Today in 1945, Mussolini is executed by the Italian resistance; is fascism reemerging?

As if on que...
Maybe you really have any self awareness. Think before you post. Or don't. I don't care.

Ok, so we've got you to the point of directly addressing people. Now the only obstacle left is the functional illiteracy.
Mate he doesn't have to paint you as an antisemite. You just recommended people to watch a 15 hours Neo-Nazi documentary.
I mean that video has people with Aryan brotherhood face tattoos try to explain why the Nazis were the good guys.

At no point did you think it might be Neo-Nazi propaganda?
Come on are you Blackened new account?

I didn't recently see any thumbnails in the youtube chapters with a Neo Nazi. Perhaps his Google captures did. Any one that I saw on youtube is just of a documentary cover.

Regardless, as I said, I'm not anti-Jew. I think communism is bad news. I'm also not a hyper-nationalist. I'm also not Blackened.
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I think communists fascination with fascism is funny. That idea that everything is about reaction to communism is also hilarious.
No, I don't think fascism will make a comeback, nor will communism.
I believe we will see a rise of a nationalistic brand of fascism. Not to sound racist or ethnocentric, but more and more we are seeing the ramifications of introducing people from impoverished , underdeveloped nations into more modern western ones.

Again, maybe I've spent too much time in the war room and have gone completely cynical , or woke up in a bad mood but I'm developing the opinion that some cultures are incompatible with one another.

I look at the immigration policies of Japan , Korea, Poland , Russia, Taiwan and how strict they are...and how they strive to keep their nations more homogenous. ..
I wonder if this is a "good" or "bad" approach .

I truly believe that the pendulum in nations like Germany, France and England will swing the other way when it comes to electing their leaders and their immigration policy .

Now I'm rambling ...
Mate he doesn't have to paint you as an antisemite. You just recommended people to watch a 15 hours Neo-Nazi documentary.
I mean that video has people with Aryan brotherhood face tattoos try to explain why the Nazis were the good guys.

At no point did you think it might be Neo-Nazi propaganda?
Come on are you Blackened new account?

Yea thats exactly what I was going to post if no one pointed that out to him .

Im not a nazi i just agree with em about stuff. nah man at no time in those 15 hours did i realize i was watching a nazi movie man its not like it was obvious .

Lol good post dude
I didn't recently see any thumbnails in the youtube chapters with a Neo Nazi. Perhaps his Google captures did. Any one that I saw on youtube is just of a documentary cover.

Regardless, as I said, my I'm not anti-Jew. I think communism is bad news. I'm also not a hyper-nationalist. I'm also not Blackened.

The guy with the Face tattoos is the first guy to speak.
I mean if you are "just looking for the truth" you didn't think it would be beneficial to research who is behind the documentary?
Glad to see you're coming with an open mind.

Why not just click on those links I provided or read insights from the (several) political historians who have noted obvious fascistic parallels in Trumpism?

Anyways, since I don't believe you will make a good faith effort to objectively review information:
"lost-golden-age" syndrome (MAGA)
staffing the government with corporate executives and siding with corporate interests
openly lying and discrediting honest (yes, sometimes not so much) journalism
suppression/undermining of labor organization
openly requiring "loyalty" and strict partisanship from party members
fluid and non-distinct economic philosophy (hey there, TPP)

Honestly, Bob, this needs to be a two-way street. All I do is give in this relationship, and all you do is take. I should not have to be typing things you could readily find yourself.

Ok I literally have a student coming in 10 minutes.

Hyper nationalism? Try just plain old loving America.

Golden age, maga is a line stolen from Reagan by everyone since, trump put it on a hat, that’s the biggest difference.

Corporate executives? Obama must be a fascist, he let citi hand pick his cabinet.

Trump lies, get over it. All politicians lie.

Loyalty? Nikki Haley attacked him hard.

Last I checked the press was still alive, and writing fan fiction about the president on a daily basis without fear of reprocussion.

His economic policies added 7k to the Dow in a year.

I think you’re confusing fascism, with you being confused.
The guy with the Face tattoos is the first guy to speak.
I mean if you are "just looking for the truth" you didn't think it would be beneficial to research who is behind the documentary?

Ok, for the record, the first time I watched it (out of urging from a non-white friend of mine), I was put off by things like that. Again, as said, I don't agree with everything said or presented in the documentary. Also, I believe that clip is of someone (a marine) who was in a boat shot at by Israelis.

As said, not anti-Jew, but am anti-communist. If Judaism and communism are the same thing, it gives me pause on Judaism.

The thing is, it's a good idea to analyze these things. And in the case of that documentary, I felt like I was an opposite perspective, again, not everything I agreed with. Also, as already stated, my biggest takeaway was the havoc of communism in Russia and Eastern Europe. Some minor takeaways for me was the manipulation of the media/propaganda and nationalism as even presented by figures such as Muhammad Ali.
Hyper nationalism? Try just plain old loving America.

Golden age, maga is a line stolen from Reagan by everyone since, trump put it on a hat, that’s the biggest difference.

Corporate executives? Obama must be a fascist, he let citi hand pick his cabinet.

Trump lies, get over it. All politicians lie.

Loyalty? Nikki Haley attacked him hard.

Last I checked the press was still alive, and writing fan fiction about the president on a daily basis without fear of reprocussion.

His economic policies added 7k to the Dow in a year.

I think you’re confusing fascism, with you being confused.

So, you didn't disagree with any of it.

This is a pretty gross display of anti-intellectualism and straight up aversion to reality.

Ok I literally have a student coming in 10 minutes.

You're.....a teacher?

So, you didn't disagree with any of it.

This is a pretty gross display of anti-intellectualism and straight up aversion to reality.

You're.....a teacher?


he's been a piece of shit on here for awhile it's nothing new
No, at least not in America.

The day Trump starts killing judges and the press, I’ll be on the ideological front lines with you.

That being said, I’m practically astonished China is ok with President for life Xi.

Lastly, some countries in the Middle East, unfortunately only understand the rule of an iron fist.

China has never been liberal in its history and not much democracy when it comes to leadership they have been always at war before chair Man Mao so in a sense all they know thru out their History are strong men and they are probably identifying with the Idea that strogmen leaders are the only way to bring stability.

Just my 100 centavos.
Why would he? He got what he wanted.

I did, though. Care to respond to it?

Glad to see you're coming with an open mind.

Why not just click on those links I provided or read insights from the (several) political historians who have noted obvious fascistic parallels in Trumpism?

Anyways, since I don't believe you will make a good faith effort to objectively review information:
"lost-golden-age" syndrome (MAGA)
staffing the government with corporate executives and siding with corporate interests
openly lying and discrediting honest (yes, sometimes not so much) journalism
suppression/undermining of labor organization
openly requiring "loyalty" and strict partisanship from party members
fluid and non-distinct economic philosophy (hey there, TPP)

Honestly, Bob, this needs to be a two-way street. All I do is give in this relationship, and all you do is take. I should not have to be typing things you could readily find yourself.

Oh, that's right. You have no interest in policy or discussion. You're just here for pot shots from your safe space. You'll keep passively insulting without ever showing your neck on how little you understand....well, anything.
You're so pro-jew that you just copypasted several hundred words blaming the ills of the USSR on jews and then referred people to a 11 hour documentary recasting WW2 as a defense (by the axis powers!) against jewish "globalists" and "bolsheviks."



Except it's not really about communism, is it?





eek Sherfront!
Trotsky would be my favorite poster if he wasnt willing to shill for some really awful people.