Nike sales surge 31%-- report

Again, it does matter. They say fuck Nike but gladly go buy adidas who is upset they were unable to sign him and supports his message equally.

Long term this is good for Nike. It will strengthen brand loyalty for those who side with Kaepernick. It will help them internationally, especially since their biggest markets are diverse metropolitan cities.The vast majority of the population isn't going to care one way or the other when buying apparel. None of the teams and universities are going to cancel their apparel contracts with Nike over this. And when those contracts are up for renewal, they'll resign so long as Nike's offer is attractive.

So, this basically only hurts them with the subset of the population who is upset enough with Kaepernick to alter their sports apparel purchases. I can't imagine that there are enough regular sneaker purchasers who are upset with this to offset the gains.
Let's be clear about a few things: Nike and Adidas support making money. If they thought it would make them wealthier, I'm almost sure that these companies would say virtually anything. It's actually one of the reasons I like capitalism so much; it makes everyone a predictable rational actor.

Second, as I said, Adidas trying to sign Kaep only matters if people know about it. A few months back, people discussed boycotting Nestle because they had a public scandal involving child slavery in Africa. Deer Park Water is owned by Nestle. So if someone wants to boycott Nestle and doesn't know that fact, then they may continue purchasing Deer Park, acting against their own beliefs. Do you understand?

People making a stand by boycotting nike and purchasing adidas are still supporting a company that supports kneeling, so you are only proving my point that the people doing this are morons and aren't actually doing anything except begging for some attention on social media, look at me! look i am anti kneeling! look at me I'm so stupid I can't even bother to research that adidas also supports kneeling!
Is it time to shift from "They're destroying their brand RIP Nike" to "They just did it for the money" yet?

As a far right Republican, I've always hated corporations and their thirst for profits.

Did you know that many of Nike's workers are working in sweatshops? I can't believe liberals love corporations so much. They're such hypocrites.

Voice of the far right....

People making a stand by boycotting nike and purchasing adidas are still supporting a company that supports kneeling, so you are only proving my point that the people doing this are morons and aren't actually doing anything except begging for some attention on social media, look at me! look i am anti kneeling! look at me I'm so stupid I can't even bother to research that adidas also supports kneeling!
We are going in circles here, and it feels like you're really missing the point that I'm making. Why would the average parent who is spending their time working, on the booster club, and being involved in their kids' activities know if Adidas tried to sign Kaep?
Long term this is good for Nike. It will strengthen brand loyalty for those who side with Kaepernick. It will help them internationally, especially since their biggest markets are diverse metropolitan cities.The vast majority of the population isn't going to care one way or the other when buying apparel. None of the teams and universities are going to cancel their apparel contracts with Nike over this. And when those contracts are up for renewal, they'll resign so long as Nike's offer is attractive.

So, this basically only hurts them with the subset of the population who is upset enough with Kaepernick to alter their sports apparel purchases. I can't imagine that there are enough regular sneaker purchasers who are upset with this to offset the gains.
Agreed on universities, but you may see booster clubs across Texas, Oklahoma, and other heartland states (think Friday Night Lights kinds of towns, small conservative towns where football is king) alter their decisions based on this. At the end of the day, those may be marginal losses in exchange for what is gained (I don't pretend to know), but this demographic highlights a potential risk. Nike probably did the research on this, but you never know what will happen for sure in these crazy days.
Twitter pissing matches are basically the financial equivalent of day traders. Come back in a year to see actual financial effects (of a year's worth of stuff). You can't isolate or easily quantify the Kaep effect.
We are going in circles here, and it feels like you're really missing the point that I'm making. Why would the average parent who is spending their time working, on the booster club, and being involved in their kids' activities know if Adidas tried to sign Kaep?

you are missing the point here, if you are going to boycott something do your research first, otherwise you are only fulfilling the prophecy that the bulk of american voters are morons if you burn your nikes then buy adidas who is 100% pro kneeling. Further to my point is basically all of the major sports brands support kneeling and kaep. So you literally have nothing to fall back on if that is your reason for the boycott, unless you buy some shitty brand and sacrifice comfort and quality for your "stand" but no americans too lazy to research which brands don't support kneeling are going to sacrifice quality for their upper middle class athlete kids
Keep grabbing at those straws.....
No need to grab straws when the rightwing makes their sentiments quite clear, and voted in a president who gained political credibility by appealing to White supremacy.
Agreed on universities, but you may see booster clubs across Texas, Oklahoma, and other heartland states (think Friday Night Lights kinds of towns, small conservative towns where football is king) alter their decisions based on this. At the end of the day, those may be marginal losses in exchange for what is gained (I don't pretend to know), but this demographic highlights a potential risk. Nike probably did the research on this, but you never know what will happen for sure in these crazy days.

