Lee is quite a bit bigger than RDA and he was a big LW. It's kinda nuts that either of these men were fighting at 155.
I hope Lee smashes RDA


Lee is still a young man with lots of time until his prime. New era
RDA doesn’t need to act like a tough guy at the weigh ins and stare Downs, he does that in the cage. Lee usually ends up getting his ass kicked after doing this shit. This actually shows me that Lee is mentally weak and needs to act tough outside the cage to make himself more confident, which RDA doesn’t need to do. Lee is mentally weak like TS. Win or lose, RDA will show up for war tonight. Get the fuck out of here with that pussy ass “shook” retarded armchair psychology bullshit and go climb back on top of your mother

A lot of people probably missed because they didn't do the ceremonial weigh-in, just this little face off

-Gets backed up
-Quickly breaks eye contact
-Can't wait to leave the stage

The faceoff is foreshadowing the fight
Lee will take the center and back RDA against the fence and have his way with him from there

I thought RDA had a pretty good chance before seeing this

RDA simply don't like the disrespect and leaves the fighting inside the cage.
Pushing and shoving during face off is for clowns who can't win inside the cage.
Meh. Well he
Basically rolled on his back and

Rdas days
At the top are gone. Lee should walk right through him.
170 should make lee better.
Why would anyone be "shook" by Kevin Lee of all people
RDA doesn’t need to act like a tough guy at the weigh ins and stare Downs, he does that in the cage. Lee usually ends up getting his ass kicked after doing this shit. This actually shows me that Lee is mentally weak and needs to act tough outside the cage to make himself more confident, which RDA doesn’t need to do. Lee is mentally weak like TS. Win or lose, RDA will show up for war tonight. Get the fuck out of here with that pussy ass “shook” retarded armchair psychology bullshit and go climb back on top of your mother

You did the same thing though. Just reversed it.
Either way it usually doesn’t matter.
Rda clearly looked rattled. And just gave his ground up.
Which is actually rare. Fighters usually want to be the last one to
Break a state down. Even.
Staredown analysis is the peak of bro science stupidity. All this proves is RDA isn't a douche irl like Lee apparently is.
Looks more like Holly did in the face off with Ronda.

And using the word shook is just lame, af.

Can you cool, hip, Sherbros come up with something new. Doubt it... Between 50 of you, you can’t come up with an original thought.
As we know from experience, face-offs are the only 100 percent accurate predictor of a fight outcome.
i just don't understand why they would give RDA another good wrestler.

like " oh hey we saw how much you struggled with colby, so heres usman who's even bigger, better and stronger, hey we saw you got dominated by usman so heres another really good wrestler! "

that said this is still a winnable fight for RDA.
I think that RDA is tired of these dry-humpers and will knock Lee into snoozeland.

A lot of people probably missed because they didn't do the ceremonial weigh-in, just this little face off

-Gets backed up
-Quickly breaks eye contact
-Can't wait to leave the stage

The faceoff is foreshadowing the fight
Lee will take the center and back RDA against the fence and have his way with him from there

I thought RDA had a pretty good chance before seeing this

Ya ok ... another weigh-in expert ... when rda shatters Lee's glass mandible I'll be thinking about this dumb post ..
Lee's pants aren't even up. Culturally a Brazilian man doesn't want to get in a shoving match with a dude who's about to have a malfunction in the wardrobe.
RDA been broken ever since colby destroyed him

but did kevin lee actually weigh in at 165 like he said he would? or more talk no walk scared shit
he looks huge