UPDATE!: Pettis declined as he asked for higher pay; Felder gets the spot but NYSAC doesnt allow him

Felder can't get the Khabib fight because of rankings?


Rankings need to go away.
CM Punk has never missed weight. I say make Punk vs Khabib, Punk lives in Chicago, he can arrive there in time before tomorrow night.

Gotta go with the upset in this one. I say Khabib wins in a huge upset.
What stupid... They wouldnt pay pettis when the entire event is about to collapse
They should give Pettis a bigger payday, they pay that piece of sh*t Conor a lot of money and look what he's done.
Pettis was getting a title shot and passed for more pay? His ass is lucky he was even in the position.
So many inept people involved in this sport. From the commissions, to the media members who do the rankings, to Marc Ratner, to the people in power who refuse to make the obvious changes necessary to improve things.
Pettis should be given AT LEAST another 100 large to salvage what is left of this shit show.
Sooo, anyone still buying this PPV? Yeah, me neither.
I actually think Felder has a better chance against Khabib than Max and Pettis.. but what a shit show!
I can't believe that with this show falling apart they had an acceptable replacement in Pettis & instead try & lowball him. Pay him his fucking money.
Pettis was getting a title shot and passed for more pay? His ass is lucky he was even in the position.

Nah, he's offering to save the biggest event of the year for a ass whooping he is totally unprepared for. The UFC has worked hard to de-legitimize the belts as much as possible so a title shot means nothing. He is doing UFC a favor by stepping in, not the other way around.

Fuck the UFC, they had it coming to them.
I wonder if Cowboy Cerrone knows what's going on in the UFC right now. He's the guy