Cambridge Analytica, Psychometrics, Russia, and the Trump Campaign

14:24 - Nix: CA will not give US investigators any information about foreign clients: "I'm absolutely convinced that they have no jurisdiction". "We'll say, none of your business."

wtf is the deal with everybody pretending Mueller isn't going to fold them into a napkin? Arrogant fools, every one.

From Reddit:

Clinton is constantly ridiculed as a sore loser and excuse-maker, but yet again she's proven right.

Here's Clinton from an interview in this very report:

‘Very disturbing’

Defeated presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has told Channel 4 News how she faced a “massive propaganda effort” during the election – and questioned if Cambridge Analytica helped the Russians in their alleged attempt to influence the election outcome.

In an exclusive interview filmed in October 2017 to promote her book, she said: “There was a new kind of campaign that was being run on the other side – that nobody had ever faced before. Because it wasn’t just all about me. It was about how to suppress voters who were inclined to vote for me.

“When you have a massive propaganda effort to prevent people from thinking straight, because they’re being flooded with false information and you have people who are searching.. trying to make sense of it. But every search engine, every site they go into is repeating these fabrications. Then yes It affected the thought processes of voters.”

The former candidate also questioned whether Cambridge Analytica were involved in the Russia’s alleged attempt to influence the election, calling the possibility “very disturbing”.

Cambridge Analytica strongly deny any involvement and say any such allegation is false.

Clinton said: “So you’ve got CA, you’ve got the Republican National Committee which of course has always done data collection and analysis and you’ve got the Russians. And the real question is how did the Russians know how to target their messages so precisely to undecided voters in Wisconsin or Michigan or Pennsylvania – that is really the nub of the question.

“So if they were getting advice from say Cambridge Analytica or someone else about OK here are the 12 voters in this town in Wisconsin – that’s whose Facebook pages you need to be on to send these messages that indeed would be very disturbing.”

Yet neither Trump’s campaign nor the RNC has prioritized registering and mobilizing the 47 million eligible white voters without college degrees who are Trump’s most obvious source of new votes, as FiveThirtyEight analyst David Wasserman noted.

To compensate for this, Trump’s campaign has devised another strategy, which, not surprisingly, is negative. Instead of expanding the electorate, Bannon and his team are trying to shrink it. “We have three major voter suppression operations under way,” says a senior official. They’re aimed at three groups Clinton needs to win overwhelmingly: idealistic white liberals, young women, and African Americans. Trump’s invocation at the debate of Clinton’s WikiLeaks e-mails and support for the Trans-Pacific Partnership was designed to turn off Sanders supporters. The parade of women who say they were sexually assaulted by Bill Clinton and harassed or threatened by Hillary is meant to undermine her appeal to young women. And her 1996 suggestion that some African American males are “super predators” is the basis of a below-the-radar effort to discourage infrequent black voters from showing up at the polls—particularly in Florida.

On Oct. 24, Trump’s team began placing spots on select African American radio stations. In San Antonio, a young staffer showed off a South Park-style animation he’d created of Clinton delivering the “super predator” line (using audio from her original 1996 sound bite), as cartoon text popped up around her: “Hillary Thinks African Americans are Super Predators.” The animation will be delivered to certain African American voters through Facebook “dark posts”—nonpublic posts whose viewership the campaign controls so that, as Parscale puts it, “only the people we want to see it, see it.” The aim is to depress Clinton’s vote total. “We know because we’ve modeled this,” says the official. “It will dramatically affect her ability to turn these people out.”


Powered by Project Alamo and data supplied by the RNC and Cambridge Analytica, his team is spending $70 million a month, much of it to cultivate a universe of millions of fervent Trump supporters, many of them reached through Facebook. By Election Day, the campaign expects to have captured 12 million to 14 million e-mail addresses and contact information (including credit card numbers) for 2.5 million small-dollar donors, who together will have ponied up almost $275 million. “I wouldn’t have come aboard, even for Trump, if I hadn’t known they were building this massive Facebook and data engine,” says Bannon. “Facebook is what propelled Breitbart to a massive audience. We know its power.”


Locations for the candidate’s rallies, long the centerpiece of his media-centric candidacy, are guided by a Cambridge Analytica ranking of the places in a state with the largest clusters of persuadable voters
From Reddit:

I don't know if anyone caught that potential federal election law violation but it's extremely suspicious the connection between the campaign and the superPAC through Bannon and Mercer.

Cambridge Analytica claimed they ran the entire digital campaign for Trump:

“We did all the research, all the data, all the analytics, all the targeting, we ran all the digital campaign, the television campaign and our data informed all the strategy," said CEO Alexander Nix, regarding Cambridge Analytica's work for Trump.

We know that a whistleblower for CA claims that they worked with Lewandowski and Bannon. Bannon was involved in setting up CA, and CA tested slogans that ended up becoming key campaign slogans of the Trump campaign as far back as 2014.

We also know that the senior management team of CA is on tape stating that they use proxies to distribute information.

Cambridge Analytica's major funder and Board Director is Rebekah Mercer. Rebekah Mercer funded the SuperPAC "Make America Number 1". We know that ads that the CA management team described were distributed by the SuperPAC funded by Mercer.

