Trump Ukraine V 13 -Impeachment Hearing

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Wow, you guys are so low iq it’s not even funny. She testified to the facts as she knew them. Mark Meadows knows this but I’m afraid you don’t. Do you realize you can be a witness even if you don’t have first hand knowledge of something? How stupid are you, really? Is this a Schtick or are you actually serious?

If I’m at work and I’m fired for no reason at all does it matter I’ve never met the CEO? Does it matter that I never met the HR person who fired me? Jesus you guys seriously are so low iq it’s astounding

Remember when trump said he had never heard of either of these guys!?? I guess that little talk to rudy mention makes more sense now

At this point not even a smoking gun will convince Republicans. They feel giving in at this point will signal someone beat them and at this point country means nothing until there is A Dem President and then these PINO will come back with a vengeance.
Jesus, now he's threatening longtime, faithful American civil servants in the middle of their depositions?

Repugnant, but more significantly, another potential article of impeachment. This man's lack of a formal education in law or civics will be the end of him. He's his own worst enemy. Tweet addict. The GOP will be the Hindenburg by the time he's done piloting.


The Titanic has already hit the iceberg and no one will tell the captain because they're afraid that he'll tweet at them.
I hope fathers/mothers who support Trump realize what they are teaching their sons and daughters? That lying is ok and if caught never under any circumstance admit it and better yet do everything in your power to destroy the person who told on you.

And people wonder why we have a problem with gun violence at school.

The Titanic has already hit the iceberg and no one will tell the captain because they're afraid that he'll tweet at them.

Pretty much this. Job before country. If anything had any doubts before that politician couldn’t be bought, Trump is sure disproving that notion.
I hope fathers/mothers who support Trump realize what they are teaching their sons and daughters? That lying is ok and if caught never under any circumstance admit it and better yet do everything in your power to destroy the person who told on you.

And people wonder why we have a problem with gun violence at school.
Gave you the like but disagree it's affecting gun violence. The President should be a role model though and Trump is the last person I would want any children patterning themselves after.
Obama ambassador killed
Trump ambassador fired.
What set off democrats more?
I thought Clinton killed the ambassador? Can you guys make up your minds? I know flip flopping is the new truth but ya simple minded people are getting confused.
Well let's see if the other aides that were supposed to have been there corroborate they also heard Trump. Even then Sondland might deny it and even though it would be 3-1 it would probably insulate Trump. I don't know that a rich guy like Sondland would be willing to risk going to jail though if somehow a recording of the conversation or something solid turned up.
While Trump seems to get all the benefit of even the most minuscule doubt, we see time and again those around him do not when it comes to lying.

Congress needs to get Sondland in the chair again with him knowing they have subpoena'd the other two aides to testify after him. Let him know that everything he claims potentially again be called out as a lie after as happened to him the last time he had a sudden memory lapse he had to correct.

The power is in Sondland NOT knowing what they will say after him and thus not been only able to admit to what is known or said specifically.
Gave you the like but disagree it's affecting gun violence. The President should be a role model though and Trump is the last person I would want any children patterning themselves after.

The gun violence was more for the outrage.
While Trump seems to get all the benefit of even the most minuscule doubt, we see time and again those around him do not when it comes to lying.

Congress needs to get Sondland in the chair again with him knowing they have subpoena'd the other two aides to testify after him. Let him know that everything he claims potentially again be called out as a lie after as happened to him the last time he had a sudden memory lapse he had to correct.

The power is in Sondland NOT knowing what they will say after him and thus not been only able to admit to what is known or said specifically.

I agree. The guy is in a pickle at this point. He’s a neophyte and doesn’t know what he’s doing at this point. Having people behind him with direct knowledge will only secure you are getting the truth.
If you take anything away from these hearings it’s that Jim Jordan is a complete disaster and has no place in government.

Just like he turned a blind eye from his students being molested he’s turning a blind eye to the testimony given in these hearings.

Not caring about the safety of his student athletes was good prep for him turning a blind eye here.
Lol you dweebs.

I just think back to the mueller threads and chuckle.

please continue
And some how you think the Mueller report exonerated Trump? That’s what we find as funny.

lol mueller was so pissed he had nothing on trump he just made up something new in American law. Trying to smear him

if a prosecutor says that there is no evidence of collusion. That’s what it means

this, though.
This is it
Absolutely insane and irresponsible for anyone to do this over a cell phone!
During the lunch , Ambassador Sondland said that he was going to call President Trump to give him an update . Ambassador Sondland placed a call on his mobile phone, and heard him announce himself several times, along the lines of "Gordan Sondland holding for the President." It appeared that he was being transferred through several layers of switchboards and assistants . I then noticed Ambassador Sondland ' s demeanor change , and understood that he had been connected to President Trump .
I thought Clinton killed the ambassador? Can you guys make up your minds? I know flip flopping is the new truth but ya simple minded people are getting confused.

Nah, it was both at the same time. It kinda went down like this:

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