your impressions if khabib did what conor is doing.

  • Thread starter Deleted member 556651
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Of course there are. I'll repeat my question: are you one of them? If not (as I suspect) I'm pointing out a lack of critical thinking on your part in order to question the values you've been brought up with. Even up to the point where you condone death threats (making a thread celebrating Khabib's reaction even though said reaction included encouraging his followers to commit violence/murder against someone who insulted him), and condemn crass insults as being worse than fomenting violence/murder. And if you are indeed an independent convert that only gives you fewer excuses to subscribing to such dangerous notions.

How did I attack you exactly? I believe you were the one throwing insults and hurling accusations of racism (erroneous on more than one level). I presented a case as to why you're focusing on the wrong issue, and thereby contributing to a very real problem (not really "talking shit", unlike your emotionally charged insults) and you respond by attacking my character and throwing insults at me.

And you are only exacerbating the "vibes" you speak of in this thread by throwing around emotional and serious insults and accusations.

I think it's obvious to any objective observer that I have exhibited far more patience than you have in our interaction, which is funny considering you're part of a group that you claim inherently exhibits more patience than most other groups of people (which is prejudice, or "racist" as you would say, in and of itself).
you remind me of the articulate neo nazi Gerry Conway in the Movie Imperium. those other racist rabid dogs are bark no bite. youre the calm biting type of dog? couldnt help but express how i view your passive aggressiveness. rabid dogs.
lol 1968.

Fella this is the here and now.

This is just for fuckin lul's

This poor kid stole bread.

This poor woman's crime was being gang raped.

Then theres the gays...can't have the gays!
(not gonna post the pics of gays being killed because that's a bit over the line)

(The five — four nations and one would-be nation — where the death penalty is actually imposed for same-sex intimacy are Iran, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Somalia and the Islamic State, also known as ISIS, ISIL and Daesh.)

Saudi Arabia...isn't that like the heart of Islam? Get the fuck outta here with your regressive, repressive ideology.
saudi arabia is a dictatorship. there is no royalty in islam. theyre american puppets installed by the west to serve the west by selling them cheap oil and doing their dirty work for them. when usa needed them in afghanistan they asked the saudies to recruit and send them to fight the soviets. same shit in syria etc... grow some brain cells. all those countries and governments do not represent the people. and would be over thrown if the people get the chance to do so.
saudi arabia is a dictatorship. there is no royalty in islam. theyre american puppets installed by the west to serve the west by selling them cheap oil and doing their dirty work for them. when usa needed them in afghanistan they asked the saudies to recruit and send them to fight the soviets. same shit in syria etc... grow some brain cells. all those countries and governments do not represent the people. and would be over thrown if the people get the chance to do so.

ooooo it's America's fault?


What's your excuse for every other fucking Islamic based society being a regressive/oppressive shithole?

Got anything else or?
read my reply to him plz.

You’ll waste your time responding to idiots like this pal. This fella probably gets his ‘facts’ from right wing press, and has never spoken to a Muslim. Most of these countries he uses as examples are secular with much of the population being atheist. He’s clueless

colon started the insults, kabob is playing along just like colon wants.

they are both rats, can we talk about something else?
You’ll waste your time responding to idiots like this pal. This fella probably gets his ‘facts’ from right wing press, and has never spoken to a Muslim. Most of these countries he uses as examples are secular with much of the population being atheist. He’s clueless

Quran (7:80-84) - "...For ye practice your lusts on men in preference to women: ye are indeed a people transgressing beyond bounds.... And we rained down on them a shower (of brimstone)" - An account that is borrowed from the Biblical story of Sodom. Muslim scholars through the centuries have interpreted the "rain of stones" on the town as meaning that homosexuals should be stoned, since no other reason is given for the people's destruction. (Inexplicably, the story is also repeated in three other suras: 15:74, 27:58 and 29:40).
Quran (7:81) - "Will ye commit abomination such as no creature ever did before you?" This verse is part of the previous text and it establishes that homosexuality as different from (and much worse than) adultery or other sexual sin. According to the Arabic grammar, homosexuality is called the worst sin, while references elsewhere describe other forms of non-marital sex as being "among great sins."

