Tucker Carlson's daughter verbally abused at country club

Lol @Avenatti making an appearance. The go-to guy for horrendous legal representation.
She's 19 and she burst into tears because some random middle aged man called her a "cunt"?
Makes the story hard to believe.
Oh well, good that they booted him from the club.

Ah, an expert opinion.
Nah, I've got no experience with American teenagers.
They sound soft.
It's a 19 year old girl who grew up with a rich daddy and is part of a country club.

Wouldn't be surprised if she got PTSD over being called a whore/cunt.

Also Wouldn't surprise me if Tucker just made that part up since people are white knights and will sympathize with a Young girl.
She's 19 and she burst into tears because some random middle aged man called her a "cunt"?
Makes the story hard to believe.
Oh well, good that they booted him from the club.

A 19 yo girl verbally attacked in front of other people for who her dad is; I find that part completely believable.
Lol @Avenatti making an appearance. The go-to guy for horrendous legal representation.

I want to see a death match between Gloria Allred and Avennati(sp?). Winner gets all celebrity cases for the next century.
It's a 19 year old girl who grew up with a rich daddy and is part of a country club.

Wouldn't be surprised if she got PTSD over being called a whore/cunt.

Also Wouldn't surprise me if Tucker just made that part up since people are white knights and will sympathize with a Young girl.

She'd better not holiday in Australia then.
Money doesn't insulate you that much over here, and you'll cop worse abuse in traffic every other day.
Lol @Avenatti making an appearance. The go-to guy for horrendous legal representation.

Ummm, hate to be that guy, but Avenatti's legal representation has been absolutely stellar. The go-to-guy for really, really, unbelievably bad legal representation is.....

I haven't seen Avenatti repeatedly contradict his client's alibis and legal strategies and inadvertently leak confidential information like Rudy has.
first of all you guys gotta admit are you tuckers whore is funny shit. Having said that the story sounds so made up. I have hard time believing some guy calling a 19 year old cunt or whore would lead to her crying. Secondly his son assaulted the man....why did he threw him out there? It seems something happened and tuck is trying to get his story out there
So Tucker's son assaulted a man for name calling?
Freedom of Speech...Is my right to call her a whore/cunt.

Em I invading your safespace, bro? Sorry snowflake.

you have the freedom of speech to call someone a n---- as well
Ummm, hate to be that guy, but Avenatti's legal representation has been absolutely stellar. The go-to-guy for really, really, unbelievably bad legal representation is.....

I haven't seen Avenatti repeatedly contradict his client's alibis and legal strategies and inadvertently leak confidential information like Rudy has.
Stellar? Really? Lol you obviously hate Stormy Daniels.
Why is this Avenatti clown still practicing LAW and not in Jail?
Stellar? Really? Lol you obviously hate Stormy Daniels.

She has likely made millions because of his representation and advocacy. He successfully invalidated an NDA (or rather called Trump's bluff on attempting to enforce it) with vested consideration which led her to book countless media appearance, sell a book, and market herself and her career in a way that no homely middle aged porn star should be able to do. The libel suit was frivolous, but she was certainly informed of that being a likely outcome from the get go. He's also crusades on her behalf to characterize her as a liberating figure, rather than what she is: a cash grabber.
Why is this Avenatti clown still practicing LAW and not in Jail?

Because he has not committed any acts that resulted in him losing his license, and has not been proven to have done anything illegal as to convince a judge to sentence him to prison.

I know it's ultra complicated, but still.
Tucker Carlson raised his son the right way, to be a real man's man.

good job Tucker, if its the one good thing you have ever done.

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I dont think I could have throw a glass bottle at someone's head. One time, a female family friend came home crying because she tried to confront her little brother's bully's family. I was at the house too, but I was kind of shocked and frozen, I did not know what to do.

I probably could have gone over there and filled the other house with upper cuts, but they were a bunch of rich people. I just kept imagining some of kind of strange wide ranging occultist conspiracy, and what I was getting into.
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What happened to freedom of speech? The guy called her a whore/cunt........He didn't truly harass her at all...It's not like he was chasing after her and calling her shit.

Tucker's son threw wine at em.

Why are they little snowflakes when his little whore, I mean daughter, gets called a whore?

Aren't they for freedom of speech?

Freedom of Speech doesn't mean freedom from civil liabilities. It only means that the government doesn't have any shit interfering with you for what you're saying. It also means that if you call someone a cunt, as long as that someone doesn't represent the government, him bashing your mouth in won't be considered a violation of freedom of speech.