Live: UFC 229 Press Conference - Conor McGregor v Khabib Nurmagomedov - 5pm ET/2pm PT/10pm UK

This conference was plain annoying, couldn't watch for more than 5 minutes.
Connor went after khabibs most treasured subjects....his father and Islam damn didn’t think he would have the balls I have to cheer for Connor

He didn't go after the religion of Islam, he mentioned Islam, the fighter who trains with Khabib.
If proper 12 makes you that insane this quick i might have to reconsider how i feel about it
This is seriously embarrassing by Conor, I did not expect his shtick to be so cringeworthy without a drunk crowd cheering his every word.

I was that, but also Conor seemed very shaky tonight. Fumbling his lines, getting red-faced. Awful performance compared to the composed yet funny demeanor he had earlier in his career. I feel like the end is coming for Conor somehow. This was weird.
Conor v Khabib is the only thing saving the UFC after the Jones/USADA corrupt shitshow
I wish that presser had taken place in the ring right before the opening bell.
I would get so triggered if I had to fight Conor. I don't think he was clever/funny tonight but he's so annoying I don't know how these guys handle it.

I think attacking Khabib's family/religion worked a little bit. But McGregor doesn't have an answer when people say he quits.
He wasn't wrong about Ali, guy is a fucking scum bag.
You have a solid point but let’s not underestimate that Conor has to sell this fight to the casuals. Unfortunately this clown stuff works well

Also I like khabib but he can’t sell a fight with the quiet act but I know it prolly surprised Conor a lot that he couldn’t irritate him

Don't understand this stubbornness by some fighters not to "fake" hype a fight. It literally means more money for them. Like even traditional martial artists like GSP and Silva had to step out of their comfort zone against guys like Nick and Chael to hype a fight. Khabib was all reactionary and should have said more IMO. His reminder of Conor tapping 3 times was good, but needed to add more for the intrigue.
Are you disrespecting president PuTIN ?!!!!!


pretty smart of khabib to bring up english being mcgregors first language. pretty smart response to mcgregors chechnya/degastan/russia digs. seemed to hit a nerve with him, especially when he started speaking irish. im not sure if he is a fluent speaker but what he was saying was typical leaving cert(high school) level shit. Also, saying his family name was banned and its traditionally irish; kinda right kinda wrong. McGregors a scottish name and was banned in scotland.
Im not sure if khabib done his homework on the situation between ireland and enland in the same way mcgregors obviously educated himself on the conflicts in russia, but i thought it was a smart comeback from a guy who isnt known for whitty trashtalk
Good lord Conor absolutely murked him.

"Chased out of their land to the edge of cliffs"

Fuckin lol
Yeah, that is so lol. People being forced to leave their houses and killed in thousands. Yeah, real lol.

Great world we live in. Hopefully one day this will happen to you so that we can lol back at you. Thank your lucky star that you are born in a country with no war, you spoiled brat.
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ali " the terrorist" abdelaziz
Khabib " The backwards cunt " Nurmagomedov
It was weird enough already bro,

Tony being there would make it a full blown circus, dark sunglasses indoor and all.

I'd love to see it.
Hahaha would have been extra cringe. Tony is so intense and talks so fast, I think Conor would have found Tony difficult.

I wish they would have had the fans there, would have made it much better and much more energy, and I wish Tony was there too to spice it up even more. Would have been hilarious.
I dont agree, he was way more composed and not sweating bullets and failing his words. He was on point with Mayweather becauser Floyd fed him back, Khabib gave him very little to work with. I have seem all of the stuff he did and this was by far his worst performance. I had high hopes but he is just shilling and reaching, he used to be unhinged but in a way that seemed like he was in control. He didn't seem that way here, at all.
You are missremembering. The lines were CRINGY AS HELL during that press tour and everyone was complaining about it. Also, at one point Conor was sweating bullets and everyone was saying how he was on coke and acted like he had been on a week long bender, so on.

Just browse through this one:

Now imagine this without a crowd.