why does it fall upon USADA to clear Jones?


Gold Belt
May 29, 2013
Reaction score
There are many facets of this debacle that don't make sense, but the biggest one that jumps out at me is that USADA has seemingly inverted which party is responsible for proving Jones' innocence.

Novitsky said that there is no proof that Jones knowing ingested T-bol. BUT Jones has no proof that he unknowingly ingested it: all the supplements he provided came up clean.

In similar situations in the past, in which the athlete was able to prove an accidental ingestion, it was because they were able to provide proof that it came from a source they would have ingested without knowing it was tainted. (And even then, having successfully proved that it could have been accidental, fighters were still punished.)

Jones, then, was not able to prove that this was an unintentional ingestion and the best he could come up with is that a third party that he hired announced that Jones was trustworthy. (And then Jones got an unprecedented reduced sentence for snitching, even though he claims he didn't snitch and there isn't any evidence that any athletes or dealers were busted with information he provided to them.)

Jones, now, is not able to provide proof that this is a result of "pulsing" since there is no conclusive scientific studies confirming the existence or characteristics of t-bol pulsing (nor has any other fighter been busted for it).

(The lack of "short term" and "medium term" metabolites don't prove anything because enough time passed between his tests for those to clear up if he was micro-dosing.)

Even if "pulsing" with t-bol was a confirmed anomaly, they aren't able to prove it and there's an issue with the story explaining it. They said Jones popped now because he's cutting weight as the fight approaches and it's stored in the fat, but that turned out to be a load of bullshit because it's since been revealed that he's been pissing hot for the past six months. Why can't they get their story straight?

Long story short, there is no proof that what Jones is saying is true. Therefore, in line with USADA policy, the conclusion must stand that a failed test is a violation of anti-doping regulations.

Even longer story short, if Jones would have gotten his 4-year sentence and USADA didn't fuck around with his shady reduced suspension then two years from now he would be taking tests without having to worry about t-bol still being in his system after four years, so the issue of whether or not pulsing is a real thing would be moot.

In every way, this suspect situation is their own damn fault.
The burden of proof isn't upon Jones.
In this thread: Platinum Members post the darnedest things.
The third party arbitrator that he hired. No involved parties did... except for Jones.
Jones didn’t hire the arbitrator. How are you trying to say the arbitrator wasn’t part of the process? His ruling was binding.
The burden of proof isn't upon Jones.
It is when he asserts an affirmative "residual pulsing" defense

Except Jones never had to proffer a defense because USADA did it for him. Which is absurd and unprecedented
Has anyone read the USADA statement?
According to their Twitter release on 12/23 Jones is not in violation. USADA is the testing body. The event is being relocated because the sanctioning body (NAC) has called it off.

another thing, these scientific experts here on Sherdog, do you realize how small picogram per mL is? I haven't done the weight correction but if you assume the metabolite is the same weight as water this represents part per billion range.
Jones is a snitch and is valuable to them, if he was suspended he would be worthless to them. It's the same reason why certain criminals can get away with committing crime because they're informants and valuable due to information they provide.
Jones didn’t hire the arbitrator. How are you trying to say the arbitrator wasn’t part of the process? His ruling was binding.

The arbitrator was an independent, third party, commercial lawyer named Richard McLaren who was hired by Jones / Dana to arbitrate the matter.

In fact, here you are in this thread explaining to some dumb shit who didn't get it that Jones / Dana paid for the Arbitrator.


Why should usada pay for the cost of arbitration? They are a service provider.
Has anyone read the USADA statement?
According to their Twitter release on 12/23 Jones is not in violation. USADA is the testing body. The event is being relocated because the sanctioning body (NAC) has called it off.

another thing, these scientific experts here on Sherdog, do you realize how small picogram per mL is? I haven't done the weight correction but if you assume the metabolite is the same weight as water this represents part per billion range.

Do you realize how big picogram per mL is? It's big enough to fail multiple tests. Which, up until this case, was a sign of micro-dosing.
Jones is a snitch and is valuable to them, if he was suspended he would be worthless to them. It's the same reason why certain criminals can get away with committing crime because they're informants and valuable due to information they provide.

This is probably true, but, in all honesty, unless he left the sport entirely and never stepped foot in a gym again he'd still be able to inform for them.
It is when he asserts an affirmative "residual pulsing" defense

Except Jones never had to proffer a defense because USADA did it for him. Which is absurd and unprecedented

They didnt proffer a defense for him. They decided that they lacked evidence to sanction him under their double jeopardy clause.
They didnt proffer a defense for him. They decided that they lacked evidence to sanction him under their double jeopardy clause.

They don't have evidence that "pulsing" is even a thing.

What they have is multiple failed tests in amounts that, in every other case except for this one, are indicative of micro-dosing.

By accepting this unproven, never-before-seen explanation of "pulsing" being responsible for the failed tests, USADA is essentially indeed proffering a defense for him by clearing him without proof.