WWE fighters do everything UFC guys do and much more + 350 days on the road ... show some hespect.

In all honesty we are the same fans

WWE = you can make some money adoration of fans locally or in WWE but have a wrecked body addicted to opiates and dead at 50

UFC = you make no money get funny ears, CTE and work in a gym for the rest of your life and take CBD
Imagine how irritable macho man woulda been if he had to cut weight ?
MMA is in such a poor state these days that fake fights have become more entertaining than the real thing. I'm not even joking. I think the shift happened probably around 2016 or a little earlier.

I don't know about main brand WWE stuff, because as far as I know that's still targeted mainly towards a younger audience, but New Japan Pro Wrestling, NXT, and others have been putting on matches which rival the best MMA has to offer.

When MMA is great, nothing can touch it, but pro wrestling has better consistency. Pro wrestling can only catch up when MMA slips and MMA has slipped big time while pro wrestling has been having a pretty good run.

Yeah that AEW event was the best thing ever - UFC is now a mass produced product with meaningless fights every weekend - I couldn't even be bothered to watch UFC Stockholm and just watched the GIF's instead - I mean I used to worship the old events with Jones/Machida and watch them over and over again.
Imagine how irritable macho man woulda been if he had to cut weight ?

While someone gave Miss E the dirty stare.. Dude was nuttier than squirrel shit but NOBODY planned a match like he did.
I respect WWE performers the same as high level stuntmen. They put themselves through hell for entertainment.

Thats far different than an actual fight or fighter though. Fighters literally beat the hell out of each other pro wrestlers pretend to.
I respect WWE performers the same as high level stuntmen. They put themselves through hell for entertainment.

Thats far different than an actual fight or fighter though. Fighters literally beat the hell out of each other pro wrestlers pretend to.
Sometimes they really do blast each other in the head w a chair.
Sometimes they really do blast each other in the head w a chair.

I fully understand some of the stunts result in very real injuries just like any stuntman except far more frequently.
Thats not a fight though. Apples and Oranges.
Pro wrestling easily one of the toughest things you can do. The industry is unforgiving and your body ends up all sorts of fucked. Rough shit.

Yes, you're a real manly man, brother.

True but it doesn't change the fact it's a soap opera on steroids. I liked it until I was about 11 or 12 and realized I was watching grown men act like children.
they surely make a lot of sacrifice and hurt themselv a lot, so i respect them a lot
I respect what wrestlers do, but they're not fighters. This is like equating a UFC fighter with a crab fisherman. Both taxing jobs, but no real correlation.

Having said that Jake the Snake Roberts and Rey Mysterio are the best eva.
For me you’re preaching to the choir man, as I grew up a big pro-wrestling fan.

I don’t watch today’s stuff but still respect indeed.
What is up with all of these Shertards giving dozens of likes to pro wrasslin?

It wasn't like this years ago here.

No wonder I started becoming ashame of admitting that I like MMA in public.
MMA is in such a poor state these days that fake fights have become more entertaining than the real thing. I'm not even joking. I think the shift happened probably around 2016 or a little earlier.

I don't know about main brand WWE stuff, because as far as I know that's still targeted mainly towards a younger audience, but New Japan Pro Wrestling, NXT, and others have been putting on matches which rival the best MMA has to offer.

When MMA is great, nothing can touch it, but pro wrestling has better consistency. Pro wrestling can only catch up when MMA slips and MMA has slipped big time while pro wrestling has been having a pretty good run.
Sorry but I'll take the dark days of MMA when it was completely underground and off of cable over Pro Wrestling in ANY era.

Well, maybe except for then Pro Wrestling was actually, you know, real.

George Hackenschmidt and Frank Gotch FTW

IIRC average pro wrestlers (WWE at least) make way more then average MMA fighters. Plus they are employees not independent contractors so they get benefits that MMA fighters don't.

You always make fun of WWE fighters/ fans, but they are one of the toughest guys or even the toughest guys in sports entertainment.

Or are you mad, cuz most of them are more popular and make more money than your fav. fighters?

I hespect WWE fighters.

Shane O Mac. That's a millionaire who happens to be a billionaire's son who did that.
Anyone over the age of 10 that watches wrestling has issues and can't be very bright.

I'm not a redneck 8th grade dropout, so I don't watch that crap.
I fully understand some of the stunts result in very real injuries just like any stuntman except far more frequently.
Thats not a fight though. Apples and Oranges.
Wwe fight
Wwe fighters

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