's not much left because the Muslim world has never budged an inch? Ever? Because this stance is based on indoctrination that is part of the fabric of the mind-control mechanisms? What's taken place has made sense at near every stage.

The "boy cried wolf" too many times.
What about Jewish Muslims?
Highly unlikely. Muslims in general are more devout per capita than other religions. The hadiths are comparable to the Talmud if I'm not mistaken. The Koran is comparable to the Torah.
I know. What I meant was that the majority of Muslims are unaware of the dirt hiding between those pages, more so with the Hadith.