Michael Cohen, personal attorney to Donald Trump, officially under criminal investigation

Well I would prefer that the President of the United States didn't fuck pornstars.

But interns are ok?

I certainly don't that's a very high bar. And if you don't care about the adultery, then what about the lying? You have to admit that trump started off with a flat denial, before, months later admitting to it's truth. So there's no doubt he lied to everyone here. Does that not bother you? How would you know that Trump couldn't also be lying about an issue you do care about?

It doesn't bother me. I would prefer the president didn't have affairs 10 years ago and then lie about them today. However it still leaves him the cleanest man in Washington. It's not like we have a line of politicians that aren't going to have skeletons in their closet that they will lie about. Except their skeletons are going to be a lot bigger than this.

Look, the reason this shit even happens is that america's partisanship prevents accountability by giving any wrong doer a voter base that will just eat up his denials and lies with glee.

Bruh, I'm not going to give up record unemployment, immigration reform, peace in Korea, defeating Isis, energy independence, trade reform, pulling out of tpp, pulling out of the paris accord, and oh so many other things all because Trump lied about an affair we all assumed he was having anyway. Especially when the alternative are depraved luciferians who lie a million times more and about bigger things.

No as the christian you claim to be, do you not feel it just to criticize it when we see it?

Sure and I have criticized Trump for cheating on his wife and lying about it. That's sinful and shameful.
This is funny because I think that even the AG from New York believes that way to much is being made out of Giuliani did in fact it could derail the real issues such as ties to Russian meddling and where much of this money is coming from to political parties. Where over here trying to compare this to what President Clinton did where Jarad, Donald Jr. and others are setting up secret meetings with the Russian oligarchs and the Political elite in Russia. I get the feeling President Trump legal team will control the terms of his questioning and will set up something that will let President Trump off the hook.

Burnett is no friend of the left and the way she is acting makes me believe this fact.

Sure and I have criticized Trump for cheating on his wife and lying about it. That's sinful and shameful.

And no one else in Washington has come close to this level of consistent lying. And no other president in the history of the republic has fucked a porn star, paid her hush money, and lied about it.
And no one else in Washington has come close to this level of consistent lying.

I disagree. Typical politicians lie every single time they speak.

And no other president in the history of the republic has fucked a porn star, paid her hush money, and lied about it.

The last president overthrew Lybia and now there's slavery there. The guy before him invaded Iraq over weapons of mass destruction that weren't there, countless died. The guy before him slept with an intern who was then intimidated and threatened by his wife, the first lady. He also raped several women.

Sleeping with a porn star and signing a nda seems to pale in a comparison wouldn't you say?
I disagree. Typical politicians lie every single time they speak.

The last president overthrew Lybia and now there's slavery there. The guy before him invaded Iraq over weapons of mass destruction that weren't there, countless died. The guy before him slept with an intern who was then intimidated and threatened by his wife, the first lady. He also raped several women.

Starting to understand why you emphasize so much with liars.
And no one else in Washington has come close to this level of consistent lying. And no other president in the history of the republic has fucked a porn star, paid her hush money, and lied about it.


Elizabeth Carlisle

That fat cankled cunt has never opened her mouth without lying.

Elizabeth Carlisle

That fat cankled cunt has never opened her mouth without lying.

Alternative facts I see huh Bob? Even Fox News is starting to get it right, you watch Neil Cavuto last night? Even Fox can't continue this charade
Alternative facts I see huh Bob? Even Fox News is starting to get it right, you watch Neil Cavuto last night? Even Fox can't continue this charade

Watching cable news in 2018?


Ah so you are on the I don't like it so it must all be fake? This uninformed epidemic is worse than I thought.

No, I’m on the “if you pay for cable in 2018 you’re a fucking moron” team.

I suspect you make your payments faithfully.

After reading this I must admit...I still couldn't care less. He had an affair and paid the girl not to go around and do exactly what she's doing. You wouldn't care either if it wasn't Trump.

Are you seriously trying to argue that a politician having an affair with a pornstar, paying her off to keep quite and maybe using campaign funds to do so, would not be a mayor scandal for any politician of any party?
I have nothing against Christians. I have something against hypocrites who say they have values but actually stand for nothing.
The full voice of the morality they want to shove down everyone's throat suddenly goes "crickets in an empty theater".
Are you seriously trying to argue that a politician having an affair with a pornstar, paying her off to keep quite and maybe using campaign funds to do so, would not be a mayor scandal for any politician of any party?

You’re conveniently leaving out the part where the affair happened a decade before he entered politics.

PS, Maybe doesn’t hold up in court.
You’re conveniently leaving out the part where the affair happened a decade before he entered politics.

PS, Maybe doesn’t hold up in court.

The timing of the affair would be irrelevant, from a public opinion perspective. Specially of the payment for it was relatively recent.
The timing of the affair would be irrelevant, from a public opinion perspective. Specially of the payment for it was relatively recent.

The part you left out is how nobody gives a fuck if trump banged Whormy, except the people constantly embarrassing themselves by latching on to every headline in hopes this will finally be the one that brings down trump.
trump lies so much I wonder if he even knows what is real. Its like his reaction is to lie.

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