UPDATE!: Pettis declined as he asked for higher pay; Felder gets the spot but NYSAC doesnt allow him

With everyone bitching, does anyone know what he asked for? Did he ask for $10mil and they countered with $5mil or did he ask for $500k and they offered him $400k? Are the UFC being cheap? Probably. Could Pettis be asking for a ridiculous amount? Possibly.
From the wording, it sounds like Pettis asked more than what he currently makes (135k), and the UFC offered him less than 135k in the first place.
The UFC has been fucking these guys on pay forever of course Pettis is going to ask for more money. 1. because he has your dumb asses over a barrel and you have to pay him if you want the remains of his card to go on PPV and 2. because YOU SHOULD PAY HIM MORE when you're switching his opponent to a last minute title fight against fucking Khabib after you pulled him off the card entirely yesterday

Pay the guy or fold the card
With everyone bitching, does anyone know what he asked for? Did he ask for $10mil and they countered with $5mil or did he ask for $500k and they offered him $400k? Are the UFC being cheap? Probably. Could Pettis be asking for a ridiculous amount? Possibly.

Pettis was going to get 150k but he wanted 200k, so they countered with 50k and he declined.
Anthony Pettis ranked 12th at lightweight despite being 2-5 in his last seven.(1-4 at lightweight). Felder has won 3 in a row, nowhere to be seen in the rankings.
WTF is going on!?! Jesus Christ Almighty!!! This is the card from hell.
not a smart move by Pettis

now he will probably be cut, as well as his brother, and teammates if they currently have any on the roster? (except CM Punk)
Their fake rankings bit them on the back side.
As he rightfully should. UFC management = cheapskates.
yea, that fight makes no sense for pettis at this point - he needs to build his confidence back up instead of takin the hardest fight in the division on very short notice - he def should be compensated more ha - but these fights never get made because the UFC doesnt care about it, they probably know they'll sell PPVs anyway given that people arent paying attenton last minute to the changes
not a smart move by Pettis

now he will probably be cut, as well as his brother, and teammates if they currently have any on the roster? (except CM Punk)

CM Punk will save this event, hopefully.