Anne Hathaway denounces white and straight privilege at awards ceremony

Do you have any sources for that?
Not saying you are wrong. But not many people die because of aids anymore.
I think heart disease or obesity-related illness would cause a lot more death.

And when you say most violence against gay people come from their partners.
Do you have any sources for that? Especially how it relates to violence among straight people?
Not saying you are wrong. But I assume you would have less violence when two people are the same gender compared to a female and male.
Thanks. AIDS was surpassed by suicide in 2007 for leading cause of death in gay men.

So it's now suicide then AIDS as the leading cause of death. In that order.
Ok we white straight guys should all just go kill ourselves then......and this is the sort of shit that gets said on tv. I completely give up
Just brush it off. Haters gonna hate.
And when you say most violence against gay people come from their partners.
I don't have a source on that. It's hard to find. But I've sourced that before on here. And it was by far mostly gay on gay violence.
Stupid cow says something stupid

News at 9
Anyone remember about 10-15 years ago how all these Hollyweird flakes were yelling "free Tibet!!!"? Barely any of them could probably find it on a map, and a decade later none of them give a fuck. This is their new thing that they think will give them the right kind of publicity I guess.
Yes, just as a black man has it easier than a black woman, so does a straight black man have it easier than a gay black man.

Whether it is a "myth" or part of an objective reality (and, in the case of gayness orbiting around straightness, of a productive biological reality) is arguable.'s true. Everyone agrees about that, right?
oppression olympics
It is super brave these days to criticize straight and white people. Ground-breaking stuff. She has put herself on the right side of history for sure.
Anyone remember about 10-15 years ago how all these Hollyweird flakes were yelling "free Tibet!!!"? Barely any of them could probably find it on a map, and a decade later none of them give a fuck. This is their new thing that they think will give them the right kind of publicity I guess.

I think ol' Dalai Lama has seen through these hollow Hollywood souls, which is why he's now placing himself alongside the people who still possess content of character.

To truly "free Tibet" requires nationalism, not commercialized "liberal" shilling for the latest trendy thing.

I've said it to LGBT people and minorities, that don't expect any of this to last. You may be the focus of today, but that day will be over soon enough, and the focus will be somewhere else.

Enjoy it while it lasts, I guess.
I'm not going to disagree with her assertions that all of that exists, because it does. I disagree with her denouncing it, because its fucking awesome.
Rich Privilege>Hollywood Privilege>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>White Privilege>>>>>Straight Privilege.
True. The white privilege scam is a racist attempt by class-privileged elites to push most of the guilt they feel for their own unearned (in their own view) privilege onto poorer whites.
Yes, just as a black man has it easier than a black woman, so does a straight black man have it easier than a gay black man.

Whether it is a "myth" or part of an objective reality (and, in the case of gayness orbiting around straightness, of a productive biological reality) is arguable.'s true. Everyone agrees about that, right?
Why does it matter if you or I "has it easier"?

Both you and I should do the very best we can in our life.

There are certain things I will never be and never achieve.

The social justice way of dividing everyone up into victim groups and oppressor groups is helping to tear society apart.

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