T.D.S. hit Google IMMEDIATELY after Trump election!


Trumptastic Voyage
Aug 1, 2018
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Wow, this really hit Google hard. As if their unyielding efforts to sway the election was a complete failure. Listen to these poor, defeated billionaires...

Wtf is wrong with you? Hillary's so called email scandal dominated news coverage and Google searches throughout the damn campaign. If anybody has a legit gripe against Google and the news media it's Hillary not Donald Trump.
Wtf is wrong with you? Hillary's so called email scandal dominated news coverage and Google searches throughout the damn campaign. If anybody has a legit gripe against Google and the news media it's Hillary not Donald Trump.

Have you watched any of the videos? Google tried their best to get Hillary to win

The best part is all these companies, government offices, and the MSM all tried, and Trump still won.

Trump may just be the most powerful person on Earth, he beat everyone, not just Hillary, but Google, Facebook, the FBI, All liberal media, and Sherdog
"It was disappointing that so many people don't share our values."
That's right, we don't. And now WE have the supreme court!
Wtf is wrong with you? Hillary's so called email scandal dominated news coverage and Google searches throughout the damn campaign. If anybody has a legit gripe against Google and the news media it's Hillary not Donald Trump.

Have you watched any of the videos? Google tried their best to get Hillary to win

The best part is all these companies, government offices, and the MSM all tried, and Trump still won.

Trump may just be the most powerful person on Earth, he beat everyone, not just Hillary, but Google, Facebook, the FBI, All liberal media, and Sherdog
If they were trying so hard to get Hillary elected they would not have let her so called email scandal dominate as much as it did during the campaign. They would not have covered so many of Trumps campaign events live. They would have spent as much time investigating Trumps failed businesses or his wife's background as a gold digging soft core porn model as they did Hillary's emails. If they were truly serious about getting Hillary elected they wouldn't have let Trump get away with not showing his tax returns. If they were truly trying to get Hillary elected they wouldn't have let that egotistical con artist Bernie Sanders get a complete pass on not showing his tax returns or being in DC for decades and never accomplishing a damn thing.
Any highlights in that video, I don’t think I can stomach an hour of that
@second sight

Any highlights in that video, I don’t think I can stomach an hour of that

Co founder of google admits trump winning is not the outcome they tried to create

There was no other choice

She was a government official who broke the law as Secretary of State, using a private server, and erasing her server.

But have you watched the whole videos? They literally admit it. You can’t deny admitting something to all your employees that was filmed, no matter how hard you try
There was no other choice? there were plenty of choices like for example investigating the over 3000 lawsuits the Trump organization has faced? Investigation the bogus Trump University? Investigating the numerous bankruptcies? Considering how much he complained about illegal immigration Investigating the immigration history of his immigrant wife? Investigating how a soft core porn model got an Einstein visa? Demanding he show the proof he claimed he had on Obama's birthplace? Not to mention the literally hundreds of other controversies that followed Trump his entire life.
There was no other choice? there were plenty of choices like for example investigating the over 3000 lawsuits the Trump organization has faced? Investigation the bogus Trump University? Investigating the numerous bankruptcies? Considering how much he complained about illegal immigration Investigating the immigration history of his immigrant wife? Investigating how a soft core porn model got an Einstein visa? Demanding he show the proof he claimed he had on Obama's birthplace? Not to mention the literally hundreds of other controversies that followed Trump his entire life.

Hahaha, you are such a shill.
There was no other choice? there were plenty of choices like for example investigating the over 3000 lawsuits the Trump organization has faced? Investigation the bogus Trump University? Investigating the numerous bankruptcies? Considering how much he complained about illegal immigration Investigating the immigration history of his immigrant wife? Investigating how a soft core porn model got an Einstein visa? Demanding he show the proof he claimed he had on Obama's birthplace? Not to mention the literally hundreds of other controversies that followed Trump his entire life.

Who cares Hillary shouldn’t have had an email server in her bathroom like a fucking weirdo. This is her own fault and she should have visited the states she thought weren’t important like she was told to do. Like always though no one wants to accept responsibility for their own actions and just wants to blame someone else.

Google search results have changed so drastically, looking for something older, political, it’s gone. Google buries or deletes it
Not a fan of Google or Trump or Breitbart.

Google thinks Trump supporters are fascists, but Google helps the Chinese government censor searches.
Thread isn't about Hillary. Stay on topic. The focus of any discussion about Hillary or Trump should be in the context of whether or not Google did anything to help sway the election in either's favor, and how impartial their company-based treatment of election coverage was.

*Edit* Tried to clean up all the off-topic jawing. Now let's proceed on point.

Wow, this really hit Google hard. As if their unyielding efforts to sway the election was a complete failure. Listen to these poor, defeated billionaires...

Can you cite specifically what is being said that you indicates an "unyielding effort to sway the election", and what here you believe establishes something that wasn't previously known? Sergey Brin and other Google execs were already well known to dislike Trump.
Silicon Valley unites against Donald Trump (July 5, 2016)
Sundar there was already critical over rhetoric surrounding Muslims:
Google CEO Rebukes Donald Trump's Anti-Muslim Comments, But Doesn't Name Him (December 14, 2015)

What in this "leaked" hour-long video are we supposed to be scrutinizing? What is it that you think they wanted to hide? Where is your timestamping to demonstrate hysterical "Trump Derangement Syndrome" antics or speech?
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Co founder of google admits trump winning is not the outcome they tried to create
Where do they talk about trying to "create" this outcome? Where do they admit taking calculated action using the company resources like its search engine, news algorithm, financial power, or other forms of corporate subterfuge in order to unfairly sway the election in Hillary's favor?
It is beyond me that we have people still acting like they won because they got Trump. Good job. You ordered a shit sandwich and got served a shit sandwich. No one is going to congratulate you for it.

Where do they talk about trying to "create" this outcome? Where do they admit taking calculated action using the company resources like its search engine, news algorithm, financial power, or other forms of corporate subterfuge in order to unfairly sway the election in Hillary's favor?

Have you watched his speech? He directly said everyone here is sad at the outcome, and this wasn’t what we planned.

There’s a reason it’s news worthy
Have you watched his speech? He directly said everyone here is sad at the outcome, and this wasn’t what we planned.

There’s a reason it’s news worthy
Have you? Why can't you answer my question? Everyone who voted for Hillary would have been upset. That doesn't entail corporate bias or malfeasance. He's simply voicing his personal emotional reaction and thoughts.
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