Quran (26:165-166) - "Of all the creatures in the world, will ye approach males, "And leave those whom Allah has created for you to be your mates? Nay, ye are a people transgressing"

Quran (4:16) - "If two men among you are guilty of lewdness, punish them both. If they repent and amend, Leave them alone" This is the Yusuf Ali translation. The original Arabic does not use the word "men" and simply says "two from among you." Yusuf Ali may have added the word "men" because the verse seems to refer to a different set than referred to in the prior verse (explicitly denoted as "your women"). In other words, since 4:15 refers to "your women", 4:16 is presumably written to and refers to men.

Guess it's just a coincidence, mr "secular."
ooooo it's America's fault?


What's your excuse for every other fucking Islamic based society being a regressive/oppressive shithole?

Got anything else or?
who buys the most weapons from USA? who went into the gulf war cause the saudies asked them too? who donates billion to the USA of their peoples riches? Saudi is run by USA. Saudi was used by the british empire to break down the ottoman empire. youre too innocent to act smart kid. if you think for half a second that the saudies dont work for the usa then youre dumb as fk. and i wont reply to you anymore. USA have even had Military base in saudi arabia. still has troops in saudi arabia and multiple other muslim nations. LOL what more do you want? joining the US election?
Quran (7:80-84) - "...For ye practice your lusts on men in preference to women: ye are indeed a people transgressing beyond bounds.... And we rained down on them a shower (of brimstone)" - An account that is borrowed from the Biblical story of Sodom. Muslim scholars through the centuries have interpreted the "rain of stones" on the town as meaning that homosexuals should be stoned, since no other reason is given for the people's destruction. (Inexplicably, the story is also repeated in three other suras: 15:74, 27:58 and 29:40).
Quran (7:81) - "Will ye commit abomination such as no creature ever did before you?" This verse is part of the previous text and it establishes that homosexuality as different from (and much worse than) adultery or other sexual sin. According to the Arabic grammar, homosexuality is called the worst sin, while references elsewhere describe other forms of non-marital sex as being "among great sins."

Quran (26:165-166) - "Of all the creatures in the world, will ye approach males, "And leave those whom Allah has created for you to be your mates? Nay, ye are a people transgressing"

Quran (4:16) - "If two men among you are guilty of lewdness, punish them both. If they repent and amend, Leave them alone" This is the Yusuf Ali translation. The original Arabic does not use the word "men" and simply says "two from among you." Yusuf Ali may have added the word "men" because the verse seems to refer to a different set than referred to in the prior verse (explicitly denoted as "your women"). In other words, since 4:15 refers to "your women", 4:16 is presumably written to and refers to men.

Guess it's just a coincidence, mr "secular."
View attachment 558913
you must be gay? im sorry but you cant use that to bring down islam. your society has no set of values it has a forever changing norms and traditions. 10 years ago gay wasnt cool, now its cool. christians beat to death people suffering from mental illnesses in europe saying that they were possessed. until 1500 english kings were shitting a trays. i dont hold these things on you. sorry but being gay wasnt okay until the last 5 years and still a large portion of none muslim westerners oppose gays and trannies. so you cant use it here.
ooooo it's America's fault?


What's your excuse for every other fucking Islamic based society being a regressive/oppressive shithole?

Got anything else or?
you think turkey isnt an american run state? saudies? UAE? where do you think your planes are flying from and get fuel jet from? lol these governments maintain an act infront of their people but everyone including US citizen and officials know who they work for.
who buys the most weapons from USA? who went into the gulf war cause the saudies asked them too? who donates billion to the USA of their peoples riches? Saudi is run by USA. Saudi was used by the british empire to break down the ottoman empire. youre too innocent to act smart kid. if you think for half a second that the saudies dont work for the usa then youre dumb as fk. and i wont reply to you anymore. USA have even had Military base in saudi arabia. still has troops in saudi arabia and multiple other muslim nations. LOL what more do you want? joining the US election?

So america is telling Saudi to listen to islam and act out ridiculous punishments towards woman and gays?

you must be gay? im sorry but you cant use that to bring down islam. your society has no set of values it has a forever changing norms and traditions. 10 years ago gay wasnt cool, now its cool. christians beat to death people suffering from mental illnesses in europe saying that they were possessed. until 1500 english kings were shitting a trays. i dont hold these things on you. sorry but being gay wasnt okay until the last 5 years and still a large portion of none muslim westerners oppose gays and trannies. so you cant use it here.

