IMHO when Tony shook his head like that it meant he was done


Purple Belt
Oct 12, 2014
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I mean he was basically saying no no and kinda running away. He was shocked and felt he was completely done, or else why would you behave like that? that was basically a complete body language for "no, want no more of this".
Don't get me wrong, he's a warrior and almost died in there but he had no more fight in him when the fight was stopped
Gaethje took the fight in the third. I don't think Tony ever wanted out but those shots fucked him up
It was his robot body telling his heart that it won’t take anymore damage. Also who knows what that beating does to Tony in the long run...
It's crazy to see how Gaethje breaks people. He did it to Michael Johnson. He almost did it to Eddie Alvarez, who's one of the toughest men on the roster, and now he's done it to Tony Ferguson, another professional tough guy.

And then he KO's others who have much more credentialed striking and movement (Barboza, Cerrone), so he's obviously not someone to trade punches or kicks with. Unless you can out-grind him or beat him with crisp boxing, it's a long night.
Agreed, that was his "no mas" moment like Duran against Leonard.
It was like when Lawler broke Rorys nose. Tony got hit in the nose hard on that last punch and kinda did a little seizure. CTE tonight for sure
I think Tony was cooked and it was a decent stoppage. It was very much becoming a one sided beatdown rather than a fight, while Tony was showing injuries all over the place. The stoppage didn't change the outcome of the fight and saved Tony getting ko'd
Looked like a physiological reaction after taking a ton of shots as opposed to Tony signaling he was done. His brain was getting scrambled and his body couldn’t hide it. Scary to see and I hope el cucuy doesn’t have lasting effects from that.
Looked to me that he was so rocked that he tried to shake it off and wake up from it, so to speak. Not really that he meant to say no more.
Absolutely. It was the second time that Ferg turned ran and ran from punches- not to catch his breath. He also didn't contest the finish straight off.

How Tony was still standing, I have no idea
Was a beat down

Would not be surprised if something was broke or shattered in his face. I am ok with the stoppage. I think that was his bodies way of saying " PLEASE STOP, Something doesn't feel right!". His body looked done. Crazy bastards heart was not though.

It was getting pretty nasty. Gaethje was hitting him so hard point blank in the face at will, I was worried he would either break both his hands or kill Tony. This was a royal ass whooping. After rewatching it, I think Tony knew he was done at that point to.
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It's crazy to see how Gaethje breaks people. He did it to Michael Johnson. He almost did it to Eddie Alvarez, who's one of the toughest men on the roster, and now he's done it to Tony Ferguson, another professional tough guy.

And then he KO's others who have much more credentialed striking and movement (Barboza, Cerrone), so he's obviously not someone to trade punches or kicks with. Unless you can out-grind him or beat him with crisp boxing, it's a long night.
He almost did it to Poirier too.
Tony quit. He'd had enough. I'm not criticising him for it, but that's what happened.
Was a beat down

Would not be surprised if something was broke or shattered in his face. I am ok with the stoppage. I think that was his bodies way of saying stop, Something just snapped. His body looked done. Crazy bastards heart was not though.
Looked like an old man there for the first time, sad that the T Ferg era is over
I don't think Tony quit
Up until the end he was still throwing decent volume and landing, still engaging and trying to win and if Herb didn't step in he probably would've kept fighting

He definitely got hurt in that exchange but Tony does weird shit like that after he gets tagged, something happened against Pettis - he just tries to get the fuck outta there
Looked more to me like he couldn’t really see/was trying to clear cobwebs. But yeah he was done. Good stoppage.
I think Tony is mentally too delusional to quit. It worked well in the past but not this time.