What is it like being married?

You basically give up your freedom and independence to get sex whenever you want. The plot twist is that you have no desire to have sex with that person.

This ..

Then as a plot twist, when the end does come they take all your stuff throw you into the trash and get on with their lifes like nothing ever happened and you never existed.. NEVER GET MARRIED .. its true bitch aint got NO HEART
IMO it’s great. My wife doesn’t really have a job and she does rely on me. But I thinks it’s my job to be the provider and the protector of the family. We don’t have separate money or “her bills” and “my bills”. What’s mine is hers also. She does most of the running kids around to doctors, sports, dance, etc. but I always help when I’m able to. We both have friends but we don’t go out to bars or clubs or anything without the other one. That just builds a foundation for trouble.
It works for us and we’re happy. Got married at 20/21 after 4 years of dating and we’ve got 4 kids.
8 years of marriage and I wouldn’t want it any other way.

Women are NEVER happy, get that out of your head straight away, if she says shes happy she isn't.. Its in a womans nature.. they are always looking for the next branch a little higher up the tree. Be careful man, bliss aint always what you think it is.
Are you still going strong or are you looking for a way out?
Still going strong 3 years in.

Don't you get bored having sex with the same woman?
After awhile all the pussy starts to feel the same anyway, plus as you get older you get tired and wanna focus on stuff other than chasing tail.

Take it from the happiest married man alive,
Don’t do it!

It's definitely not for everyone. I got friends who live that party life and don't wanna be tied down at all, and that's fine. I was never like that, I've always preferred video games over clubs.

Imagine having someone who:
Prepares great meals.
Cleans your house.
Is up for any type of sex whenever you want it.

Marriage is nothing like that!

It is for me, though I gave up on the kinky shit decades ago. Too emotionally draining.
Don't you get bored having sex with the same woman?
For those (especially born after 1990) it's way more safe to have one woman then try to mess around with a bunch of random women.

If I slept with 10 modern day young american women there's a guaranteed chance I would get 1. An STD or 2. A false assault/rape allegation costing me my professional license for my job.

Yeah no thanks I'll just stick with my wife
22 years together, 12 years married.
LOL at these idiots that think you can't have your own life or want to have sex with your wife. Stop fucking fat, bitchy, ugly, women and you won't have those problems.
This ..

Then as a plot twist, when the end does come they take all your stuff throw you into the trash and get on with their lifes like nothing ever happened and you never existed.. NEVER GET MARRIED .. its true bitch aint got NO HEART

when I learned about hypergamy and how its embedded in female nature, I stay away regardless of the advocates of marriage. I guess the saying is true, misery loves company so they support it.

they will trade of if there is a better deal. does not matter how much time was put in and like you said " get on with their life like nothing happened". I remember my financial adviser telling me that they were dealing with 78 yr old married couple getting a divorce. can go on living knowing that alot of my shit can be taken away at any moment of my remaining existence.
Are you still going strong or are you looking for a way out?

The longer we are together, the more we've gotten into this comfortable vibe and acceptance as to who each other are.

Now that we have a son our bond as partners is stronger than it was before him.

Having a family feels right. Like it's what I am suppose to be doing with my life.
Are you still going strong or are you looking for a way out?

I've been with my wife for 15 years, I honestly feel our relationship has only gotten better as time has gone by. I guess I mostly stumbled through my younger years, but then picked the right woman through pure, dumb luck.
Twice divorced. My taste in women + my business ventures = disaster... What did I get out of a combined 9 years of marriage? Two psycho ex's (the first one lives on a private island she bought with the proceeds from the divorce and my assets she was award that she couldn't liquidate fast enough), two sets of in-laws that hate me, two kids that hate me and cut ties, and a third who only talks to me because he doesn't have friends.

I have been casually dating every once in a while, but that's it. I refuse to be a financial hostage ever again.
I wouldn’t know how to be single anymore.

What are these”condom” things?
Lol, why's there no happy medium here?

Every guy is either all: "It sucked, that's why I'm divorced now" or "It's a fairy tale" Interesting how there's no: "Meh, it's alright" Lol

Anyway, I think it depends on who you marry. I think there are some women who will go completely batshit crazy once they know they have you "locked down". I could only imagine how much of a hellion Jeff Bezos's wife was knowing her husband couldn't leave her without parting with billions of fuckin' dollars!!! Jeez
this is a first time I heard this. Many ppl say it declines.

I've said it elsewhere and I'll say it here. If you're married to the mother of your kids, you're not gonna play poker with the guys and brag about how expertly she can suck your cock and gargle your load. That talk is for club whores you bang in your early years. Duh. So there are a lot of perfectly satisfied men you'll never hear from.
i'd be a nightmare husband, so it's probably best no poor soul decided to pursue that path with me.
i'd be shocked if i ever get married.
I can understand ugly guys getting married but I could never wrap my head around good looking guys doing that to themselves. Why would you even bother