Growth for Third Quarter 1.9%-- Way Below Trump's Budget Predictions


Nazi Punks Fuck Off
Platinum Member
May 11, 2016
Reaction score
The GDP growth of the third quarter was 1.9%. This followed second quarter growth of 2%.

Both numbers are far shy of the 3% growth Trump's budget relies on. Even with 3% growth, the Trump budget blew up the national debt to unprecedented proportions. Without it... yeah, even worse.

Trump said achieving and sustaining 3% growth was "so easy." All we had to do was cut taxes and regulations and let business do whatever it wanted, and the economic growth would be so wonderful that it would make up for... yada, yada, yada. You know how it goes. Same old GOP Vodoo Economics bs, only worse than ever.

Just remember this when they tell you that we can't afford Social Security anymore.

PS. About all that awesome wage growth...... just don't adjust for inflation.


It's gonna start trickling down now. Any day.
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BTW, Fed also cut rates again for the 3rd time this year earlier this week.
I'm sure that he and other Republicans will use this as a moment of self-reflection and reconsider the efficacy of their policies.
He's kicked the can down the road, and made the eventual correction even more painful and damaging than it would have been without his voodoo economics.
He's kicked the can down the road, and made the eventual correction even more painful and damaging than it would have been without his voodoo economics.

That's been the conservative playbook for.... 40 years now?
This maybe tough for someone like you to understand, but pointing out when someone's stupid plan fails is not necessarily celebrating it.
It’s one quarter
I expect a thread about the next one if it’s 3-4% from you or an admission you’re just an angry little man
The GDP growth of the third quarter was 1.9%. This followed second quarter growth of 2%.

Both numbers are far shy of the 3% growth Trump's budget relies on. Even with 3% growth, the Trump budget blew up the national debt to unprecedented proportions. Without it... yeah, even worse.

Trump said achieving and sustaining 3% growth was "so easy." All we had to do was cut taxes and regulations and let business do whatever it wanted and the economic growth would be so wonderful that it would make up for... yada, yada, yada. You know how it goes. Same old GOP Vodoo Economics bs, only worse than ever.

Just remember this when they tell you that we can't afford Social Security anymore.

PS. About all that awesome wage growth...... just don't adjust for inflation.


It's gonna start trickling down now. Any day.

But look at all that winning!
It’s one quarter
I expect a thread about the next one if it’s 3-4% from you or an admission you’re just an angry little man
If you read OP, it's not. It's two consecutive quarters.

My concern-- and the concern of many people paying attention-- is that the GOP is spiking the debt from 2016-2020, and plans use the debt as a justification for cutting Medicare, Social Security, and other vital programs if they win the 2020 election.

You think I am celebrating this?
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If you read OP, it's not. It's two consecutive quarters.

My concern has always been that the GOP playbook it to spike the debt from 2016-2020, win the 2020 election, and use the debt as a justification for cutting Medicare, Social Security, and other vital programs.

You think I am celebrating that?
The tax cuts should have been paired with spending cuts. Agree. Anything else?
It’s one quarter
I expect a thread about the next one if it’s 3-4% from you or an admission you’re just an angry little man
Trillion dollar deficits in a good economy is fucking stupid. Now Dum Dum is cutting rates to gig the economy for his re election. The problem is when the economy falls because it always does Deficit Donny has left us nothing to help the American citizens when the economy turns.
So once again Trump has put himself above the country.
The tax cuts should have been paired with spending cuts. Agree. Anything else?
We shouldn't have cut taxes before we shored up funding for programs millions of Americans rely on to survive.
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It’s one quarter
I expect a thread about the next one if it’s 3-4% from you or an admission you’re just an angry little man

It's actually like the 5 or 6 quarters since the tax cuts that growth has been well below promises..
It’s one quarter
I expect a thread about the next one if it’s 3-4% from you or an admission you’re just an angry little man

This also seems to be tough for someone like you to understand, this was the second quarter in a row like that.

You would have needed to read the second sentence of the OP to know that though, and we all know you didnt. You read a headline criticizing your dear leader, and jumper to his defense with absolutely no knowledge of anything.
Any insight, or just deflections?
Do you have any insight?

I think it's good to point this out, regardless of political affiliation. Holding politicians accountable for their words and promises is important to democracy.