Jazz is overrated hipster crap

If anyone has the rest of The Happy People, please post! Fucking great album
Jazz is literally the opposite of "hipster" crap. The greatest jazz musicians are manly blue collar minded guys who also happen to be musical geniuses.
I googled avocado toast, skinny jeans and jazz and the result was.

Jazz is literally the opposite of "hipster" crap. The greatest jazz musicians are manly blue collar minded guys who also happen to be musical geniuses.
Manly blue collared musicians who love dive bars, booze, hard drugs, and pussy.

Doesn't get less hipster than that.
Manly blue collared musicians who love dive bars, booze, hard drugs, and pussy.

Doesn't get less hipster than that.
Exactly. The only way to eradicate jazz is to literally get rid of dive bars, booze, hard drugs and pussy. As long as those 4 things exist, Jazz will survive. LOL

The only difference between a Jazz and metal rock musician is that one wears tight jeans and eyeliner, the other wears suits and wingtips. Aside from that, both are fully capable of stabbing you in alley, helping you score an eight ball or becoming your lifelong friend after a night of complaining about ex's.
I was in band during high school and I’ll tell you only the nerdiest, gifted and most musically inclined we’re even allowed to audition for jazz band.
I was in band during high school and I’ll tell you only the nerdiest, gifted and most musically inclined we’re even allowed to audition for jazz band.
yes, and everyone knows all the greatest jazz musicians in the world were in high school band....the epicenter of jazz evolution. lol
Jazz is a pretty broad genre. I think the general public is just exposed to either the noodling around improv nonsense or the really boring stuff, so it gets a bad rep with many.
Can we let this stupid fucking thread die a quiet death and fade to Bolivia?
This isn't some high society shit. This is a vital part of Americana that influenced many genres of music including pop, rock, heavy metal, and rap. For you to label it "pretentious nonsense" merely shows how ignorant you are when it comes to music history.

It sounds pretentious, so I label it as such. I couldn't care less what it influenced. Pop is awful. Most Rock & Metal are garbage. And rap is the worst genre of 'music' ever created (I don't even think of it as music).
You sound equal parts clueless and arrogant.

Jazz fans are always so sensitive. Which means their 'love' for Jazz isn't genuine, because they're just posers. Which, funnily enough, makes them just as pretentious as Jazz itself. lol
It sounds pretentious, so I label it as such. I couldn't care less what it influenced. Pop is awful. Most Rock & Metal are garbage. And rap is the worst genre of 'music' ever created (I don't even think of it as music).
You’re a Bach, Beethoven and Brahms guy?
I was never exposed to jazz growing up, never knew anyone who listened to jazz or anything. The few occations jazz came up in conversation it was always just to ridicule it and those pretentious nerds and "fancy" goofballs who listen to it. But as I grew older I noticed how widely celebrated the jazz genre was by everybody, and even by people whose taste in music I usually share. It's like I'm missing something so amazing that's right in front of me but I just can't see it. I've tried getting into it multiple times, but it's never happened for me. I'm starting to think that it might be one of those thing you inherit from your parents if you're exposed to it when young and such.