What is it like being married?

Yeah been married years, it's work but worth it. Wouldn't want it different. Sex is better the longer you're with someone.

When the kids are needing a lot of energy and the Mrs is ill it's a struggle but all in all I reckon it's the way.
I can understand ugly guys getting married but I could never wrap my head around good looking guys doing that to themselves. Why would you even bother

It's tradition, an institution. Institutions are all we have to ward off the darkness.
Twice divorced. My taste in women + my business ventures = disaster... What did I get out of a combined 9 years of marriage? Two psycho ex's (the first one lives on a private island she bought with the proceeds from the divorce and my assets she was award that she couldn't liquidate fast enough), two sets of in-laws that hate me, two kids that hate me and cut ties, and a third who only talks to me because he doesn't have friends.

I have been casually dating every once in a while, but that's it. I refuse to be a financial hostage ever again.

Your life is a rollercoster lol
People are confused, biased, scared, contradictory, and whole lot of other things. We condemn strangers for their actions while finding ways to justify our own. We never really know what another person is thinking or feeling no matter how close we are to that person. We all have our own quirks, defects, fetishes, preferences. We all have our own abilities and limits to the stresses, traumas, and other curveballs life throws at us. We’re all just a big mess whether we want to admit it or not. Now, put two of us together and tell us we gotta stick it out together as one, for better or worse.

Good luck with all that.
I can understand ugly guys getting married but I could never wrap my head around good looking guys doing that to themselves. Why would you even bother

Millions of reasons a handsome guy would get married brother.

The most obvious reason to me is if he really loves his woman and wants to spend the rest of his life with her (this reason may get some eye rolls from the world-weary crowd).

Could be cultural, some cultures you HAVE to settle down, some cultures you HAVE to settle down with the spouse your parents decide

No premarital sex, maybe a small minority but staunchly religious people still exist.

Some do a "shotgun wedding" because the girl got pregnant.

Lots of reasons...
Are you still going strong or are you looking for a way out?
I was with my ex wife for a year before we got married.. Marriage did not last a year..

She turned into a different person once we got married and she got pregnant..

There was a huge age difference as well.

I'm happier now then I was when married..

I thought marriage would make me happy because I was running thru chicks when I was single. I got married to put a stop to that. While married I was miserable... I took a huge financial hit to get out of that marriage but I regrouped and won visitations with my daughter and now I'm happy being a single father.

I will never get married again. I might settle down eventually but I will never sign those papers again.

I always tell chicks if things work out and we get along that we can be together forever. We can even have kids.. I might even get her a ring.. I will never sign those papers..
Are you still going strong or are you looking for a way out?

I got married when my to be wife became pregnant so to me getting married was part of a package deal of sort.

My daughter is more precious to me than the universe and I am very happy in my role as a father / family man so fuck yeah I am going strong and always will.

People that want a way out got married for the wrong reasons and to the wrong person, period.

In my personal situation having my family is the best thing in the world and that is why I got married.
For me it's great. Been together for 11 years, married for 8 of them. Have two great kids together. She doesn't hold it against me when I get drunk and do stupid shit, so I have no complaints.

Alhamdulillah brother. This is so crucial IMO. I was enough time with my wife before she became my wife to know that I could remain a child with her. She loves my bullshit.
I could not be with those cunts that become super high maintenance I try to change you.
It's tradition, an institution. Institutions are all we have to ward off the darkness.

This is an awesome last sentence, bro. Not sure if you meant it but I love it.
This is an awesome last sentence, bro. Not sure if you meant it but I love it.

I was having fun and I mean it. I'm of the opinion that institutions are amongst man's finest creations, to a large extent the vanguard of those responsible for peace and prosperity.
I've watched Gone Girl, dude. These hypergamous automatons ain't getting shit from me, except the big ole D.
I can understand ugly guys getting married but I could never wrap my head around good looking guys doing that to themselves. Why would you even bother
Because a genuinely good looking dude who works full time and has some personality can marry himself a top 10% female (female whose good looking, exercises, eats healthy, educated, makes her own money).

The good looking dude can spend his life with that or bounce around between Instagram hood-rats........ (yeah the decision is pretty fucking easy on that one)
Women are NEVER happy, get that out of your head straight away, if she says shes happy she isn't.. Its in a womans nature.. they are always looking for the next branch a little higher up the tree. Be careful man, bliss aint always what you think it is.
You sound scorned. I don’t agree with you even a little bit. There are good women and not so good women, but I don’t like the neck beard Internet warrior attitude of “all women are bad and will hurt you”
Well yeah that would suck, but I don’t have any plans of getting divorced.

You won't really have a choice in the matter. Sometimes things fall apart.

I'm not against marriage, but I've learned to always be prepared for the scenario that it could one day fall apart. Settling down with someone without means and being their provider is setting yourself up for one day losing half of everything you own and will ever make.