I'm not gay. I am just calling a spade a spade. Islamic ideology hasn't progressed. Or if it has, it has done so at an extremely SLOWWWW rate.

As such it is no different in it's punishments and oppression of certain groups of people. And that's vile. Just as white supremacy is vile towards it's oppression of certain groups of people.

Deal with it. And stop trying to pass the buck.
Khabib still didnt go as low as conor did. He still refuses to bring conor wife into this. and he refuses to dis Christianity like Conor dises Islam. Note that if he chose to do so your reaction would change 180 degrees and you all would be moaning and crying. But khabib is at his lowest of lows more of a man than Conor and still refuses to go as low as Conor by not bringing ppl who have nothing to do with the fight into the line of shit talking like Conors wife or his Christian fans.

Give the man some credit and stop acting like they both at the same level.

very correct. they're definitely not on the same level with these insults. and more to the point, khabib would never bring Conor's name up in such a negative way unless conor started it. which he did. poke me I'll poke you back harder. I think most men can relate to Khabib's insult as a retaliation. most pussies can relate to Conor's initial insults and "starting it" out of the blue. furthermore, shouldn't conor just be quiet after getting his ass whooped? it comes off really bad.
So america is telling Saudi to listen to islam and act out ridiculous punishments towards woman and gays?

as i said spare me the gay stuff. 5 years ago it wasnt cool now its cool. cant keep up with the constant system updates. give people some time to catch up and/or accept that some people will never share your way of life. you can judge them for it and they will judge you back. but you trying to force your forever changing set of morals of whats acceptable and whats not is exactly what youre preaching against. in their eyes youre about as cool as theyre in yours. and fact remains those governments are support by the USA to stay in Power. Middle east is a chess board and Russia/USA/Europe are all having a chess match. as i said USA has military bases in most countries in the middle east. if those governments were so ANTI USA why would they allow usa to install bases in their countries? LOL some of biggest US military base in the middle easy are in turkey/Qatar/Saudi.
I'm not gay. I am just calling a spade a spade. Islamic ideology hasn't progressed. Or if it has, it has done so at an extremely SLOWWWW rate.

As such it is no different in it's punishments and oppression of certain groups of people. And that's vile. Just as white supremacy is vile towards it's oppression of certain groups of people.

Deal with it. And stop trying to pass the buck.
2nd biggest Ally to the USA in the middle east after israel is saudi arabia. this is a fact.
2nd biggest Ally to the USA in the middle east after israel is saudi arabia. this is a fact.


Last I checked woman don't get lashed 200 times for getting raped in the United States...
read everything not just your replies. i might have mixed you up with someone else since so many were replying so fast. i dont agree with anyone getting killed over twitter insults. i was simply referring to the fact that khabib didnt insult millions of people even though he could. 3rdly i dont think he incited anything to anyone. insulting millions of people simply means you offended more than just khabib or his wife. and one of the people who took offense could do something crazy that no one wants to happen. 3rdly i was attacked by your fellow men like rabid dogs on this post and taken more insults than i have given and only replied to insults. this thread is yours to examine. before i used any foul language or any insults your rabid dogs fellow men were raining it down.

Your second sentence is the closest I'll get to an apology, and I accept it. I realize you were wound up, but as you mature hopefully you practice the difficult task of keeping your emotions at bay and not reacting to perceived insults/attacks in the same manner.

I'm happy and relieved that you don't agree with anyone getting killed over Twitter insults.

Your third point was the crux of our whole discussion, so I'm glad we finally got there. I partially agree with you. Khabib didn't issue a fatwa (is that the word?) and call for Conor's head. But if Khabib wished to quell the crazies and discourage that radical faction, he wouldn't do it by issuing a warning (that could easily be interpreted, rightly or wrongly is irrelevant, as a veiled threat) to Conor. He would do it by issuing a message to followers of his faith something along the lines of how violence is not the answer and Conor's low-class behaviour is an example of character deficiencies is an example of how not to conduct oneself (or something along those lines, you get the idea). Something not unlike Conor's final message would have been ideal (not giving Conor much credit for that, don't worry).

It's analogous to Donald Trump bringing up Barack Obama's birth certificate and questioning the validity of his US citizenship. Was Trump calling for white supremacists to kill Obama and his family since they're a bunch of illegal aliens? Of course not. But crazy fucking people do exist and could have taken that as motivation to do something horrible. By blustering about Donald encouraged xenophobia and potential violence that could result from the emotions he was stirring up.

