Elizabeth Warren Releases DNA Test Showing "Strong Evidence" of Native American Ancestry

LOL! Ok bud.

You're not changing my mind because you're not making valid points.

And yeah, a second term for Trump is very possible (maybe even likely). His supporters fucking follow him no matter what he does. ITT he was proven dead wrong and look at all the folks that are defending him and attacking Warren?

As long as we have a large part of the electorate which is poorly informed and has no regard for truth we have higher odds of poor leadership.
I gave you the fact-check on her from before the claim twice. She said it. It’s a lie.
Technicality? He was wrong. Why is this hard for you guys? When you openly mock and say racist shit it's important to get it right. He didn't.

Trump's claim was that she was not of "Indian heritage". She's not of Indian heritage by any stretch of the imagination.

The honest implication was that she had enough Native blood to be considered Native. She doesn't. Claiming this vindicates her is embarrassing.
Sure I'll embrace it, but I'm not going around telling people I'm part black/Asian/Arab/Latino just because one of my distant ancestors boned a foreigner in the 18th century.
Ok, well it would be accurate if it was true so that's just your preference.
If the Native American ancestor is distant, which is the case here, it wouldn't show up phenotypically. Sometimes even in cases where a person has very recent bi-racial ancestry, the phenotype does not reflect the genotype. You can look at Rashida Jones, who is the daughter of Quincy Jones (African American, likely mixed) and Peggy Lipton (Jewish). Rashida looks White. I have 2 friends who are half Japanese American and half White American, and both look fully White.

Agreed. I am 25% mexican. Look white.
Trump's claim was that she was not of "Indian heritage". She's not of Indian heritage by any stretch of the imagination.

The honest implication was that she had enough Native blood to be considered Native. She doesn't. Claiming this vindicates her is embarrassing.
She factually has Native American heritage. What is embarrassing is you guys when from "she's lying" to "she's not Native American enough". Your tribal loyalty is gross.
She factually has Native American heritage. What is embarrassing is you guys when from "she's lying" to "she's not Native American enough". Your tribal loyalty is gross.

By this definition, most people have NA heritage, but this is obviously not what reasonable people mean. She would no longer be the first tenured NA for instance.
By this definition, most people have NA heritage, but this is obviously not what reasonable people mean. She would no longer be the first tenured NA for instance.
Most people? I don't know if that's true or not, but if it is most people can say they have Native American heritage. I do and I say it's a distant ancestor. So what's the problem?
Trump's claim was that she was not of "Indian heritage". She's not of Indian heritage by any stretch of the imagination.

The honest implication was that she had enough Native blood to be considered Native. She doesn't. Claiming this vindicates her is embarrassing.

She factually has Native American heritage. What is embarrassing is you guys when from "she's lying" to "she's not Native American enough". Your tribal loyalty is gross.


Most people? I don't know if that's true or not, but if it is most people can say they have Native American heritage. I do and I say it's a distant ancestor. So what's the problem?

The problem is that the original implication was that she was Native American and she's not. You're unironically employing the one-drop rule.
Exactly lmfao. It's like being 1% african and claiming you're in fact african. Some real dipshits in this thread, its amazing.
So if I said I had a great grandfather that was black and claimed I am a little bit African American that would be a problem?
So if I said I had a great grandfather that was black and claimed I am a little bit African American that would be a problem?
it would if your grandfather wasn't and worse if his grandfather wasn't. you'd be a twat then
I can not believe the media is claiming this test makes her Native American

Gotta say Warren is smart. She knew the media and her backers would swallow this. I’m amazed that the media has. I figured her backers would

She is less Native American than the average American
She didn't bring it up in any political context. Brown did. Get your facts straight.
She was listing herself on the Harvard native American directory, which is bullshit considering the following:

"Shortly after the Herald first reported that Harvard Law School had touted Warren’s Native American background, a genealogist at the society indicated that a document existed purporting that Warren was 1/32nd Cherokee because of her great-great-great-grandmother."
Lmao at the leftoid rustlage ITT.
Looks like it backfired big time.