PWD 568: It’s Thursday

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I’m pretty sure you have said things like Bryan is only over because his yes chants and he doesn’t have charisma. I would also argue that he had many solid matches and feuds/ promos prior to mitb 2011 at which point he really found his stride in the wwe. And after mitb 2011 he was easily one of the best in the company. But that’s a whole other topic at this point. I can easily find examples of you trashing both of those guys on many points that have no merit but I’ll leave it at that. Maybe you responding to these max power posts will prevent you from your own imprudent and biased comments on talent.

Yeah, people tend to say ridiculous shit about how great Punk and Bryan are/was yet people only catch feelings when I say otherwise. Their fans are the worse thing to happen to WWE since the steroids scandal and i'm not walking that back. I remember a time in the PWD where saying this wasn't even a controversial statement but over the years as the ROH/Japan crowd has taken over WWE, the only posters from those days that are still here are @The Higher Power and @Pliny Pete because everyone else quit watching years ago. Brooklyn Bomber use to be more ruthless than me, Meanwhile we have more people like @Max Power gaying up with the place with their feelings.
To this day, never saw the appeal in Austin Aries


You seem surprised.

I’m not

There was some potential in the beginning with the Creeper’s van being like a horse that got captured by itself and was killing people but of course it got too cheesy. For a bit it reminded me of like a shadowmere from Elder Scrolls. Lol
I love this feud and that I have no idea why they hate each other. I hope there's absolutely no good reason and it was just a natural hostility from the very start

This is also my favorite feud

First half season of the latest Vikings really sucked. I liked Edge though, hopefully he gets a bigger part.

First half season of the latest Vikings really sucked. I liked Edge though, hopefully he gets a bigger part.

I didnt enjoy the Floki Iceland adventure at all. If Lagertha dies though, the internet will riot.
Nobody "deserves" to get cheated on. Fucking stupidest thing said on here and I've read most of lakersfan's and Bubba's posts.

You want to fuck somebody else, then leave the person you are with first. Otherwise keep it in your pants and work it out.

I’m not going to go into the details but she worked for it and deserved it. I should have broken up with her but I was in love. Cheating was a form of therapy.

Like I said, never cheated on anybody else even though I had/have plenty of occasions. Never even wanted to or had the tiniest impulse.
Sometimes you just gotta eat a little ass
Dont cheat, just walk. The Tit for Tat bs never ends well. Just be the better person and just go. And if you cant control your dick, then perhaps a relationship isnt for you.
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