what's wrong with socialism?

It’s just a poison term.

Actual socialism, as in Marxism, as in the State owning all businesses is a terrible idea.

Universal healthcare and affordable college tuition, which Republicans call socialism, are great ideas.
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Keep telling us why America should be more like mother russia.

It couldn't possibly, nor is he suggesting that. If you're triggered by what he said, you didn't understand what he said. It's ok, not everyone can
nothing. if socialism exists then i will be the king of the world.
Why is some socialism bad in your opinion?

We clearly need some socialism to counter-balance extreme capitalsim. Is it right that if you can't afford thousands of dollars for healthcare you have to live out of a card board box under a bridge?

What's wrong with the ultra rich paying their share in taxes commensurate with their income? What's wrong with wealthy corporations paying their share in taxes back to the community. Open up drug rehabilitation centers, etc. But no! Each man for himself! If the poor end up in ghettos that's their problem. Well, that's what lead to the French Revolution and caused the upper class to get mass executed.

Because of a lack of social services and well being for all I can't walk out at night in some areas without the fear of getting robbed. That is much less of an issue if developed nations such as Canada, Europe, etc. Today the highest taxed countries in the world have the highest standard of living.

With extreme capitalism you have less checks and balances, mortgage crisis of 2008 was a clear lesson. No one was ever held accountable for that disaster and greed. Interest groups run the show and don't give a shit about people. Some parts of the USA, the richest nation on earth, looks like sub Saharan Africa. Extreme poverty for all different types of races and people. Then you have the extreme rich that don't give a fuck.

Extreme socialism is bad too. It's best to be centrist.

It's bad because of the Red Scares.

I’d like to take both of you my helicopter rides to Cuba

Ask yourself.....would you trade in your American citizenship just for 3 months and live in a socialist utopia? I’m talking no internet, a/c, constant blackouts, and food isn’t guaranteed nor is healthcare. If the answer is no then stop embarrassing yourselves
I dunno but those god damn socialist rescue operations by FEMA in NC and SC make me sick to my stomach.

Those are MY tax dollars being used as bootstraps! Rescue and rebuild your life on your own dime!
Theres nothing wrong with it...unless you're an oligarch who benefits from a cronyist system.

Are European systems an oligarchy? No. They are more socialist and better off. The USA is an oligarchy: only 2 parties to choose from and BOTH ARE CORRUPT.
lol Tell you what. Go live ina socialist place, like north korean or china....

have fun!

Misnomer. Sweden, Canada and Denmark are good models. Democratic, highest standards of living. Low crime. You get the idea. Don't exaggerate.
I’d like to take both of you my helicopter rides to Cuba

Ask yourself.....would you trade in your American citizenship just for 3 months and live in a socialist utopia? I’m talking no internet, a/c, constant blackouts, and food isn’t guaranteed nor is healthcare. If the answer is no then stop embarrassing yourselves

>"Socialist utopia"

>Literally describes the opposite of a "socialist utopia"


Words matter, stupid
I dunno but those god damn socialist rescue operations by FEMA in NC and SC make me sick to my stomach.

Those are MY tax dollars being used as bootstraps! Rescue and rebuild your life on your own dime!

Ok point taken. We need balance. On the flip side do you have no problem with your tax dollars going to Israel? Or special interest groups buying off your politicians? Or companies not paying tax?
I’d like to take both of you my helicopter rides to Cuba

Ask yourself.....would you trade in your American citizenship just for 3 months and live in a socialist utopia? I’m talking no internet, a/c, constant blackouts, and food isn’t guaranteed nor is healthcare. If the answer is no then stop embarrassing yourselves
Cuba is a communist country and nobody is proposing making the US a communist country. Let' not forget a lot of the most liked policies in the US are socialist policies, like Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.
It’s just a poison term.

Actual socialism, as in Marxism, as in the State owning all land and businesses is a terrible, terrible idea.

Universal healthcare and affordable college tuition, which Republicans call socialism, are great ideas.

Agreed but you can't compare the two. Republicans try to say that are the same. Don't fall for it.
>"Socialist utopia"

>Literally describes the opposite of a "socialist utopia"


Words matter, stupid

That’s the point you goof, it doesn’t exist....well only in your small and easily manipulated mind. I bet you grew up in the first world and have no idea what it’s like to even live under it. Using Denmark et al as a shining beacon is all I ever hear from this argument
People are horrified about a universal healthcare system, yet have no qualms about calling the fire department when their kitchen is on fire.
Ok point taken. We need balance. On the flip side do you have no problem with your tax dollars going to Israel? Or special interest groups buying off your politicians? Or companies not paying tax?
Israel are the holy people of God. We should be honored to send them our hard earned money.

A special what?
What companies don't pay no tax? I'll bet ya it's them god damn Silicone Valley ones over there in Los Angeles Commifornia.
It’s just a poison term.

Actual socialism, as in Marxism, as in the State owning all land and businesses is a terrible, terrible idea.

Universal healthcare and affordable college tuition, which Republicans call socialism, are great ideas.
The Norwegian state owns roughly 66% of the country's wealth and if you exclude home ownership(because its not really a part of the means of production) it goes up to 75%. That's still not all the country's wealth but it is most of it and Norway has one of the highest living standards in the world. For comparison the Chinese state, an officially communist one, owns roughly 33% of the country's wealth.

That doesn't mean their system can be neatly adapted everywhere else but the point is it works to a large extent over there. What's terrible is a command economy where a powerful centralized state dictates all prices and transactions but in Norway despite the very high levels of state ownership its still a market economy.
People are horrified about a universal healthcare system, yet have no qualms about calling the fire department when their kitchen is on fire.
What we need are private fire departments.

This would force them to have performance based incentives and a legal obligation to seek the maximum profit to their shareholders.