What is it like being married?

I’ve been married 9 yeArs (together for 15). I always heard that sex dries up when you get married but my girl still begs for the D on the reg. The longest time we went without banging (besides after childbirth) was 2 weeks. Other than that we do it 3-4 times a week.
I absolutely hate it. I've been tied in because we have a kid, but I'm now planning how to get free (from the woman, not my daughter).
12 years married, together 14 years, still going strong. Not that there hasnt been rough patches, the first year with our now 11 year old son was rough, but you work on it. Her parents have been married 45 years and my parents 48 years as they have both been good examples.
Been married to my wife for 6 years in February. Total time together is 16 years. She's my favorite person on earth. Emotionally strong, takes care of herself physically, great cook, makes her own money. Pays her own bills. Has her own sets of friends.

And best of all....She doesn't need me 24/7. She likes her space, and so do I. And that is the key to a healthy long lasting relationship. Emotional and spacial independence and harmony with another human being...

Well, my wife hasn't tried to kill me in my sleep yet so it ain't all bad...
IMO it’s great. My wife doesn’t really have a job and she does rely on me. But I thinks it’s my job to be the provider and the protector of the family. We don’t have separate money or “her bills” and “my bills”. What’s mine is hers also. She does most of the running kids around to doctors, sports, dance, etc. but I always help when I’m able to. We both have friends but we don’t go out to bars or clubs or anything without the other one. That just builds a foundation for trouble.
It works for us and we’re happy. Got married at 20/21 after 4 years of dating and we’ve got 4 kids.
8 years of marriage and I wouldn’t want it any other way.
It's fantastic. Never having to stress about the dating scene again, feeling secure with the person you ended up with, and just accepting that you'll never have sex again.
Been married to my wife for 6 years in February. Total time together is 16 years. She's my favorite person on earth. Emotionally strong, takes care of herself physically, great cook, makes her own money. Pays her own bills. Has her own sets of friends.

And best of all....She doesn't need me 24/7. She likes her space, and so do I. And that is the key to a healthy long lasting relationship. Emotional and spacial independence and harmony with another human being...
I might try to steal your wife then. Not saying I would succeed, but I'm going to have to at least try. Nothing personal, bro.
I cant imagine the feeling, of being super PISSED OFF at your annoying ass woman, but knowing you can't do shit about it because she will skirt off with 50%(or more) of your net worth :(

I will say though as a single guy the dating scene is such a sad shallow swamp, at least at my age. even if you can pull girls like I can they are always a waste of time and energy after banging once or twice
I love it. Key is too have someone who is your professional and economic equal as well as someone you're socially compatible with.
Imagine having someone who:
Prepares great meals.
Cleans your house.
Is up for any type of sex whenever you want it.

Marriage is nothing like that!
Same as being in a committed relationship but with more to lose if it goes sideways
IMO it’s great. My wife doesn’t really have a job and she does rely on me. But I thinks it’s my job to be the provider and the protector of the family. We don’t have separate money or “her bills” and “my bills”. What’s mine is hers also. She does most of the running kids around to doctors, sports, dance, etc. but I always help when I’m able to. We both have friends but we don’t go out to bars or clubs or anything without the other one. That just builds a foundation for trouble.
It works for us and we’re happy. Got married at 20/21 after 4 years of dating and we’ve got 4 kids.
8 years of marriage and I wouldn’t want it any other way.

It's going to suck for you if you get divorced.
Are you still going strong or are you looking for a way out?

3 years so far and its great.

We do almost everything together. She loves watching fights (and we train together) and even bought us surprise Glory tickets / hotel / flights.
Save yourself the hassle of getting married, just find a woman you hate and give her all your stuff.

Let the legend educate you!
You basically give up your freedom and independence to get sex whenever you want. The plot twist is that you have no desire to have sex with that person.

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