Travis Browne makes in ring debut at WWE HoF (he attacked a crazed fan that jumped a 61 yr old)

hey someone had to make this year wrestlemania interesting. good job, dumb dreadlock guy
Fucking A
You beat me to it

Travis is a made-man now

Vince & HHH will love him for jumping right in

Dash Wilder a WWE tag champ got a real nice punch in later

Yep, Vince and HHH and the boys in the back. He rushed in to save a legend for real. Good on him.
hey someone had to make this year wrestlemania interesting. good job, dumb dreadlock guy
It is already as interesting as it ever needs to be.

Yep, Vince and HHH and the boys in the back. He rushed in to save a legend for real. Good on him.

Like i said, if he didn't trip jumping in the ring he would have got him a sec before he tackled Bret
That would be legend
Like i said, if he didn't trip jumping in the ring he would have got him a sec before he tackled Bret
That would be legend
If he gets more training and more ring experience,he will learn to get into the ring better and faster.

It is already as interesting as it ever needs to be.


You are smart enough to know WWE won't even use this as hype
They never focus on fans doing shit like this

When its in-ring, they usually get mad at wrestlers if they fight a fan jumping in
They are told to just hold them down

Travis is not a Wrestler yet though
hey someone had to make this year wrestlemania interesting. good job, dumb dreadlock guy

There has never been a Mania with more press in decades, but yes its largely a shit mania outside of Backy/RR/Charlotte & Batista/HHH
You are smart enough to know WWE won't even use this as hype
They never focus on fans doing shit like this

When its in-ring, they usually get mad at wrestlers if they fight a fan jumping in
They are told to just hold them down

Travis is not a Wrestler yet though
Tradition dictates that if possible the referee grab them and do anything neccesary to get them out of the ring,and that includes punching and kicking. If there is too much of a struggle,the wrestlers will assist and there is no mercy given,nor should there be.

Stopped watching when they stopped producing great content such as this
Tradition dictates that if possible the referee grab them and do anything neccesary to get them out of the ring,and that includes punching and kicking. If there is too much of a struggle,the wrestlers will assist and there is no mercy given,nor should there be.

that is decades old & how it used to be

I forgot who, I think Jericho caught shit for being stiff with a fan about 5 years ago

WWE is public & family entertainment now
They are Disney.
that is decades old & how it used to be

I forgot who, I think Jericho caught shit for being stiff with a fan about 5 years ago

WWE is public & family entertainment now
They are Disney.
Some things never change.
Correcting grammar on an MMA forum? Not exactly reaching for the stars, huh?

Some people learn an advanced skill to feel smart. Others look for grammatical errors on Sherdog.
Just trying to help out dude lol. Poor grammar is embarrassing.
That's fucked up.

I'd expect such idiocy from your average UFC fan. But I always held the more dignified and classy WWE fans to a higher standard than that.
Guess he’s starting to have a hard time accepting the stay at home wife role and needs go to out there to convince people he’s more than that

Role, Roll, row
Youre, your
Their, there, they're

And this message was brought to you by Hooked on phonics.
for someone who doesn't know pro wrestling, was Bret Hart a real polarizing wrestler or something? why attack a HOF?

He was one my top 3 WWF wresters of all time. Didnt mention WWE cause thats when it about started to go down hill. Bret, hulk and Warrior were my top 3.
That was Heath Slater (that people thought was Conor) lol

But f anybody taking shots at Travis.
He was right there to help & cracked him 4 times.

he might not have ever met Bret, but he was there

I like the footage but it is likely staged :D. I am probably 100% sure it is. Wish wrestling was as good as it was in the Bret, Hulk, Macho man, Stone Cold and Rock era. Now it just sucks.