WAR ROOM LOUNGE V11: Now With More

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FYI the old ladies in this thread are talking about you behind your back again.

FYI the old ladies in this thread are talking about you behind your back again.
Stop tagging me into this circle jerk thread. I'm not reading any posts in here, stop wasting your time.
I feel like an idiot for just realizing this, but you should never lift glasses straight up from the coaster. Point it down to break the seal.
Always, always funny when you finally realize something simple that everybody else in the world figured out decades ago. You're not alone lol.
Mixed feelings. Keep in mind I don't subscribe to coup theories (and boy are those prevalent among the left).

Probably one of the best presidents ever (which unfortunately isn't saying much). What he did to tackle poverty and hunger was unprecedented even in world history. That will most likely be his greeting card in history books a few decades from now. His legacy, if you will.

What somewhat tarnishes all of his accomplishments (and is his ultimate undoing) is getting in bed with the same political elites he criticized during his ascension. Some call it a necessity of governance (which is true), I call it corruption.

What do you mean by "coup theories"? As in you don't subscribe to the speculation that the Brazilian right put into motion an effective democratic coup?
How will you have it stickied? You aren't a mod. Oh, you mean you'll crawl on your belly like a beaten dog over to one of the mods you dickride on here constantly and beg them to do it?
Do you accept, or not? We can reboot the Debate League any time, we can be the next one. Those debates are stickied. Your rules, your choice of subject as long as we disagree.
Do you accept, or not? We can reboot the Debate League any time, we can be the next one. Those debates are stickied. Your rules, your choice of subject as long as we disagree.

Thread's already up.
Thread's already up.
My God, you're an idiot.

I don't think the world is flat, so we can't debate that topic. See, debates occur when two sides disagree about a topic. So, in order to have a debate, we'll have to disagree about a topic. Do you follow, or do I have to gently spoon it directly into your asshole?
My God, you're an idiot.

I don't think the world is flat, so we can't debate that topic. See, debates occur when two sides disagree about a topic. So, in order to have a debate, we'll have to disagree about a topic. Do you follow, or do I have to gently spoon it directly into your asshole?

In competitive debate, you are often expected to defend a position you don't hold. Did you even go to college?

You said any topic I want.

And concession noted.
What is the term of the bet? Eventually I would think there is an end date.

It's an account bet. @Lead doesn't enforce account bets, so for purposes of the bet thread it's a five-year AV/sig bet.
In competitive debate, you are often expected to defend a position you don't hold. Did you even go to college?

You said any topic I want.

And concession noted.
I'll take the position that your mother is a whore, then. I might as well, right? That's every bit as logical.

Stop being a pussy, and back up your accusation that I just "post gifs" or whatever. Debate me on a topic where we actually do not agree, where we both believe in what we are arguing. You chickenshit.
I'll take the position that your mother is a whore, then. I might as well, right? That's every bit as logical.

Stop being a pussy, and back up your accusation that I just "post gifs" or whatever. Debate me on a topic where we actually do not agree, where we both believe in what we are arguing. You chickenshit.

Too late. The debate is over. You forfeited.

Someone with a big brain like you should have been smart enough not to walk himself into such an obvious lose-lose scenario. Honestly. 'Debate me, any topic.' Lol. Rookie mistake.
Too late. The debate is over. You forfeited.

Someone with a big brain like you should have been smart enough not to walk himself into such an obvious lose-lose scenario. Honestly. 'Debate me, any topic.' Lol. Rookie mistake.
Any debate, any subject, any time. Bitch.

I challenge

That's what the war room is. You don't debate anyone you just post gifs.

You post neutrally and do not accept

Make a thread, any subject where we disagree, and I'll have it stickied and we'll debate there under any rules set, or no rules set, at your pleasure. Ball's in your court, bitch.

Also, I'm not much of a gif poster.

I challenge, with description and my only stipulation, offering you every single other possible stipulation

How will you have it stickied? You aren't a mod. Oh, you mean you'll crawl on your belly like a beaten dog over to one of the mods you dickride on here constantly and beg them to do it?

You waver

Then you try to pass off a thread that attempts to dodge my challenge. Your bluff was called, you were blown tf out, your mother remains of ill repute, and I gamble on your skull.

Get fucked.
If his mother is that whore from Vikings that Bjorn married I call next
I challenge

You post neutrally and do not accept

I challenge, with description and my only stipulation, offering you every single other possible stipulation

You waver

Then you try to pass off a thread that attempts to dodge my challenge. Your bluff was called, you were blown tf out, your mother remains of ill repute, and I gamble on your skull.

Get fucked.

If his mother is that whore from Vikings that Bjorn married I call next
Don't worry about the sloppiness, I'll pull out. I'm not letting my future anywhere near that autism factory.
What do you mean by "coup theories"? As in you don't subscribe to the speculation that the Brazilian right put into motion an effective democratic coup?
I don't subscribe to theories that state his prosecution is unjust or politically motivated. Coup was a poor description for that but honestly, different aspects of the same rhetoric (i.e. the country was taken over) all blend in after a while. In short, he dun goofd and is now paying the price. It's sad that his legacy gets dragged through the mud because of it but them's the breaks.

As far as the coup goes, I object to that wording mainly for technical and philosophical reasons. As in, I do realize there was a concentrated political effort (bribery included) to oust a democratically elected president for reasons unrelated to the legal process employed (the Al Capone treatment)... BUT I'm also wary of using that term in the context of a country that has had a couple of actual coups in the not-so-distant past since it broadens the definition too much. 2016 was nothing like 1930 or 1964 in that legal institutions, the constitution and the way of governance were preserved. It was overseen by a (whether people like it or not) equally elected legislative branch and didn't go as far some pretend it did (all the way to the judicial branch).

The wording also delegitimized opposition to the new administration by closing off channels of dialogue. If I'm opposed to some reform you're bringing forth, my time would be much better spent arguing against the merits of said reform (including the fact that it isn't compatible with the political platform in which the now-president was elected and as such is a gross misrepresentation of the will of people) than it would be arguing you're not legitimate to even propose reform in the first place. That discussion is lost and done with. I consider the temper tantrum around it that still goes on to this day to be much like Trump calling every news organization under the sun "fake news" in that it stops any conversation and doesn't allow you to engage the other side in honest discussion. The key difference being that Trump has to do it (because he has nothing going for him in that regard) but the brazilian left doesn't. The real, perhaps even winnable fight passed them by while they screamed "coup".
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