UFC to sponsor LGBTQ Pride March in New York

Oh, you mean the Military Industrial Complex? You've Never heard of anyone speaking out against the, "war machine"? OKaaaay
I rarely hear someone being offended by military parade, that is for sure.
why they keep adding letters to the initialism?

trying to include people who are part of the community but often get left out of discussions or aren't even considered at all, as I understand it. I was confused about it too.
Oooh look, a typo! Hey, support sodomy if you'd like you little pansy, Okay?

To be fair...Sodomy is great...Well if you're the giver...And for me... if it's a chick...

Oooh look, a typo! Hey, support sodomy if you'd like you little pansy, Okay?

You are the exact type of person that gives MMA fans the "meathead" rep.

You're ignorant, hateful & you have very little knowledge when spouting facts
I've never understood why these are still around. Those Pride marches make gay people look bad. It's like an adult video awards festival atmosphere and attire. The worst kind of people show up and make spectacles of themselves.
They are still fighting for equality, I'm guessing that's why they are still around.
First off.. Are you fucking them? Are you worried about contracting AIDS from them? Who cares. I'm sure they know the risks involved in they gay community. So let them be.
Secondly... Africans also have a high % of AIDS carriers. And I can tell you that gays aren't the problem there.
No, I'm trying to raise 4 kids to know right from wrong, even when they can't and won't always choose to do the right thing.
If you believed television and the media, that would be true. It's actually like 4-5% according to the studies I've seen and that includes all the bisexual women who have to make more than half that.

true. That's still like 15 million people though. Most of whom are likely concentrated in cities where there is more of a community (that's an assumption though).
No, I'm trying to raise 4 kids to know right from wrong, even when they can't and won't always choose to do the right thing.
Do you think they will turn gay if they see enough of it?
Oh yea, sure. I'm not okay with teaching our young men it's cool to take it in the rectum. You go you cool mma fan you !

Thank you for backing up & proving my point

I knew it would be easy, but not that easy
I've never understood why these are still around. Those Pride marches make gay people look bad. It's like an adult video awards festival atmosphere and attire. The worst kind of people show up and make spectacles of themselves.
Yeah because pervy guys at Mardi Gras giving beads to women flashing their tits is so much more wholesome...<YeahOKJen>
Ahh yes, and it will STILL be immoral in 3018. Funny how that works, huh?

I think it more likely that your religion goes away by 3018...the worlds getting more educated and atheism is on the rise. Thank god.
Yeah because pervy guys at Mardi Gras giving beads to women flashing their tits is so much more wholesome...<YeahOKJen>

Is Mardi Gras supposed to be a heterosexual pride rally to celebrate and promote being straight? I don't get the comparison. Lots of gay events are held at Mardi Gras and do the same stuff. Pride events are supposed to represent and celebrate the gay lifestyle and culture. I don't know why they want to be equated with the kind of weirdos who show up to them is the point.
I'm ok with this. I think the 4 women pictured (and others) are respectable women. It's the UFC's right to support their fighters in a positive light. Are there any other distinctive groups within the ufc? Maybe former military, or cops, or something that can also have this type of support? I'm not saying the ufc doesn't, but the question did pop up in my head.
On a personal level, I'm not a huge supporter of LGBTQ in the sense that I'm not out there marching with them. But I'm not making a big deal about them either. I'm generally pretty silent on this matter. For any LGBTQ I would think people like me are ideal because we don't really inhibit your beliefs and we accept you for what you are. We just don't make a big deal of it.
I used to vote for Democrats and thought it was reasonable to treat everyone fairly and with respect even if they were gay. Somewhere along the way they kept trying to shove more and more shit down your throat and they’ve lost their fucking minds. I don’t even know what all LGBWTFSJW stands for, and I don’t care. I don’t really give a fuck about what you identify as any more.

We got the me too bullshit going too. Some women now think they’ve been sexually assaulted if a man says they look pretty. When did a fucking compliment become the worst thing someone could say to you? It is all becoming an attack on straight white men.

These people won’t stop until we treat every other group as better than normal people. Yes, I referred to straight people as normal people - we are the ones that keep society going. Even tv shows and movies now feel the need to overrepresent the amount of gays so they won’t get ridiculed for having just a normal cast.

It has become so fucked up that we got men wanting their dicks cut off so they can run around with their fake vaginas. And fucking medical doctors and doing exactly that! If a guy wants his dick cut off, then there is something really fucking wrong. How about treating their obvious mental illness instead of butchering them?

I now understand why some other countries don’t tolerate this kind of nonsense. You give an inch and they try to take a mile.

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