CA admits to working both sides of the fence but claim they have a Chinese wall in place. However, the above certainly doesn't look like that's the case. About a year ago it was alleged that Bannon was improperly paid by the SuperPAC Make America Number One. The SuperPAC paid Bannon's production company Glittering Steel nearly $1 million during the campaign, starting in July 2015 and continuing through Bannon's tenure at the head of the campaign.

Further, CA senior exects are on video stating that their campaign work wasn't so much around being pro-Trump, but more so focused on an anti-Hillary message and trying to discourage people from voting for Hillary. In June 2016 the PAC changed its name and its purpose to being anti-Hillary, just like CA's stated mission. Politico reported the colloquial name of the PAC as the "defeat crooked Hillary PAC" which is the same slogan pioneered by CA. David Bossie headed the PAC between June and August, 2016, before leaving to become the Trump campaign's deputy campaign manager.

It's also worth noting that Rebekah Mercer is also the funder of Breitbart news, Bannon's former media website.

Going deeper, it's recently been discovered that Trump's team is using ProtonMail accounts at the White House and has done so throughout the campaign. There's not anything inherently suspicious about using end to end encrypted email channels, except for the fact that in today's report CA senior executives promote ProtonMail specifically as a means of communicating with their clients.

If the Trump Campaign coordinated with the Make America Number 1 SuperPAC, that would be a violation of federal election laws.

EDIT: It gets even better. An activist was working with Michael Flynn to find Hillary's emails. Flynn had to file an amended disclosure to admit that he had worked with CA. We know that Mueller is investigating Flynn's roles in the email scandal.
From Reddit:

Cambridge Analytica a company where Steve Bannon - Trump’s campaign guy and White House appointment - was the Vice President admitting on camera they destroyed evidence, admitting on camera mislead senate investigation into election interference.

Their #1 source of income during election was “Donald J Trump for President” and they admit they are “Make America Number 1” (the 3rd biggest payer) - the source of the anti-Clinton campaign (they admit on camera), those vids which were coincidentally spread by Russian bots. Income Source:

Mr Nix boasted about Cambridge Analytica’s work for Trump, saying: “We did all the research, all the data, all the analytics, all the targeting, we ran all the digital campaign, the television campaign and our data informed all the strategy.”

In the video Channel 4 News investigation into Cambridge Analytica, bosses talking about:

They “ran all the digital campaign, the television campaign and our data informed all the strategy” for President Trump.

How they avoid Congressional investigations into their foreign clients

Setting up proxy organisations to feed untraceable messages onto social media

Using a secret email system where messages self-destruct and leave no trace

Cambridge Analytica’s involvement in the “Defeat Crooked Hilary” brand of attack ads

The full scale of their pivotal work in Trump’s election win
I feel bad for Hillary. A nation of morons calling her Crooked Hillary and chanting Lock Her Up because they were played like a fiddle

Funny, When Obama Harvested Facebook Data On Millions Of Users To Win In 2012, Everyone Cheered

Why Are We Only Now Talking About Facebook And Elections?

Crisis manager questions why Trump's use of social media data is 'sleazy' and Obama's 'innovative'

'They were on our side': Obama campaign director reveals Facebook ALLOWED them to mine American users' profiles in 2012 because they were supportive of the Democrats

The Problem Is Facebook, Not Cambridge Analytica

CAMBRIDGE ANALYTICA filmed: Broke election law?


Authorities Seek Warrant to Raid Offices...

What's genius for Obama is scandal when it comes to Trump...
I feel bad for Hillary. A nation of morons calling her Crooked Hillary and chanting Lock Her Up because they were played like a fiddle
I didn’t like Hillary for other reasons,but the crook shit always puzzled me.

The lock her up chants ,to me..where so damn unfounded.

This has got to be the sleaziest Presidential election to date.

Tinfoil time:
I’m kinda curious though...what if ca by way of proxies made the bots look Russian as to deflect a trace.This whole time we’ve been lead to believe Russia directly meddled with propaganda and fake news.
I’d think Putin and Russian intelligence had to of known about it...probably another way to keep trump under Putin’s thumb. Compromising trump further.
The lock her up chants ,to me..where so damn unfounded.

I was also confused on the echoing of my immediate family members with that and other statements. Whats even more troubling is with all this information being released. Theyll more than likely willingly avoid consciously acknowledging being brainwashed.

This entire Twitter stream is fucking crazy.

UK took too long with that warrant.
I was also confused on the echoing of my immediate family members with that and other statements. Whats even more troubling is with all this information being released. Theyll more than likely willingly avoid consciously acknowledging being brainwashed.
Yessir,that’s the sad part about..basically:

“Hey you dumb fucks,here’s solid evidence that you got played like fools. you bought all the fake news we could give you.”


“But Hilary, maga,maga,maga,but Hilary “
They need to go now. They're obviously destroying the files.

Yep. The UK authorities turned away Facebook's auditors, though. They wanted to go into CA's servers and "audit"... most likely to audit away any connection to Facebook. Google staff were in CA when this news broke so they can't pretend the two organizations weren't close.