Leslie Smith calls out Khabib for his views on women

So you are for people in power killing a minority with in a country? that's not about morallity that's genocide.
When did I say I was in favor of Dagestan or any other radical country doing any of these things? My point is not that I support government enforced genocide (I don't), my point is that when we're discussing another country, what I deem to be wrong is irrelevant because it's another country with their own set of laws and morality.

What about the people who were born their who get killed under the regimes Khabib supports for being gay and who never get the chance? That's fair?

It's so little but those who enjoy freedoms should speak up for those who cannot.
That's cool, but if you're going to speak up perceived injustices, why only cherry pick whats going on in Dagestan, or muslim nations in general? What about the extreme propaganda and government induced starvation going on in North Korea? What about the child slavery going on in the Ivory Coast?

If you want to be consistent and speak out on all of the worlds problems, more power to you. I'd rather focus on the problems going on in my country and not obligate everyone to be captain save a nation.

No bitch. I’ll comment on whatever the fuck I want. That’s like saying you don’t care that your neighbor beats his bitch because it’s inside his own walls. Fuck that. Morality has nothing to do with countries. Morality and laws are entirely separate. It’s immoral to call your mom names. The law doesn’t give a shit. Now keep your posts coming I’ve got an itchy ass to wipe

You're misinterpreting the spirit of what I'm saying.

I'm not saying you can't state whatever opinion you have on another countries laws, it's a free world. I'm saying that this is a man talking about an issue in his own country, and unless he's somehow suggesting that's how it should be outside of his countries borders, you have no grounding to suggest his concerns are wrong. All you (Or another outside of his country) can offer is that your concern is but a mere disagreement.

At what point did I conflate "Morality" and "Laws"? Khabibs concerns are based on his morality, not legality. So that's what I'm focused on.

Morality has nothing to do with countries.
That's just dead wrong. Morality changes depending upon the country/region you're in. That's just a fact.

Also, terrible comparison. If you can't understand the obvious difference between turning a blind eye to a nearby domestic violence situation and not suggesting that another countries way of doing thing is wrong, I'm afraid I can't help you.
How about She worry about her own back yard? You know like in USA where homeless on every street corner and sex trafficking goes on among many other things. USA ppls always have to talk shit about other cultures to deflect from own issues. Khabib is not over here saying cover those UFC girls up. I support Khabib here. His culture his views.
wow, Khabib is a fundamental muslim extremist? I really didn't know that, despite it being fucking obvious.

Leslie Smith wouldn't give two shits about Khabib's views if he wasn't champion and if she wouldn't get exposure from it.
Honestly. Why do people care. Its something happening in Dagestan. Whether you agree with Khabib or not its not happening in US not my problem or business.

I say let Dagestanis or whoever it is deal with their own problems. Dont go around puting your nose in other peoples business.

Its not like hes campaigning for UFC ring girls to be covered up. Also Khabib was not the only fighter to say he doesnt support WMMA.
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How about She worry about her own back yard? You know like in USA where homeless on every street corner and sex trafficking goes on among many other things. USA ppls always have to talk shit about other cultures to deflect from own issues. Khabib is not over here saying cover those UFC girls up. I support Khabib here. His culture his views.
100% this. Yall wanna cry about problems look no further than USA your own backyard.
Logical discussion does not exist when one side is faith based.
Watch John Lennox debate Michael Ruse. There’s plenty of space for logical discussion regarding and/or involving faith. I think you’re wrong in your claim. I’d also point out that not all faiths are equal, and the potential for discussion depends what the faith is based on, it’s outworking and impact on everyday life, and the conclusions drawn from it.

I personally side with Jonathan Haidt, who believes that people in general put far too much stock in their abilities to reason objectively. People do not argue from neutral standpoints (myself included).
Honestly. Why do people care. Its something happening in Dagestan. Whether you agree with Khabib or not its not happening in US not my problem or business.

I say let Dagestanis or whoever it is deal with their own problems. Dont go around puting your nose in other peoples business.
Unless your country has oil and tends towards socialism, then yer fucked.
khabib is somewhat right though. the family structure in the west has completely been destroyed and society is falling apart because of it. He just wants to keep the degenerate culture out of dagestan

Does he still want our cars, computers, cell phones and cancer drugs? Not to mention his cut of the money earned through the UFC’s partnership with casinos and companies like Budweiser?

He’s a hypocrite.
Good for her I totally agree. Khabib is a fucking creep.
You know what.....................
upon seeing the photo of the actress........................ maybe Khabib was just worried he would have a sexual emergency.
Women ain’t shit but a side kick.

Male - Batman
Female - Robin

Nature intended the Male to be in charge of the female and the family, he’s just made different. Let’s be honest, the reason women are so powerful today is because of the government/police. They were brainwashed in to the working life, so the tax man could double his earnings overnight. Imagine being given a free pass to screw any guys life over whenever you like, that’s the power the West has given to females. Undeservedly so, as it’s been the contribution of males that has got civilisation to the point it has reached.

Guys wouldn’t take their shit if they had a choice, they didnt take it for millions of years, only the last few decades. It’s genuinely nauseating to see the average 2019 man in a relationship.
Sadly though around here anymore it isn't about whats right or wrong, or common sense or facts. It's about who gets butthurt. And it seems like EVERYONE is butthurt.

Welcome to SJW america where facts and cultural things trigger everyone.
Adult women can wear whatever they want, you don't own them lol

But yeah, Kebab and his backwards sandman death cult really respect women by wrapping them in towels

Look how beautiful his wife looks on her wedding day


So many dudes on here so salty they can't get laid so they call women hoes/whores/sluts for showing some cleavage or leg

This was a fucking THEATRE PERFORMANCE too, it's part of an act
This woman isn't a fucking school teacher walking around the halls in lingerie
Muslim women like to be covered up, so who fucking cares. If they didn't they would let you know. But they don't, so they like it.
When did I say I was in favor of Dagestan or any other radical country doing any of these things? My point is not that I support government enforced genocide (I don't), my point is that when we're discussing another country, what I deem to be wrong is irrelevant because it's another country with their own set of laws and morality.

The thing is, Dagestan doesn't have it's own set of laws. It's not even a country. Russians are annoyed with that backwards crap as well. It's basically a potentially dangerous and violent clash of different cultures, that's why people naturally take sides in it.
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Muslim women like to be covered up, so who fucking cares. If they didn't they would let you know. But they don't, so they like it.

A lot of them don't actually, especially the young ones. These broads go wild when they leave their shithole villages and move to cities like Moscow or St Petersburg, haha, seen it too many times.
Muslim women like to be covered up, so who fucking cares. If they didn't they would let you know. But they don't, so they like it.
Haha I hope you're trolling.

Maybe you'd see more of them not wearing that shit if it wasn't again the law in their shit hole countries where they get beat