Alabama Student Expelled For Online Racist Comments

She should be expelled, but not on the grounds of being racist (she's a scumbag as a person, but that shouldn't be the barrier to entry for a public university).

The issue facing the administration is that she is a disruption to the campus. It is in her best interest to be expelled, as any attempts to reintegrate back into the campus will be met with swift and brutal backlash by the student population. She will be heckled, taunted, and in all likelihood, assaulted (that behavior shouldn't be condoned, but it will almost certainly happen).

This is also one of the few instances in which I will agree with students who request having a safe space against someone who is an admitted racist. As a person of color who teaches at a university, I don't know how comfortable I would be with having her in my class. Would I treat her fairly? Will she treat me and her fellow students with respect? I don't want to have to worry about these things, my job is to teach, and any distraction from doing so is largely unwanted.

While I believe in free speech, there are consequences to everything we do in life. I actually don't know what a satisfying resolution would be, as expelling her is merely going to exacerbate her racial biases. If it was possible, I would force her to do a field work course in an inner city. I'm a big believer in "walk a mile in another man's shoes" to appreciate their perspective.

You can't say somebody is a disruption for legal activities done outside of the campus. Where would you draw the line there? Gays and trans are now disruptions and must be delt with accordingly. You see the problem?
Unless things are wildly different in Ontario than the States, you're full of shit and feeding hollow talking points.

In the States, virtually every campus has right-leaning political groups like Young GOP, FedSoc, Students Supporting Israel, pro-life groups, anti-socialist, even outright white nationalist groups. And just about all of them organize demonstrations. Do they trigger backlash sometimes? Fuck yeah, and that's the prerogative of their contemporaries.

Expelling students who openly and proudly use racial slurs and publicly tie it to their university, and even go so far as to say that they are entitled to do it because of where the university is (i.e. saying that Alabama is particularly fertile for racism), is not the same as banning right-wing "thought" or expression.

I think you may have misunderstand what I said (or perhaps I didn't make my point clearly). I was pointing out that active demonstration by student groups is really only tolerated by university officials when it is a left leaning issue (the most topical being Islamophobia and BLM). BLM has actively disrupted school operations through protest, and the disciplinary measures taken by university administration was non existent. The same luxory WOULD NOT be afforded to more conservative groups - in fact, York actively dissolved the whites student union, because of the racial undertones.

To elucidiate my point, Wilfrid Laurier attempted to suspend a TA for showing a clip that was seemingly critical of the trans community. The purpose of showing the video was to encourage dialogue, but because the content could be seen as a trigger warding, the TA unfairly targeted.

There has been a definitive movement on university campuses to discourage dialogue or confrontation that can been seen as targeting marginalized communities.

To say that all student groups, irrespective of race/religion or political view are treated equally on campus, is disingenious.

To reiterate, I am very much left leaning. But I am not oblivious to the "safe space" movement that has taken over contemporary campuses.
They are just fucking words you pussy. My god. You teach our youth?

The future is bleak.

Sticks and stones is what I was taught.

To reiterate, I'm more concerned about the potential disruption she poses to my class. If she wants to say ni**er on her personal time and with friends, go right ahead (although that just makes her a scumbag). But the world now knows and she is basically walking around with a Scarlett Letter that will follow her everywhere she goes. As an analog, if a guy on campus is outed as a convicted sex offender, he is going to be targeted and spend more time addressing the antagonism of his peers than actually learning. It's actually in their best interest to move to a school where they can start fresh.
You would get fired from a job for this too. She was looking for a reaction. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
I am just going to guess all those kill whites and rape whites comments by people of black skin on youtube and twitter wont get them expelled.

Selective anger
I am sure the majority of them are not enrolled in any form of higher education.
Unless things are wildly different in Ontario than the States, you're full of shit and feeding hollow talking points.

In the States, virtually every campus has right-leaning political groups like Young GOP, FedSoc, Students Supporting Israel, pro-life groups, anti-socialist, even outright white nationalist groups. And just about all of them organize demonstrations. Do they trigger backlash sometimes? Fuck yeah, and that's the prerogative of their contemporaries.

Expelling students who openly and proudly use racial slurs and publicly tie it to their university, and even go so far as to say that they are entitled to do it because of where the university is (i.e. saying that Alabama is particularly fertile for racism), is not the same as banning right-wing "thought" or expression.
I know the university that @Brampton_Boy teaches at. There is no (or barely any) semblance of right leaning anything. I know people that have had to censor themselves and cater to whatever stance their professor is taking in order to preserve their grade.
I am just going to guess all those kill whites and rape whites comments by people of black skin on youtube and twitter wont get them expelled.

Selective anger
Those are often made by fake accounts as you may well know
I am sure the majority of them are not enrolled in any form of higher education.
The professor that tweeted he wanted white genocide for christmas didn't lose his job until he decided to resign.
You can't say somebody is a disruption for legal activities done outside of the campus. Where would you draw the line there? Gays and trans are now disruptions and must be delt with accordingly. You see the problem?
Where is the line drawn? Is there any outside of university behavior that is cause to expel?

I don't think she should be expelled though. Let her face the consequences of her actions.
Some things are better off not filmed.

Consider this a lesson learned I suppose.
The professor that tweeted he wanted white genocide for christmas didn't lose his job until he decided to resign.
I would have supported, and encouraged, his termination.
Where is the line drawn? Is there any outside of university behavior that is cause to expel?

I don't think she should be expelled though. Let her face the consequences of her actions.

Illegal actions would be cause to expel. Surely speech should not be
Some things are better of not done.


But things like this often happen, especially when substances are involved. This person likely would have still been a student if our generation wasn't so obsessed with recording every meaningless day to day interaction they come across.

Stupid people do stupid things, and now we have constant documentation of said stupidity.
88 means Hulk Hogan pleb.

Lol, what a cowardly and pathetic way you are going through life. Being afraid to be honest about your beliefs because you know they are so stupid you'll never be able to justify them.

There are a few other simpletons here. Just be honest, maybe they'll defend you.