Paulie posts video of Conor getting rocked by ammy

That didn't look like a legit knockdown. But I also doubt that Conor was whipping Paulie's ass like he claims. An egomaniac like Conor would have definitely released the full footage if it made him look good. Hell, he would have made it a PPV to see it.
Didn't McGregor release footage of him against some tall southpaw boxer in the leadup to the Diaz rematch, and the boxer in question called him out on editing the footage?

Edit: Chris Van Heerden
Didn't McGregor release footage of him against some tall southpaw boxer in the leadup to the Diaz rematch, and the boxer in question called him out on editing the footage?

Yep, that was Van Heerden.

In the unedited version, he handles Conor without much trouble. And Chris is kind of a serviceable pro, continental level. Spence battered him without breaking a sweat.

God damn, Paulie is so fucking butt hurt. Pretty sad to think he used to be a pro boxer.
Whoever released this footage is (or was) close to Conor

Owen Roddy?
Non-jetlagged Paulie in a boxing match would put Conor in the morgue.

Sources say that Paulie actually knocked Conor out so badly in their sparring session that his fight with Mayweather was in jeopardy. They worried that the brain damage he received at the hands of Paulie would prevent him from getting cleared to fight. Luckily Uncle Bobby Dana greased some palms in Vegas and the fight went on regardless. This is why Conor has never released the full footage; shortly after Paulie tripped, he started clowning Conor and put him to sleep.
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I'm a Conor hater, but that wasn't a knockdown lmao. He actually looked great against that guy, but he seemed quite a bit smaller than Conor, so I'm not sure if that was fair...

Paulie is such a fucking dweeb though. Jesus lool, get over it man.
Pretty sad from Paulie. McGregor is probably a much less accomplished ammy than that guy when he knocked Paulie down, and it just looked like McGregor got caught moving forward without his feet under him properly.

and even if he was hurt bad or something, that wasn't Paulie doing it so why does it even matter.
That didn't look like a legit knockdown. But I also doubt that Conor was whipping Paulie's ass like he claims. An egomaniac like Conor would have definitely released the full footage if it made him look good. Hell, he would have made it a PPV to see it.
If he was completely sure Paulie was an ease shot he would had accepted a fight with him as soon as the sparring day ended.
LOL hes so desperate hes posting videos of Conor winning a random 40% sparring session ROFL and spamming emojis as if he actually just burned Conor

The funniest part is finding out paula has an astonishing 133k followers. Lol meanwhile 30 million or whatever of Conors followers saw 20 pictures of him brutalizing Paula
Paulie, you're starting to make fringe level/held a world title a couple times Boxers look like bitches now with this shit. Let it go already.<{nope}>
Conor is letting Paulie slap his good friend Artem and its all because of Conor in first place. Conor not taking care of his friends.
Definitely a slip
Yep, that was Van Heerden.

In the unedited version, he handles Conor without much trouble. And Chris is kind of a serviceable pro, continental level. Spence battered him without breaking a sweat.


Lol at unedited.
Can't see you Paula, Conor's fist is on your face!

So by sparring math the amateur ko’s Paulie?
Non-jetlagged Paulie in a boxing match would put Conor in the morgue.

Sources say that Paulie actually knocked Conor out so badly in their sparring session that his fight with Mayweather was in jeopardy. They worried that the brain damaged he received at the hands of Paulie would prevent him from getting cleared to fight. Luckily Uncle Bobby Dana greased some palms in Vegas and the fight went on regardless. This is why Conor has never released the full footage; shortly after Paulie tripped, he started clowning Conor and put him to sleep.


Link, please.
Conor looking good there.. he will gas within a round or 2 though. He cant move like that for too long.

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