Anybody Watching ACB 89?

Very spirited fight. Let's see who ACB gives it to.
I am impressed with Bagov's gas tank. He still looked great when round 5 ended. It looked as if he could have done some more.
Don't you mean round two where he had all those strikes against the cage?

That's gonna be the round the fight is decided on. I gave it to Bagov longer control on the ground, but it was close.
bagov wins, judges get it right.

solid card. see you guys in the ufc threads!
Majority decision. So someone scored it a draw
Quite a career turn-around for Bagov!
Nice win for bogov it was fun boys enjoy the rest of your days/nights
Feels weird to have an ACB play-by-play thread through without @Noxcho18 to dispense his usual ACB-wisdom. I can only assume he is dead or so grievously injured that he cannot master a PC or risk expiring. Those two scenarios seem like the most likely possibilities as to explain his absence.

@Feniamin @Noxcho18

ACB not the same without you guys :( Europe1 and I am here, but we need the full squad! :D

Haha, i wasn't home but managed to see a couple of fights. Gonna catch up on the full event when i come home. Glad you guys kept the tradition going :D.
Haha, i wasn't home but managed to see a couple of fights. Gonna catch up on the full event when i come home. Glad you guys kept the tradition going :D.
It was a great event with some surprising results! great finishes too, happy to watch it!
Haha, i wasn't home

Nice try but I'm still going with the "spider on keyboard" explanation.
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Thanks! But I think I haven't watched an ACB event in years only reading threads about them.
Oh, lol. Well this counts too, reading fight-by-fight is nice ahah. It is the first ACB event in a while, so it was nice to have a solid event yesterday.
2 suloev stretches, a women's FOTN, and women's knockout on one card?!!?!
An Ali Bagov who can push the pace for more than one round is a scary scary proposition.

Some of his top control and victory in the scrambles was insane vs AAA.

shame about his awful striking.

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