WTF? Jones did nothing but just pose and he won? Santos won clearly off effective workrate

yeah wtf how in the hell? Jones threw nothing maybe a teep, a leg kick but most of the stuff he did was pose with his hands out to keep distance.

How the?

I know right? Id love for someoen to tell me when Jones alnded a clean big combo on Santos. Meanwhile Santos was catching jones clean on the chin with combos. That is why Jones was so non-jones like, he finally fought a guy with powerful hands (like most heavyweights) and when he tastes it he goes into total one dimensional mode. Not one ounce of wrestling, which means jone was scared of getting close = getting KOd
How am I biased I picked Jones to win and had no clue who this Santos guy was, and im a Jones nutthugger. Im not biased im fair.
“Jones did nothing” = bias. It’s not hard dude.
I think jones landed more strikes and was the one continuously moving forward.
Jones did nothing, who gives a shit if Santos was wild, and falling on his leg, means nothing its not a pretty contest its about strikes Jones never threw shit, I bet you the judges scored Santos slipping while backing up and falling on his butt for Jones lol

Santos used an ambush style to keep Jones tentative, Jones was scared to engage for fear of getting countered. He cut Santos with an elbow but didnt do much damage, that knee was Santos landing awkwardly and it popped out of socket.

Santos did the serious damage to Jones leg though you could see the dark blood filling up in the inner thigh.
IMO most agree that Jon lost.
1,2,5 was Marreta's.
Funny thing, one judge awarded Santos the 4th round but not the 2 & 5...
These judges need to be replaced. They know nothing!!!
Gotta beat the champ to become the champ
I have a hard time scoring this fight not a lot happend. But Jon didnt look good, he looked slow and ineffective.
I was reading the PBP on Junkie and they gave all five rounds to Jones. Seemed weird based on what I was reading at the time but what are you gonna do?
IMO most agree that Jon lost.
1,2,5 was Marreta's.
Funny thing, one judge awarded Santos the 4th round but not the 2 & 5...
These judges need to be replaced. They know nothing!!!
yeah very strange
I was laughing and saying they will give the fight to Jones every time Santos wobbled or fell from his gimp knee. That knee was hurt but Jones wasnt hitting it at the time he fell, yet they gave credit to Jones even when Santos slipped on the logo sticker

its pathetic, Santos could have punched himself in the face and they will score it for jones

Jones did nothing but pose, with his hands out stretched he didn't try, when it comes down to this type of fight you must give the rounds to the guy actually TRYING to win, not the guy playing defense with low punch output.
knees don't have sockets. they have condyles and plateaus with a meniscus, and santos didn't win that fight.
I don't understand how Jones won.

1, 2 and 5 were clearly Santos imo.
I honestly did not see Tiago winning. He was getting backed into corners and Jones was controlling the Octagon the whole time, in a fight where not much happened I think that matters. Tiago seemed to have issues closing the distance and resorted to mostly just kicking. It was close and Tiago may have won a couple of rounds, but to me Jones won the fight.
I was cracking up when Jon did his Queen “...mistakes... I’ve made a few...” spin backstage before he walked out

he did that last time, too, and as he spun, guys had to literally duck out of the way to avoid his spinning shit

just might have to make a gif of that
Santos did not lose to Jones.
He lost to his bum knee.
Still had it 2-3 Thiago.