Yeah, I thought about that. I guess it boils down to the money involved. I don't think many those schools/clubs will turn down the gear unless there's a huge community backlash because it's about providing gear for the whole team on what are often tight budgets. Still, I agree that they'll surely lose some of them.
as an excuse to bash on Caucasians("White people", for those that don't know what the word means) in general.

I am only quoting this one part of your long post because its the only thing I want to comment on (I agreeish with everything else)

Please. Please stop saying that the word Caucasian means "White people". It doesnt, it never did until uneducated people started calling White people that. Caucasian = "all of the ancient and modern populations of Europe, Western Asia, Central Asia, South Asia, North Africa, and the Horn of Africa".

Yes, there are Black and Brown Caucasians.

Please help me spread that "fact" also.
No need to grab straws when the rightwing makes their sentiments quite clear, and voted in a president who gained political credibility by appealing to White supremacy.

Still waiting for somebody to make an actual connection between Trump and white supremacy. Just because you lost dosent mean the other guy is a white supremacist....still havnt seen any evidence that he’s racist either. Like I said, keep grabbing st them straws.
You got to hand it to Nike, they did their research and are profiting big time out of this social justice culture.
You know what, Nike nailed it this time in a big way. Their target market (Young people in major cities) Would obviously support Colin Kaepernick.

To think that republican voters @Ripskater would be offended and stop buying from them makes any difference is obviously not on their agenda. They don't care about that demographic of older white guys who get offended. Rip, no issue with you, but this is a great move by Nike. It's a business, they are playing their cards right into the cash cow.
Holy shit look at all that economic anxiety

I wonder how many folks boycotting nike have never bought/worn a pair. Granted all we can see is a pickup truck, I'd bet the guy inside is a life long boot wearer
Still waiting for somebody to make an actual connection between Trump and white supremacy. Just because you lost dosent mean the other guy is a white supremacist....still havnt seen any evidence that he’s racist either. Like I said, keep grabbing st them straws.

Dont take @MicroBrew too seriously. He can even spell "right wing" correctly.
You know what, Nike nailed it this time in a big way. Their target market (Young people in major cities) Would obviously support Colin Kaepernick.

To think that republican voters @Ripskater would be offended and stop buying from them makes any difference is obviously not on their agenda. They don't care about that demographic of older white guys who get offended. Rip, no issue with you, but this is a great move by Nike. It's a business, they are playing their cards right into the cash cow.
Time will tell as I said on the first page.

One thing is for sure. NIke is now the brand of Kaepernick and Serena. No thanks for me and probably many other Americans.

But there are tons of unAmerican leftists in our country now.

But pretty much most all corporations are social justice and leftist. It's tough to avoid.
I expect the un-American left to run to the store to buy NIKE this week. After they spend all their welfare checks, or when their Kaepernick/Islamic/Communist/ Cops=pigs minds come back down from the excitement, then it could be a problem later. Cause NIKE's support of Kaepernick's message does not resonate with a majority of the country. And some people will remember this.
I always pegged you as smarter then this.

I don’t agree with you on a lot but

You are better then this rip
I always pegged you as smarter then this.

I don’t agree with you on a lot but

You are better then this rip
Research Kaepernick with all those descriptors and it makes sense. Islamic, Communist t-shirt, cops=pigs.... If the left supports Kaepernick, just letting you know what his messages have been.
Research Kaepernick with all those descriptors and it makes sense. Islamic, Communist t-shirt, cops=pigs.... If the left supports Kaepernick, just letting you know what his messages have been.

So what athletic gear do you wear? Why can no anti Nike people answer it in this thread? Or are y'all just fat fucks that have no need for athletic shoes or clothing?