Now you might point out that Conor was the one stirring up emotions, not Khabib. Which would be accurate. However, by issuing warnings Khabib is inadvertently encouraging a crazy element that could potentially do something horrible. If this was an isolated incident your position might have more credibility. But Khabib has a track record of tacit encouragement and outright approval of crazies making death threats. When there was going to be a rap concert in Dagestan Khabib did his part to rile up such a fervent moral outrage that the show had to be cancelled due to the extremely high likelihood of people getting killed if the concert took place. Khabib's response? Instead of condemning the potential loss of human life as far more egregious than a rapper's song lyrics, Khabib responded with approval saying the cancellation was "no great loss". That sends the message to the crazies, "well done, your threats worked, Allahamudalla". Had something horrible happened and the rapper and a few of his morally depraved fans died, would Khabib have considered their lives a "great loss"? I suspect not.

This is exactly what's going on with the Conor situation. What Khabib's doing is at best dangerously irresponsible and at worst downright insane. Either way, he repeatedly has contributed to one of the fastest growing problems in the world, and this shit needs to be checked ASAP. And no, I don't mean what happened in New Zealand. My heart fucking weeps for those victims.

Lastly, what exactly do you mean by my "fellow men"? I find it a little concerning that you categorize me with a group of people you describe as "rabid dogs" who were insulting you when you already acknowledged that I was not throwing insults at you. Instead I have shown patience, albeit with condescension sprinkled in. Yet you seem to have a view that you are on one side of a proverbial fence, and myself and "my rabid dogs" are on another side of the fence. Thereby you are automatically ascribing these negative characteristics you associate with them to myself. This is what I really don't like about religion. It basically divides its followers into your allies and your enemies. Christians used to kill people in droves for this reason (pagans, etc). But that was a very long time ago. I think it could be convincingly argued that nowadays most of that mentality (most, not all) is more common among Muslims (with the whole silly "infidel" thing).

There are no genotypically different people on this planet, only phenotypically different people. There is one race on this planet, there is one love on this planet. Sooner people get on board with that, the better off we'll all be. And I believe for the most part religion is a massive obstacle to that.
as i said spare me the gay stuff. 5 years ago it wasnt cool now its cool. cant keep up with the constant system updates. give people some time to catch up and/or accept that some people will never share your way of life. you can judge them for it and they will judge you back. but you trying to force your forever changing set of morals of whats acceptable and whats not is exactly what youre preaching against. in their eyes youre about as cool as theyre in yours. and fact remains those governments are support by the USA to stay in Power. Middle east is a chess board and Russia/USA/Europe are all having a chess match. as i said USA has military bases in most countries in the middle east. if those governments were so ANTI USA why would they allow usa to install bases in their countries? LOL some of biggest US military base in the middle easy are in turkey/Qatar/Saudi.

5 years ago it wasn't cool?

LOL wut?

When did western civilizations kill someone for being gay? How long ago would that have been?Let alone a HORSE. A FUCKING HORSE!
you remind me of the articulate neo nazi Gerry Conway in the Movie Imperium. those other racist rabid dogs are bark no bite. youre the calm biting type of dog? couldnt help but express how i view your passive aggressiveness. rabid dogs.

Wow. I hadn't read this before my last message. This just proves my final point in my most recent message perfectly for me. Instead of looking at what I actually say you just have these religious blinders on that only allow you to view me as an ally (or fellow believer?) or an enemy (or "rabid dog". Or perhaps an infidel?)

Also your deflection of the issue of how Islam treats homosexuality is not valid. You say that since 10 years ago Westerners weren't okay with it either we can't judge. Guess what man, it's called PROGRESS. Those Islamic countries that will fucking kill people for homosexual acts show a total lack of almost any significant progress. That's the issue here.

Last I checked woman don't get lashed 200 times for getting raped in the United States...
you happy taking that oil money though and turn a blind eye and protect a dictator regime against the peoples will. fact is youre not any better. you really arent.
5 years ago it wasn't cool?

LOL wut?

When did western civilizations kill someone for being gay? How long ago would that have been?Let alone a HORSE. A FUCKING HORSE!
you killing million of people in the middle east for oil. you thinking killing for sexual orientation is worse than killing for stealing natural resources or to establish control of a region? gtfo. hypocrite.

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